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Making-of: [...] 

123 kB

Topic shared - the lane is spare for actually Version.
The Rest is here: [...] 
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

new Version (2.0) upgeladen - digitale watch and automatischer Refresh get installed

123 kB

If I the Download-Button with the inscription Download betätige, sustain I The Message, that the Download-Link wrong is.

ex Page 2 in a Thread can then not any more simply Downloaded go, without The right File between whom others Files herausfitzeln To must.

One hochgeladenes Program can with the Button new Version in the Hochladeformular update, without a new Download anzulegen, means too without the the address changes.

can You, the not simply simply make ?
Schmeiss still whom whole middle-aged Thread out and lass it still so, that one The old File delete and the new file on its place position. i'm there yet never hintergestiegen, How the functions undd finally should indeed Normalos here runterladen can ;)

for any, The not get by: On of my HP standing always The latest Version as ZIP-File under the Button Download

this is not only simply simply, separate too from the logik since simply, and simply clicking must one too only instead of Upload on new version.

Please means simply testing To it works, z.B. in the Trashcan, and thereafter then properly into real Threads too hereon respect.

Additional Please a Admin to sense and object the Übung question, if itself this not erschliessen ought to.

On your HP änderst You indeed not constantly The Download-Adressen, because it Yes not absolutely makes sense.

Why should it means here sense make, for a and the same Program constantly The address To Change, with one small Update...

it bring me personally too little, here in the directory on the Server several zips or exen to have, The unnecessary are because tappt im dunkeln not any more verzweigt are. in example belässt You your older versions neither any on the Webspace and Gibts the newest File a new names.

simply instead of on Upload on new Version clicking, not time one Click More as normally.

only so can with the address too worked go, z.B. if from strangers Threads on your Program viewed becomes.

Horst horn
for any, The not get by: On of my HP standing always The latest Version as ZIP-File under the Button Download

here GEHTS circa you, and not about circa any others, and its neither nice of all others abzuverlagen, first on your Homepage to go, for a Program To loading, which You here veröffentlichst.

goes the again go !
this is MEIN Program what about me will be Yes well the program on MEINER HP to that Download offer can ! -
If you not fit, I here hereon attentive make, then streiche whom whole Thread and we
having silence !
in the meantime come You me really How Gottvater to !

PS: Quatsche now again not here, separate diskutiere with me over PM or Phone - so slow reicht it me namely too !
See Frank !
against your opinion: here's not the Mittelpunkt the Weltalls !

Horst horn
goes the again go !

I knows not, goes it because again go?

Horst horn
this is MEIN Program what about me will be Yes well the program on MEINER HP to that Download offer can ! -

who behauptet because, that the not so is?

Horst horn
If you not fit, I here hereon attentive make, then streiche whom whole Thread and we
having silence !

silence strive I do not on. If you silence anstrebst, Why then the Thread?

Horst horn
PS: Quatsche now again not here, separate diskutiere with me over PM or Phone

here's the right place for, have still quite no pleasure To telephone...

Horst horn
- so slow reicht it me namely too !

Yes hau still ex lol, whether you it reicht or not, if you here postest make You, the so, that we any of what having, or lass it simply.

Horst horn
See Frank !

Yes What is because with Frank? Dou you mean whom, the Hausverbot has? Willste too Hausverbot? here haste: Hausverbot for Horst horn from Heidelberg.

Horst horn
against your opinion: here's not the Mittelpunkt the Weltalls !

against your opinion bestimmst but not You, what universe and Mittelpunkt is.

what believes this human...

One simple: Ah, so GEHTS! had I as entsprechender felt. there You yourself but believe against anything wehren To must - means not correctly. klockerst - are You for me ne menace, means skiddoo and stops The Gusche...

I rege me anyway over D&B not any more on, and already not at all I will again lauter Postings for such Humans verfassen.

gives Yes yet others Admins, The react can.

jolly end, The The Mitgliederprunning desired, are The first The weg...

Horst horn
goes the again go !

and already again To end.

Thread moved there Verfasser on uneigene targets not reacted.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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