Keywords: Source

Control, Controls


One Control is a Child-Window the of Applications used becomes in link with others Windows or to interact with Users.

Controls go often used in dialog-Windows, but you can likewise in Windows uses go. Controls in dialog-Window support whom User with the Text-Input, with the Option-Choose and at initiate of activities.

Controls in others Windows afford different Services How z.B. the take a choice by the User, the standing of Zuständen or the standing and/ or Edit of Text.

Translated from MSDN  [...] 


Why becomes my appendix moreover deleted??
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Huh? I Have nothing purposely deleted and know now neither and so irgendwer... - vlt. have I from slip deleted in the Gefecht.

Dou you mean this:  [...]  ?

not The Keywords with the Explanations verstaben. xD

Ah - then Have I the velwechsert. but Why twice? into Topics becomes just Controls, Controls displayed. without irgendeine distinction.

I see straight:

I had inadvertently this Posting first as Guest posted. then wished I it delete, be on Edit gone - there was it but already with my Avatar slip. solid?
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

I work too strain yet dran but the a are The Explanations and Terms  [...]  and the others only Schlüsselwortelisten jeweiliger Forums to them (then) Sortiert go can.

with Explanations and Terms in the cover The Schlagworte enumerate for these Statement count should, means z.B. The OGL-Statement "OGL, OpenGL, OpenGL" - then can in Posts simply [ explain ] ogl [ / explain ] written and be it'll The suitable Statement displayed.

then Gibts but too The normalen Forums  [...]  and there are (to Time under) Keywords erstellbar - so can _dann z.B. any OGL-inquire showing or any "Zeitfunktionen" and sooner random have I with whom Schlüsselworten too same [ explain ] tested what certainly first of all something confused. ^^

here the Thread declared The words "Control" and "Controls" as Schlüsselworfe for Source-Forum and above could here against discusses go.

Zum Schlüsselwort

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Achim Engelhardt02/06/14
Julian Schmidt09/26/13


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