with move Objekt display again aale IPEDIT now in Actionwriter bearbeitbar Rechtsklick Menu extended circa:
[quote:f85183a1b1]Style Edit here can Standartobjekten a others Style zuordnen, because to the Style studio aufruft. ex Profanversion 6.6 because of Control and erweitertem Style! deference: Dupliziert one one Objekt, so won't the tuned worth, separate only one Standart Profan Objekt created. (in registrierter Version any, in unregistrierter only Text) action add it'll the Aktionwriter directly with the Parameter for actually Objekt called.[/quote:f85183a1b1]
Unterordner with *prf Save becomes prepares:
[quote:f85183a1b1]becomes now under Settings Unterordner create chosen and one one Window as *.prf abspeichert, so extract ROC any in the code vorhandenen externe Files a additional Unterordner with the Filenames without Extension. so must tappt im dunkeln only yet in the finished code any Paths to the File Remove. [/quote:f85183a1b1]