| |
H.Brill | Hi, what Perhaps not everyone white, is, that one with SQL or. SQLITE too IN-MMEORY - Databases produce can. it'll hold no DB on disk (volume) created, separate only memory. as Abfallprodukt can so too, if too only terminable (simple XML-Structures) XML-Files produce. here time one small example for SQLITE :
Set("SQLFile", "F:\Test.xml")
' :memory:
var fbDLL& = db("slUseDLL", "F:\sqlite3.dll")
declare hdb&// lever the data base
hdb& = db("slInit", ":memory:")
Set("SQLFile", "F:\customers.xml")
db("slExec", hdb&, "ATTACH DATABASE ':memory:' AS Kunden", 0)
db("slExec", hdb&, "CREATE TABLE customers( FIRST NAME CHAR(25),NAME CHAR(25),GEBDAT CHAR(10))", 0)
db("slExec", hdb&, "INSERT INTO customers (First name,name,Gebdat) VALUES ('Hugo','Maier','10.02.1955')", 0)
db("slExec", hdb&, "INSERT INTO customers (First name,name,Gebdat) VALUES ('Erika','Maierbär','26.11.2000')", 0)
db("slExec", hdb&, "SELECT * FROM Kunden", 0)
db("slExec", hdb&, "SELECT * FROM Kunden", 2)
db("slDone", hdb&)
Move("FileToList", "F:\customers.xml")
Listbox$("XML-Datei", 2)
Print "Done..."
Please on The Paths respect. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 04/12/23 ▲ |