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Okrea (OpenGL Objekt Kreator) picture... + Download

Version: 0.1.4

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around the Anfänge the XProfan10 with OpenGL something To complete have I a small XProfan-OpenGL-Objekt-Kreator program with the it possible is, Objects to WYSIWYG To design.

Okrea should it vereinfachen z.B. Tische, chairs, Autos or what-too-always To produce and allows einfachen export as XProfan-OGL-Source.

PS: Kreator writes one with k, Creator with C. Okrea means ObjectKreator, means with k.

I put too whom Source available so Perhaps the an or others further Features install can.

Okrea can also Scripts Save, as OKR-Files. These Files can here in the Community assembled go.

i'd me forward if there the an or others Objekt itself einfindet what about me can me too present the that Objects-create a crowd Fun bereitet.

If someone Okrea correct then would we here any over the Post the improved Version forward, because eigendlich have I Okrea only so dahingeschmiert I quick a editor needed.

to Info if who dran mitwörkeln would like: Wenn You a suggestion for Changes have: first here dispute, simply new Thread eröffnen. Wenn You a better procedure / row have: first here dispute, simply new Thread eröffnen. Egal which Changes since must: first here dispute, simply new Thread eröffnen. Bitte Postet always possible small Changes so The thing überschaubar remaining. together in a OSProgramm works is a art for itself - there must strikte regulate eingehalten go. simply so dahinprogrammieren isn't there. there must each small Änderung abgesprochen go. The Projektleader must then, for a new version, any Changes into Program einpflegen. I verpass the Okrea time NEN own SubForum - then does it everything rather. means: always first drüber talk, then SourceErgänzungsvorschläge make, then of Leader install let, then Gibts NEN new pkg. :blush:

1.827 kB4,99 €
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Bezeichnung:Okrea (OpenGL Objekt Kreator)
Kurzbeschreibung: Okrea should it vereinfachen z.B. Tische, chairs, Autos or what-too-always To produce and allows
24 kB

so - there the Source gänzlich unfit is for the mehere people on it rumwursteln, I will probably the subesquent versions too, but not solely, for benefit this to straighten up.

The 0.0.5 has now to the app.main a Reinitialisierung the OGLs inbegriffen around the 0.0.4it trouble the missing OGLs to Program Start To bypass.

for any time a Zwischenversion to that Reinschnuppern...

The option Textur in Texturenverzeichnis copy can with all Bildformaten bypass!

89 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: One OkreaLogo? with Okrea prepares... :P

I fummle strain NEN Update zurecht, Perhaps schaff ichs Yes yet b4 Roland its CD vollpresst, Perhaps gives it it Yes moreover - means OpenGL-Helper or so.

New Okrea V0.1.2

particularly interestingly now the small Objekterzeuger the one with z.B. something like employ can...

93 kB
70 kB

New Okrea V0.1.3 is out.

one has now one second Input - a manner Arbeitsplatte on the one self-contained works can circa it joining the scene hinzuzufügen.

likewise can now Includes building - simply The whole scene in a Include schupsen (as fertiges Bauteil) and inside the scene simply with Include Call. likewise can but too only The Arbeitsplatte to Include make and and and...

Source in the pkg include.

Hey very - if in a next Version The Rolandschen OGL-Sprites supported would could one even Bewegungsabläufe simulate? oO

Update on V0.1.4 - the export the scene to XProfanQuelltext works now wonderful - too with Textures.

a small bow in the reference the Anvisieren and Mark Objects which in Includes lying have I fixed.

Hehe class, no Error under Vista Home Premium...

have this program straight found.
Real crazy thing in link with Opengl.

I have me the 3d-freewareprogramm "anim8or" runtergeladen.
export The obj-datein and can The obj-Files import .
this "anim8or" is a simple and fixes Grafikprogramm for 3d.

becomes this Objekt Kreator yet weiterentwickelt for the stature "obj" or schaut one yet to another Grafikformat .
If one itself decided has, could itself Yes this Programmierteam on it make, it ready to develop with a export too to xpgl or now the Kreator whom Feinschliff give.

Perhaps ought to your time with Roland drüber talk, the this a good Ergänzug becomes Opengl on CD etc.

such a thing missing yet for heisse OpenGl-phase.

important is, a decision festzuklopfen for the To used Grafikformat.


Hello Peter, sorry - see your Posting now first. (omg)

though Okrea and his Source in the meantime long ago not any more on aktuellem stood are, so does it but well what it should. means me z.B. reicht it - can time fix one Tron-Bike or LKW or Szenario zurechtpinseln. ^^

The Source is too open and if time something interestingly enough is, it hinzuzufügen, then simply äussern.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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