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 Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | good afternoon,
i was since very langer Time on the Search after a Possibility, self PDF-Files produce to. and of course not, because one one the many Druckertreiber-Tools using, with them end simply a graphic herauskommt, separate so, that one really real PDF-Files with Textinhalt produce can, The then too durchsuchbar are.
thereby is me now a PureBasic-Library over the lane run, The very the can (PurePDF). she's of course quite old and created PDFs to the standard 1.5, means can z.B. no PDF/As produce, because it those not yet given. but otherwise remaining really no wish open.
The problem is only, that PureBasic-Libraries only very with the PureBasic-Version functions, for tappt im dunkeln made get. I had means a quite old Version install. so could I now but a Wrapper-DLL produce (what because of Freeware-status of PurePDF too goes). for these have I a XProfan-INC-File and a PH-File built, so one simply from XProfan out to Herzenslust PDF-Files with text, grafischen Elementen, Images and left produce can. moreover have I me The trouble made, a CHM-Helpfile To write, so really eachone so get by ought to.
before it suitable inquiries gives: I can on whom functions the DLL nothing Change, I The Sourcecodes to PureBasic-Library not have. its and remaining means so, what's it like. only if it Error into Profan-Files or of my Wrapper-DLL give ought to, can I on it something Change.
plenty Fun at try!
----- 12.03.2023: PDF-Builder 2 is ready. these one weiterentwickeltes proposition, the on the ursprünglichen PureBasic-Variante aufbaut. particularly are now ausfüllbare Formularfelder possible. PDF-Builder 2 is because of vielfältiger internal Changes unfortunately not entire abwärtskompatibel To PDF-Builder. If one Program with the first Variante runs and no Formularfelder needed go, is it therefore not necessary and not recommendable, on the new Version umzusteigen. The new DLL there now too as 64bit-Version. These is naturally not XProfan compatible, but for with others Programmiersprachen, The 64bit-code produce. -----
HINWEISE: - not working with XPSE, because therein yet no Singles famous are, The for DLL but needed go (Singles are 4-byte-"Floats") - sofern not JRPC3 using becomes, must The ph-File to the inc-File eingebunden go - Please not wonder: sowohl The ph-File as well as The inc-File having at the beginning integrally many Leerzeilen, I whom local have, that Scintilla within XProfEd then less often crashes, what moreover lead, that one nothing more change and particularly whom Source not Save can - the make I therefore always so (who wants, it can Leerzeilen naturally gladly delete) |
 | 169 kB | | Bezeichnung: | PDF-Builder | | Version: | 1.02 | | Kurzbeschreibung: | DLL to that produce of PDF-Files | | Hochgeladen: | 01/30/22 | | Downloadcounter: |  | | | Download | | | | 1.504 kB | | Bezeichnung: | PDF-Builder 2 | | Version: | 1.03 | | Kurzbeschreibung: | DLL to that produce of PDF-Files with Formularfeldern | | Hochgeladen: | 03/12/23 | | Downloadcounter: |  | | | Download |
| XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 01/30/22 ▲ |
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 Manfred Barei | Hura, so what have I already The whole Time sought "Eine Freeware PDF.DLL" but nothing found. will be I soon try sobalt I Time have.  |
| XProfan X2Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 | | 01/30/22 ▲ |
 Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | I have now ENUM from the PH-File removes, so too people without JRPC3 these directly use can. |
| XProfan X4XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 01/30/22 ▲ |
 Thomas Freier | mandatory I absolutely test times. having to years without printer only PDF-Files in the Schreibmaschinenstil hinbekommen. Reichte but. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 01/31/22 ▲ |
 Sven Bader | Vielen Thanks for these nice DLL!
In Web-Projekten have I often with the PDF-Generierung To do, under windows had against it always The Druckfunktion herhalten.
I had first Problems with the Help File (contents get not viewed), the have I so resolved:

and here the Beispielcode, whom Jens-Arne in Rolands Forum geposted has:
$H PDF-Builder.ph'must for reines Profan without JRPC3 first kommen; the was in the first attempt this Beitrages not yet so, sorry
$I PDF-Builder.inc
declare i%,AktSeite%
PROC PDF_HeaderProc
inc AktSeite%
PDF_SetFont("Times New Roman",~PDF_Font_Bold,16)
PDF_SetFont("Times New Roman",~PDF_Font_Bold,12)
PDF_Cell(60,7,"Straße, Hnr.",~PDF_Cell_Frame,~PDF_Cell_Ln_Right,~PDF_Align_Left,~PDF_Fill_Transparent)
PDF_Cell(0,7,"PLZ, Wohnort",~PDF_Cell_Frame,~PDF_Cell_Ln_LineFeed,~PDF_Align_Left,~PDF_Fill_Transparent)
PDF_SetFont("Times New Roman",0,12)
PDF_Text(185,285,"Seite "+@st$(AktSeite%))
PDF_SetFont("Times New Roman",0,12)
PDF_SetProcHeader(@procaddr("PDF_HeaderProc",0))'each Seitenumbruch should The HeaderProc called go
for i%,1,250
PDF_Cell(60,7,"Mustername "+@st$(i%),~PDF_Cell_Frame,~PDF_Cell_Ln_Right,~PDF_Align_Left,~PDF_Fill_Transparent)
PDF_Cell(60,7,"Musterstraße "+@st$(i%),~PDF_Cell_Frame,~PDF_Cell_Ln_Right,~PDF_Align_Left,~PDF_Fill_Transparent)
PDF_Cell(0,7,"12345 Musterstadt",~PDF_Cell_Frame,~PDF_Cell_Ln_LineFeed,~PDF_Align_Left,~PDF_Fill_Transparent)
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 Georg Teles | Nabend,
a super DLL many Thanks ! |
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 Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | there's a new Version, in the in the INC-File one bow fixed watts, the under designed Umständen to a "arithmetic overflow error" lead could. |
| XProfan X4XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 08/05/22 ▲ |
 Erasmus.Herold | Hallo zusammen.
Ist ja der Hammer. Danke!
Gruß Erasmus |
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 Normann Strübli | Hi, sometimes becomes one still Real yet surprised. cool - I will objectively again a proposition umsetzen can. Vielen Thanks. |
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 Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | now are The sporadischen Gleitkommaüberlauf-Error of XProfan in the INC-File for good eliminating. it dealt itself circa a Bug in XProfan X4 with the Übergabe of single-Values as Prozedurparameter. |
| XProfan X4XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 03/05/23 ▲ |
 Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | PDF-Builder 2 is ready. See Einführungstext integrally supra (new: Formularfelder and 64bit-Version). |
| XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 03/12/23 ▲ |
 Rainer Hoefs | Hi,
this is really a crazy Translation the PureBAsic-Lib, The so did i in PureBasic use.
though happens by me in the XProfan-Program something, what with PureBasic not happens:
If I The PDF-File from my Program out generiere and the suitable Proc over the MenueButton/Hotkey aufrufe becomes The Backgroundcolor the Mainwindow of hellem gray in white changed. After term the Proc becomes tappt im dunkeln neither More correctly. in hellem gray displayed.
be in the momentum completely ratlos where the happens and How I it Change can.
Help would super beautiful! thanks beforehand Rainer
have whom Error found, was somewhere in the code one CLS! the stammte yet from the Testprogramm-code. |
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 Jens-Arne Reumschüssel | PDF-Builder 2 V1.03 uploaded:
there's now with PDF_Create and PDF_AddPage two further optionale Parameter, with them one The Size the PDF-pages spare dial can. yet were only The gängigen Formate How z.B. DIN A4 possible. so can now z.B. a PDF-Page produce, The just as big is, How about one gescanntes photo.
The details stand in the Helpfile.
deference: who The DLL directly (means not The inc-File) using, must its code adjust! The both named functions having now two Parameter More. go these at Funktionsaufruf not on The DLL transfer, there a crash. in the inc-File is this automatically berücksichtigt; there can The new Parameter too omitted, so no Codeanpassung necessary is. |
| XProfan X4XProfan X4 * Prf2Cpp * XPSE * JRPC3 * Win11 Pro 64bit * PC i7-7700K@4,2GHz, 32 GB RAM PM: jreumsc@web.de | 11/21/24 ▲ |