offers and services


Services Specifically for Anwälte/ Juristen and its Mandanten

XProfan.Net bid IT-scientific Dienstleistungen of Specialists Specifically for Anwälte and its Mandanten.

there we as developer by a long shot More Opportunities own, The over The normalen technical Opportunities far out weg, are we regularly contact persons To all too apparently unlösbaren Problemen and we afford The suitable Solutions.

moreover heard z.B. our service for expression of WhatsApp- Konversationen/ Druckdienst of WhatsApp-Chats, the here gebucht go can:  [...] 

talk tappt im dunkeln us too on to the Topics Datensicherheit- and automatic Backups, digitales Dokumenten- Ablagesystem, Datenrettung, PC- Reparatur- & Beschleunigung/ rearmament as well as all others specific IT-Topics/ Problemen.

The IT-Systemvoraussetzungen for attorneys are often so high komplex How individually. therefore afford we personal Contact and come too directly To them into Kanzlei and consult tappt im dunkeln naturally already beforehand on the Phone.

next to our special Leistungen as developer, afford we naturally too reguläre Leistungen:

emergency- Contact.
Creation druckfähiger PDF-documents.
installation and Konfiguration of Hard- and software.
planning, Konzeption as well as The expansion and Migration their Netzwerkes.
Leistungen around networks, Mailserver, E-Mail-Archivierung, Datenrettung.
Cloud-Solutions, Internetpräsenz- maintenance, Überarbeitung, Hosting, Providerwechsel.
installation/ Konfiguration of Peripherie + maintenance & Fehlerbehebung in existing Systemen.

Anmerkungen zum Thema

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Georg Teles03/28/22


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