Source / code snippets

Api Combobox Icons Per


Source wurde am 15.07.2007 aus der MMJ-Quellcodesammlung (Dietmar Horn) in die Babyklappe auf XProfan.Com abgelegt:
ComboBox per API mit Icons
(C) 2007 Andreas Hötker
Declaring new functions for Profan² 6.6 through windows API
Def @InitCommonControlsEx(1) !COMCTL32,InitCommonControlsEx
DEF @ImageList_Create(5) !COMCTL32,ImageList_Create
DEF @ImageList_AddIcon(2) !COMCTL32,ImageList_AddIcon
DEF @ImageList_Destroy(1) !COMCTL32,ImageList_Destroy
DEF @GetModuleHandle(1) !KERNEL32,GetModuleHandleA
DEF @LoadIcon(2) ! USER32,LoadIconA
DEF @GetProcAddress(2) !KERNEL32,GetProcAddress
Declare INITC#,ComoBoxEx&,Imagelist&,Iconname#
Declare ExecuteHandle&,Hicon&,M_Present&
Declare Proc_Name#,MHandle&,M_NAME#
This peace of code is for looking, if icons can be placed in ComboBox.

If InitCommonControlsEx doesnt exist in the system-dll COMCTL32.DLL, there is displayed

    a normal combobox without icons

    Proc ComBoBoxInsertEx

        You can place other icons for selected items, but in the code it is not done (that why there are 3 icons)
        Parameters Inserttext$,CBHandle&,Icon1&,Icon2&,Icon3&
        DIM CBINSERT#,36
        DIM CBTEXT#,256
        Clear CBINSERT#
        String CBTEXT#,0=Inserttext$
        Long CBINSERT#,0=$1+$2+$4+$8
        Long CBINSERT#,4=-1
        Long CBINSERT#,8=CBTEXT#
        Long CBINSERT#,12=Icon1&
        Long CBINSERT#,16=Icon2&
        Long CBINSERT#,20=Icon3&
        Dispose CBINSERT#
        Dispose CBTEXT#


    DIM INITC#,8
    long INITC#,0=8
    long INITC#,4=$4000
    Windowstyle 31+512
    Windowtitle ComboboxEx
    Window 0,0-640,440
    DIM Iconname#,256
    Let Imagelist&=@ImageList_Create(16,16,$0001,3,3)create imagelist
    Let ExecuteHandle&=@GetModuleHandle(0)Handle of the Profan-exe
    String ICONNAME#,0=Weg
    Let Hicon&=@loadicon(Executehandle&,Iconname#)Get the handle of the icon weg
    @ImageList_AddIcon(Imagelist&,HIcon&)put the icon into the imagelist
    String ICONNAME#,0=Windows
    Let Hicon&=@loadicon(Executehandle&,Iconname#)Get the handle of the icon windows
    @ImageList_AddIcon(Imagelist&,HIcon&)put the icon into the imagelist
    String ICONNAME#,0=Editor
    Let Hicon&=@loadicon(Executehandle&,Iconname#)Get the handle of the icon editor
    @ImageList_AddIcon(Imagelist&,HIcon&)put the icon into the imagelist
    LET ComoBoxEx&=@Control(ComboBoxEx32,,$40000000+$10000000+$200000+$100000+2+$40,0,100,150,180,%HWND,2115,%HINSTANCE)
    dispose Iconname#
    ComBoBoxInsertEx Claudia,ComoBoxEx&,0,0,0put the item Claudia with the icon weg into the combobox
    ComBoBoxInsertEx Andreas,ComoBoxEx&,1,1,1put the item Andreas with the icon windows into the combobox
    ComBoBoxInsertEx Dennis,ComoBoxEx&,2,2,2put the item Dennis with the icon editor into the combobox

    While %Key<>2

        Drawtext 0,0,@Gettext$(ComoBoxEx&)+@Space$(255)


    href='./../../function-references/XProfan/dispose/'>Dispose INITC#

Zum Quelltext

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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