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 Michael Wodrich | here How promised The assembled Profan-Tokens.
I had me these File written, around the command and functions group to.
The Exceldatei has 3 tables. The first contains (almost) any Profan-Token. The second was for the create and take after the groups and the dritte spiegelt whom groups-construction on of my Homepage against.
These File is though not the Endprodukt. Also are not any Parameter indicated. I had so self first started, its but abzusehen, that me simply The Time missing.
who these package means use can.....go ahead.
I had incidentally not only with the Parameter-collect began, separate too with of/ one investigation, ex which Version The command introduced get.
Perhaps would like itself Yes here time someone activate... |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/08/04 ▲ |
 | Argh , plenty work!,- have You you there made!  is suuuperb the File! 
Vielen Thanks!!!,- iF  |
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 Heiko R. | With the whom versions is in each drop meaningfully - I denk there self mostly something To short-sighted because I in the rule The latest Version use 
Greeting HR |
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 Michael Wodrich | for User with Browser and VBScript have I here time a Variante gebastelt, where one into Tokens (Identifier) herumwühlen can.
apropos naturally one aktuellerer Identifier-Bestand as CSV-File.
for Rückmeldungen concerning the Versions-Info using Please the Programmer-Forum or whom Regulars table. thanks.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/19/05 ▲ |