there under windows2000/XP any Programs background weiterlaufen, is it here very simply the turn off of/ one application To prevent. under windows95/98/ME becomes The process the ongoing programs gestoppt, there Better get going already tougher. my first ideas: ...two programs to check on itself mutual, whether tappt im dunkeln yet carryed out go. unfortunately is Profan so slow, that it for geübte Tastaturprofies no trouble is, both programs abzuschalten. ...the Call the Taskmanagers through API prohibit. unfortunately chid some Netzwerkspiele whom Taskmanager again on, goes means neither. ...The application through undokumentierter API to the Taskmanager hide. is unfortunately neither the merchandise, because under designed Voraussetzungen is the application nevertheless visible.
On the simplest comes one naturally again not :roll: ! in the Idea, the it others too so goes How me, poste I that here time: CompileMarkSeparation