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Binäre has info



I had a externe USB3.0-Festplatte acquired with 1 TB, means 1 Terabyte. but how much byte are the now really really? Schlaue Kaufleute say naturally, the must Yes well very 1000 * 1000 * 1000 *1000 byte his, speak: 10^12 byte = byte. The rule says but, moreover müssten it already 2 ^40 = 1.099.511.627.776 byte his. the kümmert The Marketingabteilung but unfortunately little, and so go we circa 99.511.627.776 byte, the are 92.67 Gi (or 99.5 marketing-Gigabyte) behumpst. the old boy quarrel technician - Kaufleute hold, what should one there make ...

P.s.: some companies show at least with Kilobyte (künfitg: Kibi) one discover and calculate thereby with 1024 circa. with Megabyte (künftig Mebi) are the already less, with Gigabyte stay most at factor 1000. Tja...
Windowtitle "Binaervielfache to NIST/IEC 60027-2 Part 2 Amdm.2 [1999-01]"
Windowstyle 24:cls:showmax:font 2
declare BiFactor$,BiName$,BiBez$,BiLong$,BiExp$
BiFactor$=" 1 ,2^10,2^20,2^30,2^40,2^50,2^60"
BiExp$="0 ,10,20,30,40,50,60"
BiName$="    ,kibi,mebi,gibi,tebi,pebi,exbi"
BiBez$="  ,Ki,wen,Gi,Ti,Pi,Ei"
BiLong$=" ,kilobinary,megabinary,gigabinary,terabinary,petabinary,exabinary"'=(2^10)^6
cls:font 2
Print "\n for digitale tools should with logischen has info dekadische"
print " Zweierpotenzen (2^10 etc.) uses go. Anm: These rule becomes "
print " in the kaufmännischen practice unfortunately yet plenty To little mind!    "
print "\n  Langform       factor   Kurzname  Divisor  as amendment written:"

whileloop 7

    color 15,2+&Loop:locate 5+3*&loop,04:print " "+substr$(BiLong$,&Loop,",")+" ";
    color 15,2+&Loop:locate 5+3*&loop,18:print " "+substr$(BiFactor$,&Loop,",")+" ";
    color 15,2+&Loop:locate 5+3*&loop,27:print " "+substr$(BiName$,&Loop,",")+" ";
    color 15,2+&Loop:locate 5+3*&loop,37:print " "+stature$("1 / ################0",\
    2^val(substr$(BiExp$,&Loop,",")))+" ";
    color 15,2+&Loop:locate 5+3*&loop,62:print " "+substr$(BiBez$,&Loop,",")+" ";


XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Manfred Barei11/19/21
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