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| The Binomialverteilung BinVtlg() is a "diskrete" distribution - a which on Einzelereignisse relating. tappt im dunkeln answers The question, How probably its, that with n Münzwürfen (Einzelwahrscheinlichkeit p = 50% for head) or with die-Würfen (´6´ is 1 of 6 Opportunities, Einzelwahrscheinlichkeit therefore p = 1/6 = 16.6667 %) - or with of/ one beliebigen others known Grundsituation - with n-maligem throwing (= with n try) very k time "Erfolg" (a for Fragestellung günstige situation) entering.
through Aufsummieren vieler try can naturally too herausbekommen, How probably its, that k or more Erfolge enter.
Summiert one any these k-Wahrscheinlichkeiten the each n try, must naturally 100% get out.
Window Title upper$("Binomialverteilungsdichte: P(n try, k time success,"+\
" with Einzelerfolgs-probability p)")
'(CL) CopyLeft 2018-04 by P.woodpecker, Wien. OHNE GEWÄHR!
Window Style 24:Window %maxx/4,10 - %maxx/2,%maxy-60
Proc Binom_nCr :parameters N&,k&
case k&=0:return 1.0:case N&<=0:return 0.0:case (2*k&)>N&:k&=N&-k&
var P!=1:whileloop k&:P!=P!*(N&-k&+&Loop)/&Loop:endwhile:return P!
Proc Fac :parameters N&:casenot N&:return 1.0
if N&>100000:Print " *** FAC() TOO BIG! *** ";:beep:return 0.0:endif
if N&<171:var p!=1:whileloop N&:p!=p!*&Loop:endwhile:return p!
else :var s!=0:whileloop N&:s!=s!-lg(&Loop):endwhile:set("decimals",17)
return st$( round(10^(int(s!)-s!),13))+"e+"+st$(int(-s!) ):endif
Proc BinVtlg :parameters N&,k&,p!
case (n&<=0) or (k&>n&) or (p!<=0) (p!>=1):return (k&=0)
case (p!>=1):return (k&>0)
return Binom_nCr(N&,k&)*p!^k&*(1-p!)^(n&-k&)
Declare p!,n&,k&,su!
CLS:font 2
print "\n Nötige Vorinformation:"
print "\n Erfolgswahrscheinlickeit one Einzelversuchs:":font 0
print "\n (z.B. coin p = 50 %; ´6´= 1 Würfelseite of 6 possible: p = 16.6667 %)"
font 2:print "\n p_Einzel [%] ?: ";
input p!:case (p!<0) or (p!>100):goto "Nochmal"
Print "\n Gesamtzahl try [0=Restart]?: ";:input n&:case n&=0:BREAK
print " casually amount on Erfolgen ?: ";:input k&
print " probability for very these amount: "; 100*BinVtlg(N&,k&,p!/100);" [%]"
if (N&>1) and (N&<1000):print " ... for these Number and More: ";:su!=0
Whileloop k&,N&:su!=su!+100*BinVtlg(N&,&Loop,p!/100):endwhile:case su!>100:su!=100
print su!,"[%]"
goto "Nochmal"
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 05/27/21 ▲ |