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 CB | Hello
I wanted to in my Program gladly The ongoing Time in the Statusbar and I me To this object time into diversen Forums umgesehen, unfortunately but none Posting found, where the directly umgesetzt was. some Fundstücke were but well for my tack useable - my Thanks for done Vorarbeiten on Andreas Miethe, Rolf Koch and Co. Herausgekommen isn't only The Uhrzeit, separate too another small optische Spielerei with 2 LEDs in the Statuszeile. The Icons are - with few unverkennbaren Ausnahmen - selbstfabriziert, your must means quiet grab.
plenty Fun, Christian |
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- Page 5 - |
 | I Have The idea or. The Solution parat How You a designed part z.B. with the Thread.Pcu complement can - i'd you requests me tommorrow normal on it To remind because You here simply again your code postest - I now pennen go. 
salvo, iF  |
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 CB | Hi, iF
for the thread.pcu would I you requests, The .zipper, The I to a couple Meet here posted have, To use - the would a ideals Testdatei, mitsamt dazugehöriger dll. To MCI had I yet ne question: I find unfortunately nirgends a list the MCIErrors, The would for me but very useful. have You a idea, where I something like find could, unfortunately schweigt itself too The Profan-Help to from.
Sincerely, Christian |
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 Rolf Koch | in the attachment The Helpfile with many Multimediabefehlen, unfortunately without Übersichtsseite. but Perhaps is Yes the drin what You need. having The already forever on the disk, but yet never reingekuckt (is means yet ungebraucht and new ).
Rolf |
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 CB | thanks, Rolf! The File Although old, but really yet integrally jungfräulich - any letters shine yet entire To his!  MCI-Errcode-list have I of course not yet found, must me but first yet durchpflügen!
Your modified Avatar entnehme I, that our Userdaten to Änderung freigeworden are. almost a morsel of pity, that the altgewohnte and dekorative Zipfelmütze now to schnöden (beer-)bottle mutated is... 
Sincerely, Christian |
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 Rolf Koch | Hi Christian,
naja should Yes only one Übergangsbild his . whom Avatar have I übern Adminpanel arranged, because in the momentum does it offizielle Change so not yet.
Rolf |
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 CB | Hi, Rolf
Habs straight Pinned, wished there namely, How promised, my Systemdaten present.
to the MCI-Errors: so correctly. fündig be I not yet become, too in the MS knowledge base. The reason for my Search: I have me time To Versuchszwecken with the MCI-interface a CD-Player knitted (I know, of it Gibts each crowd finished). with MCI goes But evident not, a manner Playlist abzuspielen, means zB whom 1., 3. To 5. and 8. Track of/ one CD. now I thought on it, the over The zurückgegebenen MCIErrors To release. If Track 1 played is, should really one Event and so one MCIError zurückgegeben go, in this momentum could then The further Tracks 3 -5 played go etc. but without The detailed Kenntnis the MCIErrors is me not possible. time see..
Sincerely, Christian |
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 Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello people!
to Multimedia-Help: simply time this try: [Date] already the first Results should on ftp-Mirrors lead, of them is a new Doku runterladen can. there becomes then of course neither plenty More drinstehen as in Rolfs hlp, is something übersichtlicher configures.
HTH Pascal |
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 CB | Hello Pascal!
thanks for your hint - you have with beidem right had, too so be I armer goal just as wise as How before...
Sincerely, Christian |
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 Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hello Christian!
If I the right understood have, want You discern, when the actually Track at the end played watts, so You whom next started can?
there ought to it two Opportunities give: 1. You ask by Timer in regelmässigen intervals whom status the CD ex: CompileMarkSeparation 2. You prompted the drive, a Message on your Program To send, if the Track at the end is. moreover must You though for Play-commands The API-Variante of Profans mcisend$ use, because the lever your Mainwindow with transfer go must: CompileMarkSeparationwindow 20,20-400,400
def mciSendString(4) !"winmm","mciSendStringA"
LPCTSTR lpszCommand,
LPTSTR lpszReturnString,
UINT cchReturn,
HANDLE hwndCallback
declare Error#
dim Error#,255
print mcisend$("OPEN "+chr $(34)+"G:"+chr $(34)+" TYPE CDAUDIO ALIAS CD")
---drive G: is Audio-CD
print mcisend$("SET CD TIME FORMAT TMSF")
---any Zeitangaben in Track:mins:Sec:Frame (latter for video, means omit)
mciSendString("PLAY CD FROM 2:0:0 TO 2:0:20 NOTIFY",Error#,sizeof(Error#),%hwnd)
--Games first 20 Sec of Track 2 ; thereafter MM_MCINOTIFY on %Hwnd
print string $(Error#,0)--possible Fehlertext spend
usermessages 953--MM_MCINOTIFY
while 1
if %umessage=953
print "Track Ende"
print mcisend$("CLOSE CD")
HTH Pascal
BTW: Perhaps would have You for MCI-things a new Thread begin should?  |
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 CB | Hello Pascal, many Thanks for your hints, be dzt. something in haste, will be me the in silence on the evening durchlesen. Concerning new Thread - must you right give (How always ... ) If the CD-Player is done, place I it in a new Thread! Sincerely, Christian |
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 | [quote:c459a75ec4=Christian Bernfeld]...place I it in a new Thread! Sincerely, Christian[/quote:c459a75ec4] Perhaps can yes a Mod or Admin the Topic splitten.
salvo, iF |
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- Page 6 - |
 CB | Hi,
I had nothing against it, be Yes in the running the Time really of Topic abgewichen. the has simply therefore yield, that I with my demonstration-File for Blink-LEDs weiterexperimentiert have, circa me on MCI weiterzubilden - for me wars one kontinuierlicher Übergang... 2. Possibility: I werd me, what MCI angeht, here hold back and, if I whom CD-Player ready have or on one further trouble stoße, in a new Thread to put. there Gibts then sure again some interesting Diskussionsgrundlagen. pointed looks, has me Pascal a interessanten lane viewed, there yet what incorporate, where I already believed have, there is not...
@iF: are You Perhaps already dazugekommen with the thread.pcu? (Posting to a couple Meet)
Sincerely, Christian |
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