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Jörg Sellmeyer | Height(%hwnd) gives always the level the Haupfensters ex the Menüunterkannte until downstairs Fensterand from. If a Statusbar or Toolbar present are, becomes not berücksichtigt, sodaß always accounts go must, ex where/To where Controls staid go can. herewith can The net-Clientarea determined go, and the Höhe the Controls properly staid go: CompileMarkSeparation $H Windows.ph
Proc TrueHeight
Declare hdl1&,hdl2&,h1%,h2%,s$
hdl1& = ~ChildWindowFromPoint(%hwnd,1,1)
hdl2& = ~ChildWindowFromPoint(%hwnd,1,Height(%hwnd) - 1)
Case ClassOf(hdl1&) =ToolbarWindow32:h1% = Height(hdl1&)
Case ClassOf(hdl2&) =msctls_statusbar32:h2% = Height(hdl2&)
Return Height(%hwnd) - (h1% + h2%)
Proc TBHeight
Var hdl& = ~ChildWindowFromPoint(%hwnd,1,1)
Case Upper$(ClassOf(hdl&)) =FENSTER:hdl& = ~ChildWindowFromPoint(%hwnd,1,Height(%hwnd) - 1)
Case ClassOf(hdl&) =ToolbarWindow32:Return Height(hdl&)
Proc StBHeight
Var hdl& = ~ChildWindowFromPoint(%hwnd,1,Height(%hwnd) - 1)
Case Upper$(ClassOf(hdl&)) =FENSTER:hdl& = ~ChildWindowFromPoint(%hwnd,1,Height(%hwnd) - 1)
Case ClassOf(hdl&) =msctls_statusbar32:Return Height(hdl&)
Locate 10,1
Print TrueHeight(),Height(%Hwnd)
Var TB& = Create(ToolBar,%hwnd,0,0,1,1000,0)
Print TrueHeight(),Height(%Hwnd)
Var sb& = Create(StatusWindow,%hwnd,Test)
Print TrueHeight(),Height(%Hwnd)
Print TBHeight(),StBHeight()
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/28/07 ▲ |