Source / code snippets

Control Winamp


moin moin,
I work in the mom straight at a software for a multimedia pc and Have thereby lots of infos together get.
the pc has a fernsteuerung with trackball and a funk keyboard, both with multimedia funtionen but How normally only again bescheidene driver.
the trouble Have I with of/ one genialen software namens keybind of this hp resolved : [...] 
geniale thing ^^
but nu To winamp .
these things Have I from verscheidenen foren zusammengetragen and profane 5 adjusted :
first thing must winamp launched go, what sure too profane make let can.
joining must profane the lever of winamp having.
the goes but not over the normal findwindow, there it sometimes only the playlist-window finds. but the winapi has Yes everything wat one need wa ;)

Declare txt#,winamp&
Dim txt#,255
String txt#,0="Winamp v1.x"
Def FindWindowA(2) ! "user32","FindWindowA"
let winamp&=findwindowa(txt#,0)

circa now winamp To steer there 2 types, once with wm_command (273) and once with wm_user (1024).
with wm_command sähe the so from :


with wm_user so :


here a list the wm_command command in dec :
PreviousTrackButton = 40044
NextTrackButton = 40048
PlayButton = 40045
PauseUnpauseButton = 40046
StopButton = 40047
StopAfterCurrentTrack = 40147
FadeoutAndStop = 40157
FastForward5Seconds = 40148
FastRewind5Seconds = 40144
StartOfPlaylist = 40154
GoToEndOfPlaylist = 40158
OpenFileDialog = 40029
OpenUrlDialog = 40155
OpenFileInfoBox = 40188
SetTimeDisplayModeToElapsed = 40037
SetTimeDisplayModeToRemaining = 40038
TogglePreferencesScreen = 40012
OpenVisualizationOptions = 40190
OpenVisualizationPlugInOptions = 40191
ExecuteCurrentVisualizationPlugIn = 40192
ToggleAboutBox = 40041
ToggleTitleAutoscrolling = 40189
ToggleAlwaysOnTop = 40019
ToggleWindowshade = 40064
TogglePlaylistWindowshade = 40266
ToggleDoublesizeMode = 40165
ToggleEq = 40036
TogglePlaylistEditor = 40040
ToggleMainWindowVisible = 40258
ToggleMinibrowser = 40298
ToggleEasymove = 40186
RaiseVolumeBy1Perc = 40058
LowerVolumeBy1Perc = 40059
ToggleRepeat = 40022
ToggleShuffle = 40023
OpenJumpToTimeDialog = 40193
OpenJumpToFileDialog = 40194
OpenSkinSelector = 40219
ConfigureCurrentVisualizationPlugIn = 40221
ReloadTheCurrentSkin = 40291
CloseWinamp = 40001
MovesBack10TracksInPlaylist = 40197
ShowTheEditBookmarks = 40320
AddsCurrentTrackAsABookmark = 40321
PlayAudioCd = 40323
LoadAPresetFromEq = 40253
SaveAPresetToEqf = 40254
OpensLoadPresetsDialog = 40172
OpensAutoLoadPresetsDialog = 40173
LoadDefaultPreset = 40174
OpensSavePresetDialog = 40175
OpensAutoLoadSavePreset = 40176
OpensDeletePresetDialog = 40178
OpensDeleteAnAutoLoadPresetDialog = 40180

and here The list the wm_user command, where for command without parameter
a 0 inserted go ought to :
0       Reading the Winampversion - so can one well check, that Winamp runs
100     launch The rendition. Ähnlich How "Play" but not the same
101     Playlist delete
102     selected Track Play
103     Winamp to that directory C:Download change
104     Abspielstatus. with rendition becomes 1 zurückgegeben, with interval 3.
otherwise is The rendition gestoppt.
105     with Parameter 0 becomes The Wiedergabeposition in ms zurückgegeben, with Parameter 1
The actually Track-length in sec. with none rendition or one Error
becomes -1 zurückgegeben.
106     jumping to in the Parameter in ms angegebenen Trackposition
120     writes The actually Playlist in that Winampverzeichnis (winamp.m3u)
and gives The actually Playlistposition back
121     jumping to that in the Parameter angegebenen Track. begins with 0, Parameter=Tracknr-1 calls
means whom korrekten Track on
122     with the Parameter can one The Volume of 0-255 take on. uses one as
Parameter -666 becomes The currently tuned Volume zurückgegeben.
123     with the Parameter can one The Balance of 0 (left) To 255 (right) prompt
124     gives amount the Tracks in the actually Playlist from
125     gives The currently abgespielte Tracknummer the Playlist from (ex Winamp 2.05).
126     gives with Parameter 0 The Samplerate, with 1 The Bitrate and with 2
The amount the Channel back (ex Winamp 2.0.5).
127     reads The Equalizer-Settings from. Parameter 0-9 gives The attitude the
Kanäle of 1-10 back (0-63, +20db - -20db). Parameter 10 gives The
Vorverstärker-attitude back (0-63, +20db - -20db), Parameter 11 gives 0 back,
if the Equalizer deaktiviert is - otherwise mismatched 0.
128     Autoload. with 0 = disabled, mismatched 0 = enabled.
129     Fügt The selected File the Winamp Bookmarkliste hinzu
135     launch Winamp new

moreover same one example How I The actually File, The winamp straight abspielt, herrausbekomme:
declare winamp&,ok%,a%,txt#,a$,st%
dim txt#,255
string txt#,0="Winamp v1.x"
Def findwindowa(2) ! "user32","FindWindowA"
let winamp&=findwindowa(txt#,0)
dispose txt#
let a%=@sendmessage(winamp&,1024,0,120)
assign #1,"G:AnwendungWinampWINAMP.m3u" these indicated must naturally adjusted go
reset #1

whilenot ok%

    input #1,a$

    ifnot equ$(mid$(a$,1,1),"#")

        inc st%

        if gt(st%,a%)

            let ok%=1




close #1

so I hope that some so what begin can and one fat thanks all in this forum and the profane.de forum, The me with this things helped having,
means To denne wa ;)

Wow! Very nice thing!


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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