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 | hPic in rectangle fitting
hPic Thumb CreateThumb ThumbNail fitting CompileMarkSeparation
hPic.createThumb(long hPic,hpic.xx,hpic.yy,thumb.xx,thumb.yy,col.bg) {
long hPic.thumb=create("hNewPic",thumb.xx,thumb.yy,col.bg)
float hPic.f=hPic.xx/hPic.yy,f=thumb.xx/hpic.xx
case hPic.yy*f>thumb.yy : f=thumb.yy/hpic.yy
startPaint hpic.thumb
drawSizedPic hpic,(thumb.xx-hPic.xx*f)*0.5,(thumb.yy-hPic.yy*f)*0.5 - hPic.xx*f,hPic.yy*f;0
return hPic.thumb
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 E.T. | Öhm, circa Why not simply one Create("hSizedPic,...  |
| XProfan X2Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 07/10/12 ▲ |
 | hPic.createThumb fit in the Contrast To create.hSizedPic The Size the
target-hPics not on The Ausmasse the proportional skalierten Bildes on separate
fit the image proportional skaliert Centered into target-hPic with the as Parameter
angegebenen Thumb-sizes one and so thereafter one Thumb with z.B. whom Ausmassen
100x100 too 100x100 big is even if the Image itself go ahead 50x100 skalieren let.
with create.hSizedPic would the target-hPic then however 50x100 Pixel big. |
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