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 | programs directory detect CompileMarkSeparation
getdir.programs{//Gibt als String den Pfad des Programmverzeichnisses des Users wieder.
string s=space$(999)// oder max_path = 260
bool r=external("Shell32","SHGetSpecialFolderPathA",0,ADDR(s),38,0)
return if(s=="", readini$("HKEY_2","SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", "ProgramFilesDir"),if(r==true,trim$(s)+"\\",""))
} >
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 Julian Schmidt | working!
with reinen XProfan CompileMarkSeparationCLS
print getprogramsdir()
Proc getprogramsdir
Var s$=space$(999)
Var r&=external("Shell32","SHGetSpecialFolderPathA",0,ADDR(s$),38,0)
return if(s$="", readini$("HKEY_2","SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion", "ProgramFilesDir"),if(r&=1,trim$(s$)+"\\",""))
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 | If you something like interested... having to langer Time time ne Unit manufactured: [...]  circa Dateihandles and C-Style-Dateifunktionsnamen for XProfan herzubilden as it with reinem XProfan yet no dynamic Dateihandles given. |
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