| Differentialgleichungen 2. or. n.ter Order solve ===================================== the take action, with the full cover "Newton-Størmer-Verlet leapfrog method" means, finds itself in almost all Physics- and Game-Engines to Berechnung the Newtonschen Bewegungsgesetze. with others Worten: everything what explode and then runterfällt is with this deutlichen, but still not To zeitintensiven improvement the simplest all suitable Algorithms (Explizites Euler-take action) accounts. the nachstehende Program allows a judgement the Realitätsnähe, because too The analytisch-exakte Solution the task famous is. Fünfstellige accuracy reicht there well.
it deals itself circa a Rückübersetzung of Fortran-90 to XProfan-11, with all Tücken, therefore: REINE DEMO OHNE JEDWEDE GEWÄHR!
Window Title "Anfangswertproblem of/ one Differentalgleichung 2. Order solve to Størmer-Verlet"
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' from Fortran90 to XProfan-11 Translated 2014-08 of P. woodpecker, Wien (Österreich)
' No however geartete Gewähr! usage on alleinige menace de(s|r) users(s|in)!
' fountain: https://jean-pierre.moreau.pagesperso-orange.fr/Cplus/stormer.txt
'* Differential equation y"=f(x,y,y') by Størmer's method *
' (erweiterbar on allg. Verlet type, z.B. y'''[...]=f(x,y,y',y''[,y''',...])
'* --------------------------------------------------------- *
'* resolve y" = 8*y*y / (1+2*x) from x=0 to x=1 *
proc G :parameters x!,y!,z!'= x, y, y'
return 8*sqr(y!)/(1+2*x!)
proc F :parameters x!,y!,z!'= x, y, y'
return z!
'* with initial conditions: x(0)=0, y(0)=1 and y'(0)=-2 *
Declare x![4],y![4],z![4],h!' Initial conditions:
x![1]= 0
y![1]= 1
z![1]=-2' dy/dt
h!=0.01' Step
'* Compare to exact solution y = 1/(1+2*x) *
Proc Fx :parameters x!' Exact Solution:
return 1/(1+2*x!)
'* --------------------------------------------------------- *
'* Differential equation y"=f(x,y,y') by Stormer's method *
'* --------------------------------------------------------- *
'* X Y Y exact Error *
'* 0.000 1.000000 1.000000 0.0000000000 *
'* 0.010 0.980392 0.980392 0.0000000001 *
'* 0.020 0.961538 0.961538 0.0000000295 *
'* 0.030 0.943396 0.943396 0.0000000457 *
'* 0.040 0.925926 0.925926 0.0000000974 *
'* 0.050 0.909091 0.909091 0.0000001285 *
'* ... ... ... ... *
'* 0.950 0.344866 0.344828 0.0000381695 *
'* 0.960 0.342505 0.342466 0.0000388874 *
'* 0.970 0.340176 0.340136 0.0000396196 *
'* 0.980 0.337878 0.337838 0.0000403406 *
'* 0.990 0.335612 0.335570 0.0000410721 *
'* 1.000 0.333375 0.333333 0.0000418231 *
'* *
'* F90 Release By J-P Moreau, Paris (www.jpmoreau.fr). *
Window Style 24:font 2:set("decimals",16):Window 0,0-%maxx,%maxy-40
Declare c![4],a1!,a2!,a3!,yex!,k&,it! , x1!,y1!,z1!
a1!= 1.083333333333333333 : a2!=-2*(a1!-1) : a3!= a1!-1
print "\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
print " Differentialgleichung y''=f(x,y,y') with Störmer's method solve "
print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
print " X Y Y exact Error\n"
putclip " X | Y | Y_exact | Error \n"
yex!=Fx(x![1]):print tab(2);x![1],tab(22);y![1],tab(42);yex!,tab(62);er!
putclip st$(x![1])+"|"+st$(y![1])+"|"+st$(yex!)+"|"+st$(it!)+"\n"
' Runge-Kutta for ridge 2 steps:
whileloop 1,2:k&=&Loop
RK4D2 x![k&],y![k&],z![k&],h!
print tab(2);x![k&+1],tab(22);y![k&+1],tab(42);yex!,tab(62);er!
putclip st$(x![k&+1])+"|"+st$(y![k&+1])+"|"+st$(yex!)+"|"+st$(it!)+"\n"
REPEAT'Main loop G10:
whileloop 2,4:k&=&Loop
c![k&]=G( x![5-k&],y![5-k&],z![5-k&] )
print tab(2);x![4],tab(22);y![4],tab(42);yex!,tab(62);er!
putclip st$(x![4])+"|"+st$(y![4])+"|"+st$(yex!)+"|"+st$(it!)+"\n"
Whileloop 1,3:k&=&Loop'for next step umkopieren:
if %csrlin>40:waitinput 4000:cls
print "\n X Y Y-exakt Error\n"
UNTIL x![3]>1'end x value = 1
print "\n EOF"
Print " Resultate in Clipboard!"
PROC RK4D2 :parameters x!,y!,z!,h!',x1!,y1!,z1!
declare c1!,d1!,c2!,d2!,c3!,d3!,c4!,d4!
c2!=F(x!+h!/2, y!+h!/2*c1!, z!+h!/2*d1!)
d2!=G(x!+h!/2, y!+h!/2*c1!, z!+h!/2*d1!)
c3!=F(x!+h!/2, y!+h!/2*c2!, z!+h!/2*d2!)
d3!=G(x!+h!/2, y!+h!/2*c2!, z!+h!/2*d2!)
c4!=F(x!+h!, y!+h!*c3!, z!+h!*d3! )
d4!=G(x!+h!, y!+h!*c3!, z!+h!*d3! )
' Stormer, aka Newton-Størmer-Verlet leapfrog method
' =============================================================================================
' Namensgebung: The Algorithmus self goes back on Delambre (1791), oftmals wiederentdeckt,
' u.a. 1907 through Carl Størmer, 1909 through Cowell and Cromlin, 1967 populär through Loup Verlet.
' correct The explizite Euler-method without too high additional expenditure. often in Physics-Engines
' to find. details see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Verlet_integration
' =============================================================================================
' method STORMER (aka Newton-Störmer-Verlet-leapfrog method):
' resolve Y"=f(x,y,y') with given Anfangsbedingungen
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' an Differentialgleichung 2. Order (Y") can supplant go through one
' Differentialgleichungs-SYSTEM bestehend from 2 Gleichungen 1. Order!
' If means y"=f(x,y,y') given is with y(a=Anfang) and y'(a=Anfang), then can
' these Formel through Substitution u = y' transform To:
' | u'=f(x,y,u)
' | y'=u
' | with the new Anfangsbedingungen y(a), u(a)
' begin we The Betrachtung with jener special shape the Taylor-development,
' with the the remainder as Integral displayed becomes (Wiki: Taylorentwicklung)
' x+h
' y(x+h) = y(x) + h * y'(x) + INTEGRAL (x+h-t)*y"(t).dt
' x
' through Verbringung the Nichtintegral-Terme on The left Page and Aufspaltung
' the 'Restfehler-Integrals' in two pieces it can shape too following-
' maßen displayed go:
' x+h x-h
' y(x+h) - 2y(x) + y(x-h) = INTEGRAL ... + INTEGRAL ...
' x x
' for the second Integral becomes The Variable x now substituiert through: u = 2*x-t
' then counts on reason the Kettenregel:
' x-h x+h
' INTEGRAL (x-h-t) * y"(t).dt = - INTEGRAL (x+h-u)*y"(u).You
' x x
' and the Ableitung .You back-substituiert (To .-dt) supply then:
' x+h
' du=-dt ==> = INTEGRAL (x+h-t)*y"(2x-t).dt
' x
' accordingly can write: x+h
' y(x+h) - 2*y(x) + y(x-h) = INTEGRAL (x+h-t)*[y"(t)+y"(2x-t)].dt
' x
' now use we under Info, that Yes y"(x)=f(x,y,y') counts, subesquent expression
' as Interpolationspolynom:
' x_n+1
' y_n+1 - y_n + y_n-1 = INTEGRAL (x_n+1 - t)*[P(t)+P(2*x_n - 1)].dt = ...
' x_n
' x_n+1
' ...= h^2*INTEGRAL (x_n+1 -t)*[O_00*Div(f_n)+O_11*Div(f_n)+O_22*Div(f_n)].dt ,
' x_n
' 1 |(-s) (m)|
' where O_mm = -1^m * INTEGRAL (1-s)*| + | .ds
' 0 |( m) (s)|
' (vgl. too 'Adams-Bashford-method')
' latter bring us finally To STORMER's Formeln:
' ==================================================================================
' Explizit words: y_n+1 -2*y_n + y_n-1 = h^2/12 * [13 * f_n - 2*f_n-1 + f_n-2]
' the interessierende y_n+1 = h^2/12 * [13 * f_n - 2*f_n-1 + f_n-2]+ 2*y_n - y_n-1
' (f_n+1 must not famous his: Prognoserechnung with currently ergänzten Zeitreihen)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' or implizit: y_n+1 -2*y_n + y_n-1 = h^2/12 * [f_n+1 + 10 * f_n + f_n-1 ]