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 | Listet available Types of/ one type and gives these as String back - can z.B. too used to be To Verify, whether a type installs is. (checkFont("arial")="") = no "arial" installs.
print checkFont("Arial")
proc checkFont
parameters fnt$
var l&=create("list",0)
whileLoop 0,getCount(l&)-1
return fnt$
proc checkFont.EnumProc
parameters lpelf&,lpntm&,ft&,l&
var tmps$=string$(lpelf&,28)+"
case selectString(l&,-1,tmps$)+1 : return 0
return 1
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 Frank Abbing | The interne Listboxliste is still optimal for such things suitable. Why hereon dispense. The Callback-method bid the to no advantages. |
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 | I wanted to not believe (Have therefore again nachgefragt), that You thereby really no advantages see and rather The interne LB "verbrätst". game but no role, wers custom Better get going find. |
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 Frank Abbing | on which advantages think You? |
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 Frank Abbing | Gibts no?  |
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 | well for you first nächstes christmas, this gibtsn pkg with notwendiger imagination.  |
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 Frank Abbing | Sag still simply: me entrapments no advantages one.  |
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 | OK, then say I simply: me entrapments no advantages one. 
truth is it Yes nevertheless not, alike whether Dus listen want. 
I meant before already: "wers custom Better get going finden", vlt. would have You it simply thereby leave should.
Mach You first ne function draus, can still otherwise so none vergleichen. Perhaps. see You then too whom "Unterschied". ^^ |
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 Frank Abbing | I teste something like in the ongoing Program(proposition) and entscheide then for me. The decision fell not for EnumFontFamilies from. If you disturbing, that someone one of you verpönte method using, then try it To convincing or erwähne it even none first. be too sure, that Roland ditto EnumFonts(Families) for its AddFonts using. Why ought to I it means not immediate nativ using? |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | Boh ey - your can one Real on the biscuit weg. Why power your not rather on XIDE moreover? |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 12/24/09 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | it fails on the compatibility.  |
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