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Events Timing Zeitstrang

Hello Friends the Goto, SubProc and AddStrings,

today would like I a integrally particular and yet from the Geheimmafia zurückbehaltenen hint for Use with Zeitsträngen give: The list the Calendar.

snap one itself a list (h=create("List",0)) - so has one too without z.B. day 1-7 new To invent - a Zeitstrang which a) awfully simply abzufragen b) awfully zügig To question c) awfully simply To bescheiben is.

so sees one Stromsparkalender from:

12345678; Murmeln roll out
12346678; privatgeheime data collect
12347678; Murmeln reel in
12348678; computer destroy

The Mathemat becomes immediate discern, in the linksten slot the list stand numbers. are these numbers sooner not random as z.B. getTickCount+BeliebigeZeitAbJetzt - then can anytime in the program simply by getString$(h,0) from the first row the list entnehmen, what as nächstes ansteht and particularly: whether now already getTickCount greater is So the/one Event already carryed out/removes go must. accordingly can too Events simply verwerfen, z.B. if The Diff. zw. Kalendereintrag and GetTickCount "zu gross" is.

anyway is these Herangehensweise quite XProfan-Optimal and suitable z.B. too for Echtzeit-Applications in them it of benefit is, quick and zügig "With 1 Zeile" a Eventplan To question.

so can z.B. too for a dynamic Handlungsstrang simply (new) Events with/through Events add.

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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