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Heinz Bernhard | a friendly Greeting into Profaner-round!
I had to several weeks already times the same inquire set, have but unfortunately no response found. Perhaps have so did i something wrong made. my selected Help!!! my Sorgenkind: copy of Folders with Subfolders and Files, with Überschreiben one evtl. already present gleichnamigen Folder.
have of Andreas Miethe of 1998 One simple Backup-Program found. it disturbing me the manuelle close the Fensters.
appeal for XCOPY32 a Verzeichnisstruktur anzulegen: commands$=xcopy32.exe ;quelle$; ;ziel$; /T /E
XCOPY32 places a Verzeichnisstruktur on: Winexecwait(commands$,1)
hereon appear The Dateiliste: exits-XCopie32. tappt im dunkeln must on the Schliesskreuz closed go. can a Schliessung with command access go? with DestroyWindow() and the lever goes it not at me.
or, there einfachere Solutions - I have XProfan 9.0? for the indicated the command would I very grateful ! beforehand already my cordial Thanks, for eure endeavours. Heinz Bernhard |
| XProfan-Version 10+11 Betriebssystem Win7 | 09/08/06 ▲ |
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| Perhaps. wg. Inkompatiblität the Api To Your (middle-aged?) OS? |
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| @Georg it must on Your system lying. because too with input one Ordner/Unterordner/Unterordner/Filenames becomes into wastebasket deleted. (with Rückfrage) Since I this code in of my Dateiverwaltung 2windows4you already since ...ME-times without Problems use, can it only in your Konfiguration or Your OS lying
PS: If the Ordner with its Subfolders and Files greater as capacity Your Papierkorbes is, becomes the Ordner with the kompletten Content immediate deleted ! |
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| Ah - you mean his wastebasket is möglicherweise with etwaigen Bananenschalen and ill riechenden Pizzaresten already occupied?
only sone idea. |
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| @iF with RECHTEM Click the wastebasket-Icon works one Menu on: here stand The properties the Papierkorbes - standard-attitude is here 10% the Plattengrösse. If now so some already in the wastebasket schlummert (Files and Ordner and NO Bananenschalen) is sometime the wastebasket fully ! (happens too in Berlin with whom public Abfallbehältern) - come now yet Ordner or Files hinzu, runs the wastebasket over and the arriving data go deleted ! - of my opinion after a Error in windows - one can but the capacity the Korbes vergrössern - see supra (right Click etc...) Capiste ? |
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| Horst
Capiste ?
Hm nö - erklär again. |
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@iF with RECHTEM Click the wastebasket-Icon works one Menu on: here stand The properties the Papierkorbes - standard-attitude is here 10% the Plattengrösse. If now so some already in the wastebasket schlummert (Files and Ordner and NO Bananenschalen) is sometime the wastebasket fully ! (happens too in Berlin with whom public Abfallbehältern) - come now yet Ordner or Files hinzu, runs the wastebasket over and the arriving data go deleted ! - of my opinion after a Error in windows - one can but the capacity the Korbes vergrössern - see supra (right Click etc...) Capiste ? |
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| Hm! I faith slow versteh ichs - but - hm ne still net. How means? |
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GDL | means the wastebasket is empty and the Testverzeichniss is solely ca. 100k fully. everything what with the WinExplorer or others Programs deleted go should becomes before correct ne Sicherheitsabfrage launched and beautiful tidy into wastebasket shoved.
The einzigste Difference at BS is the, that you XPhome what about me XPprof have.
Hello Georg |
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| Yes but now zeig still time exakt your Sourcecode Perhaps. stick the devil's in the detail. |
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GDL | I have on the code nothing made. I have simply this Codeteil testing like. CompileMarkSeparationDef @Shfileoperation(1) !SHELL32,SHFileOperationA
Proc Fileaction
Parameters Action$,File$,File2$,Noconfirm%,Norecycle%
Parameter 1: Auszuführende Aktion=COPY, DELETE, RENAME, MOVE
Parameter 2: Quelldatei
Parameter 3: Zielldatei
Parameter 4: 0 = User erst fragen, 1= ohne Nachfrage löschen
Parameter 5: 0 = In Papierkorb verschieben, 1= endgültig löschen
Declare Fof_flag%,Action&,Do%,Fehler&
Declare Opstruct#,File#,File2#
Let Do%=0
If @Upper$(Action$)=RENAME
Let Action&=4
Elseif @Upper$(Action$)=COPY
Let Action&=2
Elseif @Upper$(Action$)=MOVE
Let Action&=1
Elseif @Upper$(Action$)=DELETE
Let Action&=3
@Messagebox(Diese Funktion ist nicht bekannt!,Aktion wird nicht ausgeführt!,64)
Let Do%=1
If Do%=0
Case Noconfirm% : Let Noconfirm%=16
Casenot Norecycle% : Let Norecycle%=64
Let Fof_flag% = @Or(Noconfirm%,Norecycle%)
Dim Opstruct#,30
Dim File#,Add(Len(File$),2)
Dim File2#,Add(Len(File2$),2)
String File#,0=@Add$(File$,@Chr$(0))
String File2#,0=@Add$(File2$,@Chr$(0))
Long Opstruct#,0=%Hwnd Handle des aufrufenden Fensters
Long Opstruct#,4=Action&
Long Opstruct#,8=File# pfrom : hier der zu löschende Ordner
Long Opstruct#,12=File2# pto (muß 0 oder eine Bereichvar. mit Zieldateinamen z.B. bei Umbenennung sein
Word Opstruct#,16=Fof_flag%
Long Opstruct#,18=0 Hier steht nach dem Aufruf 1, wenn User abgebrochen hat
Long Opstruct#,22=0 Unbedingt immer auf Null setzen!
Long Opstruct#,26=0 Zeiger(Bereich) auf Überschrift des Fortschrittsdialogs
Let Fehler&=@Shfileoperation(Opstruct#)
If @Equ(@Long(Opstruct#,18),1)
@Messagebox(Die Dateioperation wurde abgebrochen!,Operation abgebrochen!,64)
Elseif @Neq(Fehler&,0)
@Messagebox(Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten,ShFileOperation +@Str$(Fehler&),16)
Dispose File#
Dispose File2#
Dispose Opstruct#
Fileaction DELETE,C: est,,0,0
otherwise nothing, wished only guggen whether I it may need.(can But a others reason eh not need).there it apparently only I do not goes, lassma the whole now.
Hello Georg
P.s. with copy works the 4. Parameter, here becomes nachgefragt whether with one already Existing Ordner or File überschrieben go should. means with Parameter 4 = 0. with Parameter 1 becomes without warning above copies. only at Delete becomes hold always ratzfatz for good take action. |
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| @Georg my code distinguish itself a little bit of code, whom you Andreas skillful has. of my desires only DREI Parameter - he's only for the Delete zuständig - Teste this code time |
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