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Fill out Binprint Include Starcalc Vorlagen

BinPrint - Include to that fill out of StarCalc-Vorlagen (OpenOffice & WordKompatibel)
the Runs so:

vorlage.sdc into Memory Load.
Speicherbereiche with translate replace.
session.id dateiname Generate (mostly date+time+netID+tickcount(alias rnd))
memory as session.id.sdc Save and openoffice indicate The File To print or only to that Show to open. (shellexec)

The principle is from of my experience bewehrt - I use it steady. The benefit is - one can complex Formulare develop and these automatisiert fill out let. with XProfan can accordingly too yummy Print.

salvo, iF



Hello, iF!

have me your INC respected. so far I the yet understood have, could the really the missing link for me his. I Have of course not yet everything integrally durchschaut (is for me another slightly so, as would You a Spanier a portuguese Text reading let), but it sound awfully very promising.

Nochmal slow to that Mitdenken: (yet apertured ask have I big markiert)
1.I create (with OO) a Presentation analog To of my Word-DOT, organisiert in the Prinzp like a form with Textfeldern (Placeholder - are The just as flexibly How Textfields ?)

2. to Laufzeit let I Profan on Base this Presentation in memory (means virtual) one document create, the sowohl on screen as well as on the printer outputted go can. How are with this method Special Formatierungen possible ? (big, italic, Schriftgrößen etc.) I put me the so similar to, How I here work, circa big To produce, means Beginning and end with a commands - I schreibs now aware wrong - How HTML {b}..{} To mark.

3. (How) can I the document Save, circa it later weiterverarbeiten to?

4. the everything could means completely in the background - without Zutun the Anwenders - run out!?

5. (row 101) is the really for i&:=25 downto 0 do begin
or missing there a Leerstelle? I kanns not yet try, on this PC missing me temporary yet the OO.

i know - ask over ask, but to my feeling are we the Solution very near!
Vielen Thanks anyway already times for your trouble!

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

[quote:c59668c048=Christian Bernfeld]Hello, iF!

1.I create (with OO) a Presentation analog To of my Word-DOT, organisiert in the Prinzp like a form with Textfeldern (Placeholder - are The just as flexibly How Textfields ?)[/quote:c59668c048]plenty plainer, You beget simply your Presentation and there where z.B. the name eingefügt go should write You

name: {NAME1234567890}

and the Binprint.repl supplant You simply {NAME1234567890} in name$. here becomes quasi only the pure Text ausgetauscht.[quote:c59668c048]2. to Laufzeit let I Profan on Base this Presentation in memory (means virtual) one document create, the sowohl on screen as well as on the printer outputted go can. How are with this method Special Formatierungen possible ? (big, italic, Schriftgrößen etc.) I put me the so similar to, How I here work, circa big To produce, means Beginning and end with a commands - I schreibs now aware wrong - How HTML {b}..{} To mark.[/quote:c59668c048]Ne so tricky is it still not at all - nevertheless erfüllt it any these Opportunities. You load still simply The Presentation into memory - thereafter go simply Teilbereiche supplant ({NAME1234567890}) and thereafter becomes the document again stored - however as new file (File namens session-id damits netzwerkfähig is and it no Überlappungen gives - and everything for later Abläufe nachvollziebar remaining)
These gespeicherte File then simply on oO to that Print or to that Show as Parameter transfer - this undertaking the ShellExec-commands already - must with the installation of oO only hereon geachtet go the StarCalc (*.sd*)-documents too with oO verknüpft go.[quote:c59668c048]3. (How) can I the document Save, circa it later weiterverarbeiten to?[/quote:c59668c048]now, stored Better get going Yes under the names the Session-ID - for later Nachvollziebarkeit (Anzeigbarkeit / Druckbarkeit) - however is the document not any more änderbar - as Rohling quasi versaut.[quote:c59668c048]4. the everything could means completely in the background - without Zutun the Anwenders - run out!?[/quote:c59668c048]Jepp. - one must from experience the oO only not Druckaufträgen beschießen - ca. 15 sec between whom Aufträgen ought to waited go - but faster is eh almost no printer.[quote:c59668c048]5. (row 101) is the really for i&:=25 downto 0 do begin
or missing there a Leerstelle? I kanns not yet try, on this PC missing me temporary yet the OO.[/quote:c59668c048]has nothing with oO To do - is XProfan - however in the XPSE stem - I work Yes with the XProfan-PreCompiler. with XPSE can this Base plainer Counting loop argumentieren. I can whom XPSE only recommend - Gibts here in the Community to that download - is freeware.[quote:c59668c048]i know - ask over ask, but to my feeling are we the Solution very near!
Vielen Thanks anyway already times for your trouble!

Christian[/quote:c59668c048]no trouble - I kanns only recommend.

salvo, iF

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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