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![p.specht: 12/05/20](.././../../i/a/3477.gif) p.specht
![DOKTOR XPROFAN EHRENHALBER](.././../../i/dr.gif) | as eingeschworener fan of PRINT and GOTO has one it nowadys not slight: the social Standing is to there! Tabellenausgaben for kaufmännnische tack can but with Font 1 & Co still on the fastest produce. time kills, sometimes. for tables ought to one then but at least reasonable Rahmensymbole use. enclosed The of XProfan 11 offered characters as half-way understandable macro. lo$ ... left supra, qu$ ... athwart under, etc.
declare lo$,ro$,lu$,ru$,hz$,vt$,qu$,qo$,vr$,vl$,kz$,bk$,bk2$
declare lo2$,ro2$,lu2$,ru2$,hz2$,vt2$,qu2$,qo2$,vr2$,vl2$,kz2$
lo$=chr $(218):ro$=chr $(191):lu$=chr $(192):ru$=chr $(217):hz$=chr $(196):vt$=chr $(179)
qu$=chr $(194):qo$=chr $(193):vr$=chr $(195):vl$=chr $(180):kz$=chr $(197):bk$=chr $(32)
lo2$=chr $(201):ro2$=chr $(187):lu2$=chr $(200):ru2$=chr $(188):hz2$=chr $(205):vt2$=chr $(186)
qu2$=chr $(203):qo2$=chr $(202):vr2$=chr $(204):vl2$=chr $(185):kz2$=chr $(206):bk2$=chr $(32)
font 1:print
print lo$; hz$;hz$; qu$; hz$;ro$
print vt$; "a";"b"; vt$; "c";vt$
print vr$; hz$;hz$; kz$; hz$;vl$
print vt$; "d";"e"; vt$; "f";vt$
print vt$; "g";"h"; vt$; "i";vt$
print lu$; hz$;hz$; qo$; hz$;ru$
font 1:print
print lo2$;hz2$;hz2$;qu2$;hz2$;ro2$
print vt2$;bk2$;bk2$;vt2$;bk2$;vt2$
print vr2$;hz2$;hz2$;kz2$;hz2$;vl2$
print vt2$;bk2$;bk2$;vt2$;bk2$;vt2$
print vt2$;bk2$;bk2$;vt2$;bk2$;vt2$
print lu2$;hz2$;hz2$;qo2$;hz2$;ru2$
font 1:print
print lo$; hz$;hz$; qu$; hz$;hz$; ro$
print vt$; "a";"b"; vt$; "c";"c"; vt$
print vt$; "a";"b"; vt$; "c";"c"; vt$
print vr$; hz$;hz$; kz$; hz$;hz$; vl$
print vt$; "d";"e"; vt$; "f";"c"; vt$
print vt$; "g";"h"; vt$; "i";"c"; vt$
print lu$; hz$;hz$; qo$; hz$;hz$; ru$
font 1:print
print lo$; hz$;hz$; qu$; hz$;hz$; ro$
print vt$; "/";"\"; vt$; "c";"c"; vt$
print vt$; "\";"/"; vt$; "c";"c"; vt$
print vr$; hz$;hz$; kz$; hz$;hz$; vl$
print vt$; "d";"e"; vt$; "f";"c"; vt$
print vt$; "g";"h"; vt$; "i";"c"; vt$
print lu$; hz$;hz$; qo$; hz$;hz$; ru$
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 12/05/20 ▲ |
![iF: 12/06/20](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | with "mir" Better get going not correctly. displayed, stimmts? ![](.././../../i/s/_n_52_52.gif)
![](https://xprofan.net/files/ecvco.png) |
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![E.T.: 12/06/20](.././../../i/a/1302115833493860557608e.png) E.T. | i think, so reserves his ![](.././../../i/s/_n_red_smile.gif)
@IF: I see {$cleq}, verhaut there XPSE something ??
![](.././../../i/s/eusa_think.gif) ![](.././../../i/s/gruebel.gif) ![](.././../../i/s/lupe.gif) |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 12/06/20 ▲ |
![p.specht: 12/06/20](.././../../i/a/3477.gif) p.specht
![DOKTOR XPROFAN EHRENHALBER](.././../../i/dr.gif) | Font 1 ought to whom Zeichensatz correctly switch. by me saw it always How with Mario/E.T. from. though be I meanwhile draufgekommen, that I the to längerem Schonmal posted having - Sorry! |
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 12/06/20 ▲ |
![iF: 12/06/20](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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![p.specht: 12/06/20](.././../../i/a/3477.gif) p.specht
![DOKTOR XPROFAN EHRENHALBER](.././../../i/dr.gif) | then zeig me still Please, How You binnen 5 minutes a ausdruckbare scheduler with 60 pages hinbekommst, velvet Raster. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1197232126.gif)
P.s.: I knows already, if the who creates, then You! |
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 12/06/20 ▲ |
![p.specht: 12/06/20](.././../../i/a/3477.gif) p.specht
![DOKTOR XPROFAN EHRENHALBER](.././../../i/dr.gif) | ASCII isn't dead (and ELVIS watts recently with of/ one servicestation sighted) ! here time to that whole ASCII-Zeichensatz and the three ANSI-mutants of XProfan-11 free:
Window Title " Textmode-Zeichensätze (ASCII) vergleichen < moreover with Tastedruck, with stop ESC >"
window 1000,480
declare n&,i&
Font n&
cls:locate 2,56:print "FONT "+st$(n&)
WhileLoop 0,255:i&=&loop
locate 1+2*int(i&/32)+6,1+(i& mod 32)*3+10
casenot i&=7:print Chr$(i&);' Nerviges characters "BELL" turn off
waitinput 30000
case %key=27:end
' xprint(n&):waitinput
waitinput 10000
until %key=27
proc groin
locate 4,8
Print "+ 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 "
locate 5,8
Print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
whileloop 0,7
locate 7+2*&Loop,2
print int(&Loop*32);tab(6);"+"
proc xprint :parameters m&
declare k&,k$
font m&
locate 2,25:Print "Auch ASCII-ESCAPE-Sequenzen \\xFF liable the actually Font!"
WhileLoop 1,256:i&=&loop
locate 2*(i&-1)/32+1+6,1+((i&-1) mod 32)*3+10
print mid$(k$,i&,1);
proc hexprint :parameters m&
declare k&,k$
font m&
locate 2,45:Print " as ESCAPE-sequence \\x0F "
WhileLoop 0,255:i&=&loop
locate 2*int(i&/32)+1+6,1+(i& mod 32)*3+9
print right$("0"+hex$(i&),2);
| Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 12/06/20 ▲ |
![iF: 12/06/20](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | @Peter: I faith here lying one misconception to! (or I übersehe time again something ^^)
what I meant with "Ist Yes fuchtbar, then stay I rather with "meiner" Variante.", related the by me (xubuntu/xfce) generierte Image:
in the comparison to that right "Produkt" of E.T.:
however meant but as joke to the I The Hieroglyphen (allegedly) rather find would (as The korrekte spending).
naturally find I it pity, that here by me (xubuntu/xfce) The spending not fit.
What the "ausdruckbare scheduler with 60 Seiten" concerns, so see I there In any drop thoroughly some Opportunities.
probably not always To 100% in "5 Minuten" machbar is, but:
so would it in example "egal", in Your View source The chr$-characters through (naturally according to the) z.B. "</td><td>" To supplant and the Prints even in a File (scheduler.html) To manage instead of on the Screen.
The scheduler.html against can even at will and very simply respected/ printed/ in a PDF written and be too automatically ausgedruckt go by Kommandozeilenaufruf the "Lieblingsbrowsers".
an nativere Solution would z.B. too the monkey about with the CR/ Druckerwagen-Rücklauf/ Chr(13) and Überdrucken with characters How ... ___ ||| ***, So how one with typewriter operates for Hervorhebungen.
latter contact I with Bondruckern so on, this with whom needle- and Thermodruckern so functions.
Roland Screen- Print- functions imho not correctly. with respect to CR, insofern print "Hallo world\r_____" unterstrichenes (or gelöschtes) "Hallo" show could.
here on xubuntu/xfce works (with o.g. example) "FixedSys" not. (vlt. semi so wild) |
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![p.specht: 04/11/21](.././../../i/a/3477.gif) p.specht
![DOKTOR XPROFAN EHRENHALBER](.././../../i/dr.gif) | Please What is xubuntu/xfce ? sound interestingly! |
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 04/11/21 ▲ |