I have since längerer Time of a customers too a negatives feedback of WindowsXP what The function InternetGetConnectedState angeht - and the never mind other as these function too.
I have personally whom local, the trouble is softwareabhängig (a Betriebssystemkomponente evtl.) and has directly nothing with the jeweiligen Betriebssystem To do.
To not very feststeht, what these function at all abfragt, can I only each guess, particularly softly-softly with the usage To his.
you have sure right AH - it'll but always so his the it the an or others system forsaking the something wrong runs. These observation isn't only Betriebsystem self-evident which too ThirtParty-software make possible. but whom erzähl I the.
Habs grade auchmal in the Routerverkehr tested on nem Fremdnetzwerk - self there working it perfect.