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larger Faktorielle to charge



here a slower Variante, with the but the Nummernbasis changed go could (this is in Cryptosystemen sometimes demand):
Window Title "Größere Faktorielle berechnen"
'(CL) CopyLeft 2014-09 by P.woodpecker, Wien; No however geartete Gewähr!
'Orig.-Source from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arbitrary-precision_arithmetic
Window 0,0-%maxx,%maxy
font 2
var Limit& = 10000' Sufficient digits.
var Base&  = 10' The base of the simulated arithmetic.
var FactorialLimit& = 365' Default of Target number to solve, 365!
Declare digit&[Limit&]' 1..Limit&: The big number.
declare carry&,d&' Assistants during multiplication.
declare last&,i&,n&' Indices to the big number's digits.
declare Text$,c$' Scratchpad for output and for input
declare tdigit$[] : tdigit$[]=explode("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"," ")
Print "\n number, from the The Faktorielle errechnet go should: ? ";:Input c$
case val(c$)>0:FactorialLimit&=val(c$)
digit&[]=0' Clear the whole aray.
digit&[1]=1' The big number starts with 1,
last&=1' Its highest-order digit is number 1.

whileloop FactorialLimit&

    n&=&Loop' Step through producing 1!, 2!, 3!, 4!, etc.
    carry&=0' Start a multiply by n.

    whileloop last&:i&=&Loop' Step along every digit.

        d&=digit&[i&]*n&+carry&' The classic multiply.
        digit&[i&]=(d& mod Base&)' The low-order digit of the result.
        carry&=d& \ Base&' The carry to the next digit.


    while carry& > 0' net curtain the carry in the big number.

        if last&>=Limit&

            print "Overflow!";' If possible!
            beep: waitinput :end


        last&=last& + 1' One more digit.
        digit&[last&]=carry& mod Base&' Placed.
        carry&=carry& \ Base&' The carry reduced.

    endwhile' With n > Base, maybe > 1 digit extra.

    case rnd()<0.1:print "*";
    ' Print n&;"! = ";text$+" ("+st$(len(Text$)-1)+" to put)"  ' Print the result!

endwhile' On to the next factorial up.

text$=" "' Now prepare the output.

whileloop last&:i&=&Loop' Translate from binary to Text.

    Text$=tdigit$[digit&[i&]]+text $' Reverse the order.

endwhile' Arabic numerals put the low order last.

Print "\n "+st$(n&)+" ! = ";text$+" ("+st$(len(text $))+" to put)"
clearclip:putclip st$(n&)+" ! = "+text $+"\n"
print "\n Last result in clipboard! "
sound 300,300 : waitinput
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...


Faktorielle To Facf(100000)
XProfan with Floats can the really only To 170. The Overflow-Error becomes here but abgefangen, the Result by Minuszeichen marked and via Zehnerlogarithmus errechnet. with the spending becomes the less then properly interprets, The Stellenzahl the Mantisse is then but only on about 12 signifikante Kommastellen validly.
Proc Facf :parameters N&:casenot N&:return 1.0

    if N&>100000:print " *** FAC() TOO BIG! *** ";:beep:return -100000:endif

        if N&<171:var p!=1:whileloop N&:p!=p!*&Loop:endwhile:return p!

            else :var s!=0:whileloop N&:s!=s!-lg(&Loop):endwhile:return s!:endif


        Declare n!,F!


            print " n = ";:input n!:F!=Facf(n!)
            print " Facf(";int(n!);") = ";

            if F!>=0:print stature$(" %g",F!)

                else :set("decimals",17)
                print st$( round(10^(int(F!)-F!),13))+"e+"+st$(int(-F!) )


        Until 0

XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

Zum Quelltext

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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