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 J. Strahl | Hello Gemeinde,
i want gladly a Profan Program out a second File started The though in the XP mode started should.
I can well the second File by ResHacker whom commands give the program as Administrator to start.
i'd gladly know whether above too The Possibility exists To say the in the XP mode launched go should.
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| Windows 7 Ultimate 64 * 12 GB Ram * XProfan 11.2a * PRFellow * PRFPAD | 03/25/10 ▲ |
« this Posting watts as Solution marked. » |
 J. Strahl | I habs then still found. what I meant is if one on The Eigenschaftsseite of/ one exe goes can I under windows 7 Ultimate take on whether the program as Administrator launch and or as XP or Win98 Program carryed out go should. the functions only solid on the Own computer. take I the program means on a others Win7 computer with functions not without it there also by hand einzustellen.
but I have it found. i think the others the too Maybe use can, therefore poste I datt time.
WriteIni "HKEY_1","Software\Microsoft\windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers","c:\my Program.exe"="WINXPSP3 RUNASADMIN"
accordingly can I then How desired a Profan application out another File started The possible Adminrechte and or under another OS launched go should.
thanks people |
| Windows 7 Ultimate 64 * 12 GB Ram * XProfan 11.2a * PRFellow * PRFPAD | 03/25/10 ▲ |
 | i know not, XP-mode there imho too in the einfachen Win7-Version (The I own) not. |
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 Paul Glatz | moreover müsstestr You the program in the windows Virtual PC started. |
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 J. Strahl | I habs then still found. what I meant is if one on The Eigenschaftsseite of/ one exe goes can I under windows 7 Ultimate take on whether the program as Administrator launch and or as XP or Win98 Program carryed out go should. the functions only solid on the Own computer. take I the program means on a others Win7 computer with functions not without it there also by hand einzustellen.
but I have it found. i think the others the too Maybe use can, therefore poste I datt time.
WriteIni "HKEY_1","Software\Microsoft\windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers","c:\my Program.exe"="WINXPSP3 RUNASADMIN"
accordingly can I then How desired a Profan application out another File started The possible Adminrechte and or under another OS launched go should.
thanks people |
| Windows 7 Ultimate 64 * 12 GB Ram * XProfan 11.2a * PRFellow * PRFPAD | 03/25/10 ▲ |