Source / code snippets

plainer Miniwecker / Zeiterinnerer



Piept 8 x to bestimmter Alarmzeit, and disappears then. slight to that SHUTDOWNER to a designed Uhrzeit ausbaubar, about to long Downloads. Diesfalls could one yet ShowMax - ShowMin - ShowNormal and so install and the Whole in the early as Exe in the Autostart-directory the Startleiste ansstoßen. reminds then, that one to that Bus must or. ex when Überstunden walk . After Alarmzeit-input Please No further Inputs into Program-Window More, there eachone Tastendruck the program exits.
Declare t$,n&,s$:Window Title "  E I n G A B E":Window Style 24
Window 200,100 - 300,100:Font 2:again:
Cls:t$=time$(0):Print "\n  actually Time     = ";t$;" +";Left$(time$(1),2);"s"
Print "\n  Alarmzeit [hh:mm] = ";:Input s$:Casenote InStr(":",s$):Goto "nochmal"
Window Title "  A L A R M M O D u s  = E I N":Rept:
cls:Print "\n      Alarmzeit: ";s$:t$=time$(0)
Print "\n  actually Time: ";t$;" +";Left$(time$(1),2);"s"

If t$>=s$:Print "\n      A L A R M !   ";:Sound 1800,70

    Inc n&:Case n&>7:END': or instead of END zB. ExitWindows 0
    EndIf:WaitInput 1000:Case %key>0:End:Goto "Rept"
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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