Hi, here The upgedatete Version. These functions now with Word 95, 98, 2000 and XP reliably. The problem at Reading the Registry-Parameter is yes a altbekanntes: Mircosoft changes a Version to others - often only slight - The Registryeinträge. zB The Entries for the Benutzervorlagen-directory:
Word 95: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft Office95FileNewLocalTemplates Word 97: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice8.0CommonFileNewLocalTemplates Word 2000: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice9.0CommonGeneralTemplates Word XP: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftOffice10.0CommonGeneralUserTemplates
at least there otherwise another couple Gemeinsamkeiten...
after I my Program on one others PC ausprobiert have and there some not so run is How planned, have ichs again revised. Also were there another couple others small – tja äääh - Dreckfuhler drin...
so on the side: If one on my own the word Microsoft from the Registry Remove would, would these probably only More semi so big...