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| how far can of a point in Höhe h metres (over Horizontal-Level) To to Kimmlinie - means where sky and sea or. ground get together - really see? the nachfolgene Progrämmchen says it us. deference: input in Metern, spending in km!
too The question, how far UKW-waves (spread along Sichtlinie) wealthy, can itself clarify: Sendeantennenhöhe over horizon supply way a, Empfangsantennenhöhe way b, The überbrückbare distance is then a + b [km]. too The question, when The Mastspitze one Segelbotes on the horizon auftaucht, is so To clarify.
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 05/14/21 ▲ |