| |
| in the Meßtechnik counts known: "Wer misst, misst Mist!". there it means ohnehin alike is, whether to the Endergebnis abwartet or but from husch-pfusch in ähnlichen Zeitabständen beiläufig ermitelten Zwischenwerten complete uncertain and inaccurate on one thumb-time-Pi peilungsmäßig ungefähres Endergebnis closes, can former heimgehen and the result there with nachfolgendem Abschätz-Program detect. Gerichtsmediziner, The Leichentemperaturen Is it Unikode, make finally too nothing other. one must only not forget, to everybody *stone and leg To swear*, that it itself for a completely correctly gemessenes Endergebnis deals. in the won Time can z.B. XProfan-programs write...
Window Title upper$("Natürlichen Grenzwert ermitteln")
'(C) 2014-11_ff by P.woodpecker@gmx.at; spare for private usage, otherwise consist rights Third!
Window Style 24:var wid&=380:var heig&=200:randomize
Window (%maxx-wid&)\2,(%maxy-heig&-wid&)\2 - wid&,heig&
declare v$,c0!,c1!,c2!,ce!,cez!,cen!:start:
cls rgb(200+rnd(56),200+rnd(56),200+rnd(56)):font 0
locate 2,2:print " Basismesswert (t= 0 [s]) = ";:input v$:c0!=val(v$)
locate 4,2:print " Messwert to (t=1*dt[s]) = ";:input v$:c1!=val(v$)
locate 6,2:print " Messwert to (t=2*dt[s]) = ";:input v$:c2!=val(v$)
locate 8,2:print mkstr$("-",40):font 2
locate 10,2:print " Strebwert with (t=+-Inf[s])= ";
if (c0!=c1!) and (c1!=c2!):print stature$("%g",c2!)
else :cen!=2*c1!-c0!-c2!
if cen!<>0:cez!=(c1!*c1!-c0!*c2!):ce!=cez!/cen!:print stature$("%g",ce!)
else :print "Ohne boundary!"
endif:endif:waitinput:goto "start"
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 05/17/21 ▲ |
| on the same Base can a Prädiktor for dritte to two Folgeperioden building. Interessanter point can so sowohl many arithmetische as well as geometrische Reihen successful continued go, presupposed The thing points not somewhere a Unstetigkeit on.
Pandemie-Verläufe are because of the Lockdown- and Verhaltensunstetigkeiten therefore so not prognostizierbar, and on the exchange would I so rather neither specultate ...
Window Title upper$(" P e r i o d e n p r ä d i k t o r")
Cls:font 2:print "\n\n this Program attempts, a Basiswert and two follow-"
print "\n werten on a worth after a further period To close."
print "\n (NCL) Noncommercial CopyLeft 2016-07 ff by P. woodpecker, Vienna / Austria "
set("decimals",17):declare w0!,w1!,w2!,w3!:print :
waitinput:waitinput 1000
Print "\n\n\n Basiswert w0 = ";:input w0!
Print "\n Folgewert w1 = ";:input w1!
Print "\n Folgewert w2 = ";:input w2!
print "\n\n Vorhersage for period w3: ";
print if((w1!-w0!)=0,2*(w2!-w1!)+w1!,if((w2!-w1!)=0,w2!,(w2!*w2!-(w1!+w0!)*w2!+w1!*w1!)/(w1!-w0!)))
until .
| XProfan 11Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'... | 05/20/21 ▲ |