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 Julian Schmidt | this Screen saver can only exits go, if one Blindpasswort prompt becomes. with the Passworteingabe is big- and Kleinschreibung alike. yet effective is it if the FastMode activate becomes! CompileMarkSeparationWindowStyle $F0
Window 0, 0 - %MaxX, %MaxY
Setwindowpos %hwnd=0, 0 - %MaxX, %MaxY;-1
Cls 0
ShowCursor 0
var blindpasswort$=Upper$("XProfan")
var passwort_edit& = Create("Edit",%HWnd,"",%MaxX,%MaxY,0,(-1)*25)
while 1
sleep 30
case Upper$(Gettext$(passwort_edit&))<>Left$(blindpasswort$,Len(Gettext$(passwort_edit&))) : Settext passwort_edit&,""
case Upper$(Gettext$(passwort_edit&))=blindpasswort$ : end
'Bildschirmschoner - Algorithmus
Color Rnd(16),Rnd(16)
print MkStr$(" ",%MaxX/8)
˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...]  | 07/26/11 ▲ | |
 | Bisl Murx is the but already. ^^
Perhaps. UserMessage wm_keyUp or one Edit in the not-visible area and the Fokus festkleben. |
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 Julian Schmidt | How can because whom Fokus festkleben?  |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...]  | 07/26/11 ▲ |
 | If you one Sleep 30 make simply thereafter one SetFocus -
or even "ordentlich" by Subclassing. |
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 Julian Schmidt | iF (26.07.11)
If you one Sleep 30 make simply thereafter one SetFocus -
very the have I still done, with the row: CompileMarkSeparation The Difference lying therein the the Focus only staid becomes, if not yet staid is.... |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...]  | 07/26/11 ▲ |
 | having I do not seen - sorry.
hint: casenot getfocus(passwort_edit&) : setfocus(passwort_edit&) needed about 3time More CPU/ power/ Time as just setFocus(passwort_edit&). |
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 Julian Schmidt | Why zieht casenot getfocus(passwort_edit&) : setfocus(passwort_edit&) "ungefähr 3time More CPU/ power/ Zeit"? I thought sooner less!  |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...]  | 07/26/11 ▲ |
 | amateurish counted:
1: getfocus 2: casenot 2,5: setfocus
only circa:
1: setfocus
in this situation "lohnt" the Verify not since the check lastiger is as The letztendliche instruction. |
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