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what rocking one beschleunigtes Kernteilchen? (forces in the CERN-Beschleunigerring)



who always already know wished, How quick z.B. one Elektron fly must, circa one kilogram volume To correspond to, the can itself with the nachstehenden Program times the Beschleunigungsspannung standing, the help necessary would...

If one now deliberating, that Protonen round 1000 time schwerer are, the understand slow, Why Today Beschleunigerringe How jener of CERN so a large Durchmesser having must: differently wären The auftretenden Fliehkräfte magnetic not any more beherrschbar!
Windowtitle "Relativistische volume and speed beschleunigter Elektronen"
' demonstration of/ one Fortran-90-Translation to XProfan-11.2a
' (D) 2017-02 by P.woodpecker, Vienna/Austria; without Gewähr!
' Q: https://jean-pierre.moreau.pagesperso-orange.fr/Fortran/rel_mass_f90.txt
'!* Calculate relativistic measured and speed of on electron *
'!* accelerated in on electron gun                       *
'!* ---------------------------------------------------- *
'!* SAMPLE RUN:                                          *
'!*                                                      *
'!* Give electron gun voltage in volts: 1e6              *
'!*                                                      *
'!* Relativistic measured (kg) and speed (m/s):              *
'!*  2.6933944E-30  2.8212490E+08                        *
'!*                                                      *
'!* ---------------------------------------------------- *
'!* Ref.: "Problem Solving with Fortran 90 By David R.   *
'!*        Brooks, floater-publisher New York, 1997".      *
'! on electron accelerated by a voltage V in on electron gun
'!                              2     2
'! acquires on energy of Ve = mc - m c,  where
'!                                  0
'!                                        -19
'!  charge on on electron   e = 1.602 x 10    coulomb
'!                                         -31
'!  remainder measured               m  = 9.109 x 10    kg
'!                           0
'!                                         8
'!  speed of light          c = 2.9979 x 10  m/s
'! The speed v of on electron of relativistic measured m (kg) is
'! obtained from
'!                                          2
'!                 m/m  = 1 / sqrt(1 - (v/c) )
'!                    0
'Program Rel_Mass
'  Implicit None    !All variables must be declared
declare rest_mass!, rela_mass!'! kg
declare voltage!,v$'! volt
declare speed!'! m/s
declare e!'! electron charge in coulomb
declare c!'! speed of light in m/s
print "\n  Give electron gun voltage in volts [V]: ";
input v$:case v$>"":voltage!=val(v$)
rela_mass! = (voltage!*e!+rest_mass!*sqr(c!))/sqr(c!)
speed! = c!*sqrt(1.0-sqr(rest_mass!/rela_mass!))
print "\n Relativistic measured [kg] and speed [m/s]:\n"
print " ";stature$("%g",rela_mass!);" , ";stature$("%g",speed!)
goto "rep"
End' of file rel_mass.f90
XProfan 11
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