for the Farbcode-investigation for electronic Kohleschicht-Widerstände älterer Bauart (3-ring-system) and Metallfilm-Widerstände (4-ring-system, means not SMD) virtual.
it mutet amazing on, that the at Print-commands verwendeten middle-aged DOS-colours NOT The with Bastlern then very known Farbcodes unroof! therefore had to some colours umgetitelt go, and the fehlende Orange watts duch (Lila + Info) supplant. clear, that with present Analogfarben under usage of DrawText instead of Print better Results possible wären. Feel free!
Windowtitle mkstr$(" ",14)+upper$(sperr$("Farbcode of Widerständen"))+" Button ´T´= 3\4 Ringe"
' (CL) CopyLeft 2016-12 by P.woodpecker, Wien/AT without each Gewähr! colours very systemabhängig !!
Cls $A0A0A0:showmax
AppendMenuBar 100,"Im Farbcode watts Orange through Lila supplant, around the DOS-Printfarben use to!"
:proc sperr$ :parameters u$:whileloop len(u$),2,-1:u$=in that$(" ",u$,&Loop):endwhile:return u$:endproc
declare ko&,Farbbez$,Kurzbez$,BgColor$,TxtColor$,Mul$,Prec$
Farbbez$="Silber ,gold ,Black,brown ,ruddy ,Lila=Orange,yellow ,green ,blue ,"+\
"Violett,gray ,knows ,Dunkelgrün,Dunkelblau,Cyan ,turquoise "
Kurzbez$=" Sb,Gld, Sw, Bn, Rt, Or, Gb, Gn, Bl, Vt, Gr, Ws,dGn,dBl,Cyn, Tk"
BgColor$=" 7, 6 , 0, 4, 12, 11, 14, 10, 9, 3, 8, 15, 2, 1, 5, 13"
Txtcolor$=" 0, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 0, 0, 15, 15, 15, 0, 15, 15, 15, 0"
Mul$="0.1 ,0.01,1 ,10 ,100 ,1 k,10 k,100k,1 M,10 M,,,,,,,"
Prec$=" 5 %=J,10 %=K,, 1 %=F, 2 %=G,,,0.5 %=D,0.25%=C,0.1 %=B,0.05% ,,,,,,"
Cls $A0A0A0:Font 2-2*ko&
whileloop 16
color val(substr$(Txtcolor$,&Loop,",")),val(substr$(BgColor$,&Loop,","))
locate 2*&Loop,5 :print " "+substr$(Farbbez$,&Loop,",")+" ";
locate 2*&Loop,19:print " "+substr$(Kurzbez$,&Loop,",")+" ";
if &Loop=12:line 0,320 - width(%hwnd),320:line 210,0 - 210,width(%hwnd):endif
if &Loop<13
if &Loop > 2
locate 2*&Loop,31:print " "+if(&loop>12,""," ")+st$(int(&Loop-3))+" ";
locate 2*&Loop,38:print " "+if(&loop>12,""," ")+st$(int(&Loop-3))+" ";
if ko&:locate 2*&Loop,45:print " "+if(&loop>12,""," ")+st$(int(&Loop-3))+" ";:endif
if &Loop<11
locate 2*&Loop,45+7*ko&
print "x "+if(ko&,stature$("%g",10^(&Loop-3)),substr$(Mul$,&Loop,","))+" ";
locate 2*&Loop,67:print if(substr$(Prec$,&Loop,",")>""," +/-","")+substr$(Prec$,&Loop,",");
case %key=ord("t"):ko&=hardship(ko&)
goto "luuup"