slitheRazzia must not installs go, ggf. simply on Desktop take off and starten; Chrome-Browser with Slither-plus Chrome Extension starten; once Browser in the Vollbild (F11) clutching the SlitheRama-Addon with subesquent (something deeper too hither explained) Features:
Pausemodus: several minutes long in secure Pausesituation displace Führungslinie: Präziseres (through-) steer/ sheer/ Fressen/ Blickverlust prevention Schnellstmögliche "Turns" over keyboard Zoom-Stay-Helper: Zoom on level hold almost-Zoom-Helper: Superschnell into/ out-Zoomen Bildschirmauflösungs-reduction for More performance
WAsD Schnellstmögliche "Turns": too Keys 8456 on the Numpad, to control the queue and reaktionsfähigeres steer without Mausnutzung because the arrow without detour of A to B shifts becomes.
NUM+- Zoom-Stay-Helper: Keys + and - (on Numpad!) can uses to be a defined Zoomstufe To "halten" or. another Zoomstufe slow To achieve. accordingly can the permanenten Zoomen kompensiert go. The actually Zoomstufe above left as simple number viewed.
YC almost-Zoom-Helper: super-fast into- or out-zoomen.
F4 any Features pausieren/ resume F6 Addon terminate
The Pausemodus zieht a undurchdringbaren circle the maximum slow small becomes. The radius is on The length the queue abzustimmen with the Keys NUM+0 and NUM+comma. with of/ one 30k fit z.B. 90 and with of/ one 50k 100 and with of/ one 100k 120 - simply on the fly adjust How drawn go should.
with Radiusreduktions-Kompensator 92 bleibts undurchdringbar with Radi over 45, with To little factor minimizes itself the radius unnecessary zügig. nevertheless optional for Freaks.
with the Button ° (left supra next to the 1) can The Laufrichtung (Uhrzeit<>) changed go.
unit the Pausemodus-radius in the Pausmodus under 60, then ertönt one constant Beep.
becomes the radius To small, about under 60, ought to the Pausemodus exits or new launched go. pressing one now F9 two time nacheinander, so launch the Pausemodus with the before eingestelltem radius. now short Waiting To the circle again etabliert and the next Pausenzyklus begins.
So larger The pausierte queue, so larger the Pausemodus-radius and the Pausezeit and so small The probability a more queue circle To go.
hint: Space 1 achieve (>40k reicht mostly!) and far remote whom Pausemodus arrival.
effectively is it so possible The queue unzerstörbar for a few minutes long unbeobachtet To platzieren quasi for gemütliches Snake-Browing.
it is possible a slitherama.ini anzulegen of these opionalen Schlüsseln: