
I miss The Anwesenheitsanzeige and the Messagebox

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Perhaps can The collaboration iF a little bit gentleness voices ? ;)

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How I the understood have, überarbeitest You The Page Yes only on Source plain, however not Layout. means mach tappt im dunkeln there there, where tappt im dunkeln before it was (and the remainder Please too)

Nix understood then have. (nod)

Unmassgeblicher suggestion

309 kB

Well something like very counts it To prevent.

would be soon Time, The Weihnachtsdeko rauszukramen.

Apropos Messagebox: Lass still supra under the Menu a Scrollzeile past wander with the new Messages. The could behind the XProfan-Logo vanish. to that write one new Eintrags could one exhaust a new Page Call.
the would funktionel, but still aufgeräumt.

I must the Community first one other feature procure, before I then on again on "Message-Box" think wants.

On each drop is no Message-Box-Message lost and on teh folks Entries becomes angeknüpft.

the concerns likewise The "Wer-is-Online"-list.

where I rather The Members rumble ließe. The Messagebox/Shoutbox/Jokebox would like I gladly in MEINER speed reading.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

I thought incidentally like Horst. supra and under static Content (or not in the river befindlicher) and between the dynamic hingezauberte. then would too by me the box supra in the corner. left The Messagebox, right The Postbox (old shape) and the middle the Logo and the Menüzeile. under then The Taler with the important Programs (The before left were).

who says really, that ALLES on The Mainpage must and then always mitgeschleift becomes. About a exhaust accessible make ought to too weg, but OHNE Verschachtelung - Click on GOODIES - Click the desired and well is...
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

would be my suggestion been - items, over which attendance list and Schautbox aufklappen.
Nico Madysa

The Mitgliederliste can gladly under one exhaust his or integrally vanish but the Shoutbox ought to In any drop directly To see his.
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I miss ditto The Anwesenheitsanzeige and the Messagebox.

somehow feel one itself still same plenty heimischer, if one sees, that one not integrally on my own in the Community on the way is. me does it anyway so! If I z.B. "sehe", that the a or others of of my Truppe here online is, then can I it quick time a PM send and white, that it tappt im dunkeln zeitnah reading and ggf. same hereon Answer can.

in the Messagebox watts of course oftmals plenty curd gelawert (oftmals too of me), still something like heard even too moreover and is transitory. Blödsinn and Dummfug piffle do we in the Truppe too each friday evening to the Eingangstür in Lauta at smoking and Nichtrauchen. If there one Außenstehender time unverhofft vorbeischneit, then think the certainly, we're a Assi-aggregation of fully-cretins. big deal? finally can not of 16.00 To 24.00 watch without interval on the Piece program or course make. since then The Jungs by degrees volljährig go, goes it in the Freitagnacht always already almost To 1.00 watch. The Wachschutz, the our Objekt atnight in irregular Stundenabständen bestreift, knows our MMJ-Chaoten-Truppe already and white, that we nothing Böses beabsichtigen. The Bellos, The some Wachdienstler to Abschreckung bring along, kennen me already, and the WauWaus are so tamely and pflegeleicht, that tappt im dunkeln happy and pleased are, if I tappt im dunkeln not yourself bite ...

The Community-Chat watts with the actually Changes or. Umbauarbeiten too so well How for good in that offside banished. too much was there of course too in the past tense never losgewesen, still particularly on the friday evening was often a nice change for in between, even if we there öfters as MMJ only yourself in the Chat on the way been were and us mutual only somehow geistlos vollgelöffelt had. Something like must of my opinion to too time his, if The stressige week rum is.

Desweiteren miss I The übersichtlichere structure in the Community-Page, The it here already given having. its of course everything yet always present, and yourself have I no large trouble so. still Newcomer find guaranteeing not so quick, what there under the Haube yet everything on beads and jewels cache to itself hinschlummert. In my XProfan-manager Have I of course in the running the years (almost) everything gebunkert what me aufhebenswert appeared, still everything Have I there presumably neither erwischt.

The Suchfunktion shining ditto Aktualisierungsbedarf to have. yesterday Have I z.B. to the Code iFTP sought, still unfortunately only The EXE found. my "Lieblings-Krümel" shining dbzgl. intelligenter To his and has whom Source evident found. hopefully vergißt Krümel on the Freitagnachmittag to the Abfahrt to Lauta not again its USB-Stick or its externe Festplatte, where his entire XProfan-Zeugs on it is. because it ca. 40 kilometres of Lauta removes dwelling, would like I only therefore in between not there and back round 80 kilometres by the countryside kutschen.

but i'm right optimistic, that David dbzgl. certainly already several Community-Improvements in its back of the head has and it only another question the Time is, To it us so surprise becomes.

meanwhile has Dvid indeed already a 3 as first digit in its Lebensalter. Aua-Weiha, David! the goes plenty scneller as How You think can, To there a 5 standing, so How in example by me.

by then want You still Please our Community again aale brought having.

as beforehand-Info for all XProfan-Insider:

our nächstes Mini-XProfan-meet can on the friday, the 22.05.2009 in 02991 Lauta come off! Thanks the unselfish Engagements of my MMJ-Stellvertreters (Lothar B. - on the Gruppenfoto of last XProfan-meet standing Lothar slanting behind me semi covers) could zeitweilige Mißverständnisse with unserem HauptSponsor [...]  from the lane geräumt go. After one longer Sinkflug could too therefore MMJ time Perhaps again a by degrees something longer andauernden Höhenwind erwischt having (?). particularly since we to monatelangem battle and cramp (behind the Back ours Jungs) of "Microsoft Deutschland" as würdig befunden been are, in its MS-Förder-Stiftung adopted To his, go - however.

Telefonisch have I with iF already something detail above gequasselt, and he'll itself bemühen, itself something "an Vortrag" etc. for 22.05.2009 to occur To let. Gegebenenfalls could the too one 3-4-5-6 hours-report To far to midnight ours large "IF-XProfan-Masters" go. of it white iF of course yet nothing, still through this Posting is it at least first time vorinformiert and has enough Vorlaufzeit, circa itself by then sensible hereon preparing to.

The gavel would it naturally, if RGH-Roland from BW on the 22.05.2009 with us in Lauta in the Lausitz thud would. I wealth time, then wären on this weekend all Hotels in Hoyerswerda and surroundings restlos booked up. if need be would I organize, that end May (almost summer) enough former NVA-Mannschafts-Zelte on the Vorplatz order Übernachtung bereitstehen.

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Dietmar horn
Telefonisch have I with iF already something detail above gequasselt, and he'll itself bemühen, itself something "an Vortrag" etc. for 22.05.2009 to occur To let. Gegebenenfalls could the too one 3-4-5-6 hours-report To far to midnight... of it white iF of course yet nothing, still through this Posting is it at least first time vorinformiert and has enough Vorlaufzeit, circa itself by then sensible hereon preparing to.

On each drop get at least You already time More as a talk.

a präventiven to Gedächtnisstütze, a Pauschalen and thereafter a, where any gebeten are, teilzunehmen.

on the Einfachsten would it well, if I as far as I'm concerned already time many nice Topics mitbringe.


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