
The Deutsche unity


Hallöchen together,

I on reason of my Alters another schoolboy be, have I (logischerweise ) Unterricht. To this heard too Gemeinschaftskunde (since some Time too GRW called). now make we one proposition about:


moreover would like I now a survey make, The your supra see.
additionally would I maximum glad, if your eure opinions
hither writes.
means, what hold your from the wall , of Mauerfall , what have your on the 9.11.89 eaten , etc.

in the ahead already time thanks.

P.s.: I hope, the Votings-area is correctly. become.
Nico Madysa

I had the same Topic in GRW
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Ne interesting question! The response is for me as Easterner but sonnenklar: plenty happens not!

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Hello Nico,

The Deutsche unity comes well forth!?

15 years to the so-called contact totals to that example the Regelsatz for Alg-2-Empfänger in the east 331 Euro and in the west 345 Euro, though The Lebenshaltungskosten in the east loudly regular Untersuchungen more unabhängiger renommierter Wirtschafts-Institute roughly same or. in the east in some reaches even higher are. time integrally of it foreseen, that this Regelsatz for the year 2005 and the year 2006 to Preisen one Warenkorbes the untersten 20% the ärmsten Bevölkerungsschichten the ferderal republic from the years 1998(!) set been is, after before from it yet such positions anteilmäßig herausgerechnet get, How Sportboote, Maßanzüge, etc. (I yourself know none unemployed, the on The idea käme, itself of its 331 Euro per month about one Sportboot or a maßgeschneiderten suit do To must ...).

15 years(!) to the contact has the federal diet now finally evident eingesehen, that the Lebenshaltungskosten itself in both sharing Deutschlands hardly yet discern, and the Angleichung the Regelsatzes on uniform 345 Euro watts beschlossen. The Umsetzung this Gesetzes is against it allegedly not till july 2006 possible, because with the the millionenteuren Alg-2-software before not machbar his becomes! ???

As I said: here in this example goes it solely circa a difference in Höhe of 345 Euro - 331 Euro = 14 Euro per month!

eachone pursuit gifted and durchschnittlich intelligente 15-jährige Profaner can in its PRF-Source a globale Variable regelsatz! = 331.00 within few minutes on regelsatz! = 345.00 change and his Program new compilieren! and the hochbezahlten Programmer the Telekom-daughter T-Systems need for over one halbes year??? If it against it around the increase the diets ours Bundestagsabgeordneten or the millionenschweren Gehälter the Wirtschafts-manager goes, then results this regularly rückwirkend! comic, or?

The offizielle Arbeitslosenquote totals in the west official durchschnittlich around the 10% and in the east around the 20%. In unserem territory lying The offizielle Arbeitslosenquote unfortunately still with around the 25%. If one any 1-Euro-Zwangsarbeiter, Umschüler, unemployed person Ehepartner of yet-work-habenden (The no Alg 2 get, because your partner 5 or 50 Euro too much earn), Vorruheständler etc. mitrechnet, The any from for me not nachvollziehbaren Found NOT as unemployed counted go - then might The wirkliche Arbeitslosenquote slow but sure meanwhile on The 50-percent-make zusteuern!

To DDR-times there were with us in the east a figure of speech: faith only the Statistik, The You too yourself gefälscht have!

with the publication the last Arbeitslosenstatistik to few Meet watts the renewed rose the Arbeitslosenzahlen on over 5 millions u.a. with the diesjährigen extreme chilly winter begründet.

I see! nightingale - ick hör you integrally beautiful tappsen!

To DDR-times watts with us in the east regularly under vorgehaltener hand demand: which are The four Hauptfeinde the sozialistischen Planwirtschaft? response: Spring, summer, autumn and winter!

Ex-Kandesbunzler Schröder wished itself To Beginn its Legislaturperiode(n) on it Is it Unikode let, The Arbeitslosenzahl of then already over 5 millions To bisect. Hmm ... is it really already so far, that Germany only yet of hobby-Politikern governed becomes, or even of one federal diet, which work sooner a profanes Kasperle-theatre reminds?

The Deutsche unity comes well forth?

many Ostdeutsche must regularly hundreds kilometres between their Heimatort and (new) Arbeitsort in the west pendulate (with all Konsequenzen for your families).

Schwuppdiwub: with one only Handstreich beschließt the federal diet, The Kilometerpauschale for these commuter To curtail! The Bundestagsabgeordneten (and particularly The minister) with ihren relatively secure Arbeitsplätzen receive against it 15 years to the contact or. to the Verlegung the Sitzes the federal government of Bonn to Berlin yet always weekly Freiflüge (or quite number of times weekly?) or. Freifahrten with the federal railway, etc.

would be it this, our of Steuergeldern not straight schlechtbezahlten Mitbürgern not ditto reasonable, from Kostengründen ihren Wohnsitz for at least 4 years something moreover into sew their Arbeitsortes To uneasily or. such Pendel-cost yourself To carry, as meanwhile in zunehmendem Maße of each Otto-average consumer desires becomes?

To DDR-times there were with us a figure of speech: any are same - ähmm ... only some are GLEICHER!

How was still same? The Deutsche unity comes well forth?

Hmmm ... me would brennend interested, which opinion eure teacher in the Gesellschaftskunde-Unterricht To this couple of me on The speedy here zusammengetippelten Stichpunkten you to in the Unterrricht having (or quite having must)???



1. Nico - I find it really integrally lovely, that You here as first Jugendlicher ours Community finally one not-profanes Topic attempts have anzuschieben!

2. moreover find I it super-lovely, that our all Lieblings-iF-big-Boss (means the with the komischen Nick ) it in its Forum permits, that here too such ask and opinions discusses go can, The vordergründig utterly nothing with unserem lovely, joint (X)PRF-hobby concern!
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Öhm Jainaja, because The Zwickmühle the german nature is the Hinwegsehen over The Possibility the Nutzens of Zauberwort abolition.

Welcome to New-(New-Island)-Story.

[quote:05a1c9f5e2]...here too such ask and opinions discusses go can, The vordergründig utterly nothing with unserem lovely, joint (X)PRF-hobby concern![/quote:05a1c9f5e2]
...but only vordergründig

eachone pursuit gifted and durchschnittlich intelligente 15-jährige Profaner can in its PRF-Source a globale Variable regelsatz! = 331.00 within few minutes on regelsatz! = 345.00 change and his Program new compilieren!

the rückwirkend only functions, if it circa Staatseinnahmen (or which Background) goes is me already mad aufgestossen.
(and, that Politiker-Vergünstigungen never again zurückgenommen go).

i'll well as pensioner once more a small side-trips into pub-politics make, the shining Yes probably the only right Überlebenstechnik To his.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

OK, thanks on you any for eure voice and opinions.
I werd see, whether I The leaflet to the Topic (The we make must) here high get.

@Jac: hang The opinion one german to german unity WIRKLICH of it ex, whether it Easterner or west german is? :/
Nico Madysa

[box:19fcda1698]@Jac: hang The opinion one german to german unity WIRKLICH of it ex, whether it Easterner or west german is?[/box:19fcda1698]
Hello Nico,

hmm ... on another place ours Forums get we hierüber recent (right einseitig) informed:

[box:19fcda1698]Hello and a lovely sunday for any
after here now too political Topics hinterfragt and einseitig judged go (it were plenty to the completions of my Namensvetters To say - i'm hold one west german) have so did i one new Topic: ...[/box:19fcda1698]
whether The opinion one german to german unity WIRKLICH of it depending, whether it Easterner or west german is, the likes I do not to weigh up.

After the reading the letztgenannten Postings set itself me however ask:

1. what wished the author us Wossis with his right süffisant and besserwisserisch (or quite besserwessi-risch) klingenden formulation ... it were plenty to the completions .... To say ... with regard to content really accurate communicating?

2. from whom Found holds the author (loudly eigener testimony one west german) with his opinion behind the mountain, if it still to allegedly plenty To say were?

If someone to a Topic a opinion has and this too the Community in a public Forum so mitteilt, then can I it at best sake not understand, Why one these opinion of it not too To experienced get.

my (temporary) personal explanation:

it shining at least The Bereitschaft or. the courage to public Meinungsäußerung evident right heavy of it abzuhängen, whether one west german or Easterner is.

but probably becomes it well sooner so his, that I diesbezüglich täusche, because one a Einzelmeinung never on The Gesamtheit all opinions close can ...

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Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

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