


Unit to that edit of/ one data base in beliebiger Feldanzahl

the Program is a dialog, it can means in each Prgramm launched go. About The Inidateien can it in each Language
Translated go. german and English is already present

Parameter 6
1 = the complete way to data base,
2 = Datenbankkennung this is The number The in @dbUse(#1) vorkommt without the # in the example only 1 transfer
3 = The Datenfelder The in the active index vorkommem, z.B SURNAME+FIRST NAME
4 = The name the Indexdatei without Endung,
5 = is The data base in the OEM-stature = 1, (ANSI = 0), becomes to that Show umkonvertiert
6 = way to Sprachdatei
If to the Indizieren self into hand take wants can The Parameter 3 + 4 too empty , transfer.
The index becomes from Sicherheitsgründen in the Unit reset and if The suitable data transfer
are again manufactured.
The Unit allows one flexibles and complete edit of/ one data base inklusive the Memofelder.
The data base can each amount of Datenfelder having, if The amount larger is as the screen or the dialog
present can, can scroll. The wide becomes ditto weitestgehend adjusted.
Memofelder go as Button displayed, the at Anklicken one Memoedit opens.
it go up to 4 Memofelder in a File supported
one can in the data base flaking
boxes Change
Fields for delete Mark
as deleted markierte boxes again produce
The data for good delete
a new Datensatz lay out
to that lay out one new Datensatzes, ask the Button New pressing
thereafter becomes the new Datensatz with the Button write into data base written.
geänderte data go with the Button Change zurückgeschrieben.
Delete, markiert whom Datensatz as deleted
produce, position a as deleted marked Datensatz again since.
whether one Datensatz as deleted markiert is becomes in the program displayed
Reorg., deletes any as deleted marked Datensätze for good

The Resources, that is The 2 Pfeile on whom Scrollbuttons come from the Shell32.dll
and can in the jeweiligen Sprachdatei changed go.
Resource=Shell32.dll = Resourcedatei
res1=#134 = arrow1
res2=#133 = arrow2

22 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Dbeditex.pcu with Statement and example
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Erhard Wirth06/14/24
Rainer Hoefs05/11/23
Frank Reibold11/25/22


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