
dbHelper DSN OnTheFly etc.


These Unit is for >= XProfan 10
Namensräume go supported (z.B: db.) and should uses go!

The Hauptaufgabe this Unit is the create and Remove of/ one DSN
circa OnTheFly by ODBC on Databases grab to, without these
by the user arrange To let.

Desweiteren is it possible a vain Access-data base to create, circa
these moreover To benefit (DSN becomes automatically laid out)

Examples and further functions go follow!

a couple standard-coachman names find itself in the dbHelper.ph

Funktionsbeschreibung: (take db. as Namensraum in the Description)
bracket clinging mark optionale Parameter
User$ =
Password$ =
coachman$ = Microsoft Access coachman (*.mdb)

DSN$ = Db.AddDSN (DataBaseName$, [User$, [Password$, [coachman$]]])
Fügt a DSN-Sign in whom Benutzerdatenquellen one
DSN$ is in the Fehlerfalle one Leerstring, otherwise can this String for further
command the XProfan ODBC-interface uses go!

Result% = db.RemoveDSN(DSN$, [coachman$])
removes DSN-entry from whom Benutzerdatenquellen
Result% is 1 in the erfolgsfalle, otherwise 0

DSN$ = db.CreateMDB(DataBaseName$, [User$, [Password$]])
prepares a vain Acces-Database and fügt a DSN-entry hinzu

PS: The DSN-names go prepares from XPRF + Datenbankname without way and Extension

Feedback, Bugmeldungen etc. erwünscht

If the a or others another couple Examples create would, would very nice

26 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Beta 0.6

Have the example from the Using s. quick sometimes added to create the database (example1.mdb), as well as display. DSN becomes on the fly prepares and deleted
### hinzugefügt
 $U dbHelper.pcu = db.
Declare DSN$
DSN$ = db.CreateMDB(Beispiel1.mdb)

If DSN$ =  : End : EndIf

    ### ende
    Declare hDb&
    Declare MemoFeld$
    ### geändert
    hDb& = @SQLInit(DSN=Microsoft Access-Datenbank)
    hDb& = @SQLInit(DSN= + DSN$)
    ### ende

    If hDb&

        -Tabelle erzeugen------------------------------------------------
        -  AUTOINCREMENT = Autowert
        -  CHAR          = Text
        -  CURRENCY      = Waehrung
        -  DATE          = Datum/Uhrzeit
        -  FLOAT         = Double
        -  INT           = Long Integer
        -  MEMO          = Memory
        -  NUMBER        = Double
        SQLExec CREATE TABLE test1 (Nummer AUTOINCREMENT,  +
        Name CHAR(50) PRIMARY KEY,  +
        Vorname CHAR(30),  +
        GebDatum DATE,  +
        Groesse INT,  +
        Gehalt CURRENCY,  +
        Faktor FLOAT,  +
        Bemerkung MEMO);, 0
        -Einen Datensatz anlegen-----------------------------------------
        MemoFeld$ = Dies ist ein Memo-Feld in dem eine Menge Text  +
        gespeichert werden kann und das fast keine  +
        Grenzen kennt.
        SQLExec INSERT INTO test1 (Name, Vorname, GebDatum,  +
        Groesse, Gehalt, Faktor,  +
        Bemerkung)  +
        VALUES (Schnell,  +
        Stefan,  +
        #6/16/1964#,  +
        189,  +
        3141.59,  +
        2.473,  +
        :MemoFeld$);, 0
        -Datensaetze anzeigen--------------------------------------------
        SQLExec SELECT * FROM test1;, 1
        ### hinzugefügt
        @ListBox$(TABLE, 2)
        ### ende
        -Tabelle loeschen------------------------------------------------
        SQLExec DROP TABLE test1;, 0


    ### hinzugefügt
    ### ende
class=s4 href='./../../function-references/XProfan/end/'>End

Update on Beta 0.2
some Syntaxänderungen, see erstes Posting
example added

Werds in the running of the day test times.
Can itself there too nothing zerschiessen, if something removes?

not the there hereafter important Entries are missing...
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Michael Wodrich
Werds in the running of the day test times.
Can itself there too nothing zerschiessen, if something removes?

not the there hereafter important Entries are missing...

removes only DSN-Entries The with XPRF begin. means should it only of Program erstellte his. If You however a Access DB Namens Test.mdb and a Excel scheduler Test.xls having, so überschreiben which.

one ought to So the DSN Program Start produce and end endfernen, might then nothing occur, as long as one not gleichnamigen Databases paralell operates, with this PCU!

DSN-Entries are in general not important, can anytime In the Control Panel new lay out. (only Benutzerquellen go using, no system-DNS etc.!)

would be beautiful, if you time testest

Update on Beta 0.3

PCU size optimiert (70%) and speed enhanced

Access to Access works, but How I get Access to a MySQL-File?
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

[quote:817fe34677=Michael Wodrich]Access to Access works, but How I get Access to a MySQL-File?[/quote:817fe34677]
MyODBC must installs his, as address then z.B. whom localhost indicate. ( and coachman = MySQL ODBC 3.51 coachman
Habs but not yet tested, ought to but weg, if MySQL pub runs

Update Beta 0.5

any 3 function having now a additional optionalen Parameter. If this on 1 staid is, becomes the DSN-Sign in whom Systemdatenquellen prepares, or. deleted. there having too others User the Systems grabbed on The DB

PS: who some nice Examples post could, the sustain of me by PM whom Source, the but not relayed go must. means dive in

XAMPP has whom MyODBC well not used. The driver is by me not at all installs, fetch I straight to.

white someone where with XP Home The hosts. and lmhosts. very hingehören so tappt im dunkeln correctly ausgewertet go? I have on my system difficulty with the localhost indicated - The lead constantly in that vain. I help me with

The Templates lying under WindowsSystem32Driveretc
hosts.sam and lmhosts.sam.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

After system32/Drivers/etc
only rename, means extension lane

MySQL goes too without ODBC, because one The DLL libmysql.dll directly uses. but for ODBC is MyODBC necessary!

I schaff it simply not. Access-Files no trouble but MySql will not. or have I with *.myd The incorrect File on the roll.

there are *.myd, *.myi, *.frm to selection.
d=datenbank, i=index ?!!

prepares have I The data base How always: with phpMyAdmin - so work I really only. but one Programmzugriff via XProfan would naturally well...

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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