
Driveready Unit

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is drive XYZ: ready?
with this Unit no Topic More

now too with recognition whether CD or DVD ready.


2 kB

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[quote:2ba5e55f0e]Aua weia! now have I with my vorlauten Mundwerk but what done, and ... with the komischen Nick becomes me certainly rauskicken, or at least for this Thread Lock ...[/quote:2ba5e55f0e]
no, here in the Community must eachone its mustard dazutun, too with nem vorlauten Mundwerk!
I denk me but, the should eachone so manage, How it wants. sometimes is it useful, on what Fertiges zurückgreifen to, only learn one hold thereby Nix! If I proggen learn wants, must I but aufn Hintern settle and yourself what try!

have as Einstiegshilfe for Witha a Einsteigerkurs verfasst, the your time The Grundbegriffe procure should. is yet net integrally ready, if interest exists, stell I it then gladly all available.

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

dietmar has it on the point brought !

the only I yet complement would like, is the point spassfaktor whom eachone quellcode with itself bring.
this is with PCUs unfortunately sooner lowly.

in the running all years with Profan having me The Source and Includes definitive weitergebracht.
what would with PCUs on me vorbeigegangen .....

eachone can the naturally hold How it wants.
but Please !!! have compassion with me and all The through quellcode learn and understand want!

PCUs Please only if one berechtigter protection the quellcodes necessary is.

was of Roland, if me not everything täuscht, too time so virtual.


Dietmar wrote:
Aua weia! now have I with my vorlauten Mundwerk but what done, and[/quote:372f461ec3]
no really Have I there what done
and me on the side with the Unit too yet blamiert. is already everything correctly., if I The not simply of of my disk uploaded had, separate as Inc to go there laid had, then would the stupid Error directly noticed.

in the grossen and whole is it already correctly..
The couple Lines should really not a PCU.
Sorry happens I do not More!
hopefully suffering my Glaubwürdigkeit now through this Unitvieh not under

in this senses

need still not hedging weg Dietmar - your opinion schließe I still gladly on!

Why Ragnar this does understand I however not - but hey at times you both - if I that here time so read then see I eigendlich only you both as Belehrende.

i'd whom people it still simply self give over - on what tappt im dunkeln zurückgreifen want or not - but I can still not simply say: these well - these badly - The times are well past.

on PCUs gibz utterly nothing Bad - there are still only PCUs and no murder.

In one point would like I you but wiedersprechen Dietmar - about keep it private its 3-10 Lines wenner se not release would like. Why these Einschränkung - these instruction - these rule?

Solle here still Please eachone release what it about XProfan contribute can - therefore are we The XProfan-Community. and there PCUs to that XProfan dazugehören these here in eachone shape, colour and quality erwünscht. only from the Bunten kamma learn - not from gray Vorgaben.

@Rolf: rather a code Unit posted and draus learnt - as never a.

salvo, iF.

[quote:a80050688d]no really Have I there what done [/quote:a80050688d]
Tät I none so tight see: you have still a crazy Discussion in ambulation staid!
where would The mankind today, if any the same Einheitsbrei from the presage and other in-laws, friends, known, Lehrern (Tschuldige, Dietmar, is not against you! ) etc. take and without Widerspruch weiterkauen would, speak: NIE something New try would?

to something over 100 years held one it for lebensgefährlich, with the train faster as 36 km/h To rad....

hopefully suffering my Glaubwürdigkeit now through this Unitvieh not under [/quote:a80050688d]
No worry, we any know circa your merits!
and Perhaps are now a couple feverishly on the Überlegen, How to the Problem with the Laufwerken into handle catch could - as INC...

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

thanks Christian,

Puhhh, Happiness had.

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Hello iF,

if the operierende Professor itself in the evening no thoughts over the menschliche sorrow its Patienten make would, then ought to it its job in the interest its Patienten schnellstmöglich on whom nail hang - or itself rather on Tierdoktor or DDR-Trabi- or Wartburg-Schlosser umschulen let!!!

If one teacher itself to closing-time not The erforderliche Time for a tidy preparation of his Unterrichtes takes, so it its Schülern Zusammenhänge verständlich explain can, then sits it to at the latest 2 weeks kopfüber in the wastebasket the Klassenzimmers and alights to at the latest 2 years because of unüberwindlicher Disziplinprobleme with its pubertierenden Jugendlichen in the Klappse! and of course reasonable! so simply is the!!!

it has indeed none behauptet, that PCUs what Schlimmes seien, or these quite generally in question set go should.

because we now already time again with Hilfestellungen for Profan-Programmer are:

head spare for integral.

clear - for there Yes (X)Profan, and therefore be I indeed yet always thereby, withal some Unzulänglichkeiten, which it in the Programming-Language (yet) gives. the has still but mere quite nothing with PCUs To do, or? here reasonable Maßstäbe and Qualitäts-Standarts To settle is of my opinion to only and alone the job the Autors the Programming-Language.

what You with your lovely XPSE into world staid have, the would z.B. really the job of Roland been, something like by degrees yourself solid in XProfan To to assimilate. meanwhile results the Yes in first Ansätzen too (see z.B. Repeat-Until, several command per row, etc.). but first always to weeks- and ellenlangen Diskussions-Threads in the RGH-Forum each yet so tiny Erweiterungswunsch by the User. If against it with XPSE something not same works, then Gibts a reasonable Solution the Problems Deinerseits often already to few hours, or to at the latest 1 - 2 Meet, if meaningfully and of now same to some extent machbar.

everything what Rolf in ROC zusammengestellt has, the heard naturally without brilliant Diskussionen as expansion the Befehls-Syntax ditto into Programming-Language mere! and the can only the author yourself best do, because it finally his job is, his proposition To cherish and To cherish and on future versions the Betriebssystems anzupassen. the everything fundamentally of Fremdanbietern by external PCUs on duration manage let To want, the can of my opinion to only a (right cheap and primitive) Notlösung his.

Gucke still time, what z.B. from whom whole MRK-DLLs become is! Nu isser lane (where too always)! Result: diejenigen Progger, which on The Weiterentwicklung its DLLs (and ggf. Anpassung on Longhorn) leave having, stand on the Hose and can probably therefore in jahrelanger work created projects soon einstampfen! the Gejammere therefore kannste but already since some Time in the RGH-Forum pursue! Or proposition-Progger invest plenty Time, circa your projects without these Tools umzuschreiben. or nimm The Power-Dlls. Weiterentwicklung of now same tuned, withal the many Bugs, The of beginning on drin been were. now, You gutgläubiger Programmer: now trouble you time!

If already, then must something like UNBEDINGT everything a hand come, without if and but! and these a hand can only the author yourself, or one Authors-team under its pipeline his! or have You Perhaps already something of it heard, that z.B. MicroSchrott Erweiterungsbibliotheken for Delphi prepares has???

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

I can Your Standpunkte not erlesen.

too a Disskusion what a guter prof. and a badly prof is - was not sense the thing and my example watts purposely wrong. I faith here becomes one dedicated Allgemeinarzt with a professionellem surgeons verwechselst.

too one Verzicht on The Use of third-party-Things because everything a hand his must - is unbegründet. One manufacturers can anytime decease / his think about forsaking.

Beweiß: these Community.

my viewpoint is simply - I say integrally clear - if someone something develops has - and it gladly others zugänglich make would like without the the View source eingesehen go can - is on it nothing Bad. The Price for is too clear - the User can on the Objekt the lust nothing alter. for the a likes the one high Price his - for andern however one gefundenes Fressen.

Beweiß: solely positives Feedback of Users of my PCUs - here in the Community and by E-Mail. The a or others becomes here sure too confirm can - the my Source the PCUs not secret are - what about me these too herausgebe. here went it means even not therefore somebody something vorzuenthalten - separate with solid a PCU To release.

the PCUs very meaningfully are ersehe I on my own from it - even if the comparison something limp - that I The own PCUs vollautomatisch in my own programs use - because everything goes faster/plainer/rather.

Since I at Proggen so very on The Unzulänglichkeiten the PCUs rumhacke - be I accordingly too always ready these on top-quality To hold.

this works goes however not - if here in the XProfan-Community one negative feeling over PCUs common becomes.

means something pädagogischeres Herangehen Please. before we here quality instead of volume play can - need we first what to that comb out. means not the Topic totquatschen - separate time rather yourself ne PCU building so we sometime time to which whom Qualitativeren count can.

human Leuz we're here to that makes - Nich to that totquatschen. So I for my part have at least my PCU-should erfüllt.

salvo, iF

[quote:e613efcf12=iF]So I for my part have at least my PCU-should erfüllt[/quote:e613efcf12]
go still hopefully net your last PCUs been his?

circa now to that ursprünglichen Topic zurückzukehren: I have in the meantime Internet gestöbert and Perhaps a couple possible Lösungsansätze found, though in Languages, of them I almost only railway-station understand. Perhaps becomes of/ one of you but from it schlau.


XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

well Yes, David,

if you a apertured Meinungsäußerung as instruction auffaßt, then might the your alleiniges trouble his.

and that here everything in eachone shape, colour and quality erwünscht is, the likes I simply not believe want!

yet anyway drew itself these Community in my eyes particularly therefore from, that here gewisser Mindest-Standart vorherrscht, what The quality the Postings concerns. unfortunately can not of all Profan-pages so say, everybody can Internet finds.

otherwise lying here our opinions still none too far apart, if I me only times the Postings in this Thread here anschaue. without gewisse regulate goes it simply not, anderenfalls kommts over short or long to that chaos! the has nothing with regiment want, or quite oberlehrerhaftes instruct To do. and already none what with middle-aged times etc.

That Ragnar what about me here with ours opinion random time to some extent on of/ one Wellenlänge lying, the has quite nothing moreover To mean. For this having we in the past tense in another Forum already time integrally beautiful beharkt. big deal? I turn me with my opinion anyway not to the straight vorherrschenden wind.

i'd on any Cases my Schülern these lovely Community not any more recommend, once here eachone pseudo-Programmer its little durchdachten Schrott without rating or Meinungäußerung moreover through others User unload might. not lastly therefore yields it itself of my Erachtens quite automatically, that so some poster itself little more thoughts make, before tappt im dunkeln ihren Posting send.

too have I the feeling, that itself the level the Postings not negligible increased has, since You this stupid Ranking abgeschafft have. From some (jugendlicheren) Postern white I it exactly, that tappt im dunkeln here before only hot breeze posted had, circa finally again circa a Dienstgrad rise to, the under their Avatar displayed been was. meanwhile shine itself these people secluded to have, I none so badly find.

me lying and lying it remote, here somebody personally attack To want, only because it not integrally of my opinion is - and already none Rolf! but i think, there might it between us utterly no Mißverständnisse give, because Rolf what about me kennen us already some years hither, not only by regular privater Mails, separate too personally.

If I z.B. my Profan-courses durchführe, then must it simply a give, the thereby the say has and the Marschrichtung angibt. If I The courses durchführe, then give I The Marschrichtung on, and no another! if I naturally so stupid his ought to, and the Schülern of Fachlichen since constantly only cheese or. Schrott anbiete, then need I not above To wonder, as they me to few weeks as verkalkten, senilen dope class and the course fernbleiben! and a chaos, so integrally without gewisse regulate, the want The schoolboy too yourself not really. anyway diejenigen not, The Real on the Erlernen the Programming-Language interested are. too I had never a problem so, whom Schülern to time Error einzugestehen, if me time irgendeine Gedankenlosigkeit rausgerutscht is. big deal?

I me yourself here so seldom with own Codes beteilige, the lying not on irgendwelchen Geheimniskrämereien for may part, or so. the lying crept and simply on it, that my day only 24 hours has. my schoolboy anyway dürften of me probably already More demonstration-Codes get having, as here on the Page altogether to that Download offered go.

of my opinion to must one neither absolutely yourself one hen his and Eierlegen can, around the quality one Frühstücks-Eies to weigh up to ...

One manufacturers can anytime decease / his think about forsaking.

Roland has me already to years assure, that it whom Source of his Profan regularly in vertrauenswürdige Hands gives, for drop, that it against expect one lovely Day from heiterem sky time one tile on the head entrapments ought to. and because Roland yourself only one Vierteljahr older is, How I yourself, make I me too none large Kopp, that I one Day times without a actually Profan-Version stand there could.


Blamiert haste you here with your Unitvieh in none point! with us there were To DDR-times time a (ironical gemeinte) figure of speech, and the went about so:

who plenty operates, the power many Error! who little operates, the power little Error! who none operates, the power quite no Error! and who quite no Error power, the becomes constantly fine and prämiert!

so, now have I this issue probably (anyway from of my Sichtweise) erschöpfend totgequatscht. but too something like ought to occasionally not prohibited go. it has yet never of/ one Community geschadet, if too time such Off-Topic-Topics, The otherwise right little with the actual matter concern, under whom members discusses go can, or?

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Dietmar, in the reference on your letztes Posting would like I something moreover schweifen.

what I prevent would like is a Überreglementierung through default of regulate - and the so connected Lähmung.

The Admins here - To them You Yes count - are stetik so beschäfigt The here offered contents To kategorisieren, and so becomes a gewisse Order created.

the here none what unqualitatives ablässt - so think I have you got it wrong rated - beruht not the basis of regulate - separate therefore as Community seither led becomes. Since I self bestrebt was and be - here everything else as Garbage abzuladen - having in the principle none The chance Garbage in that Forum To to put without from the Members one aufn lid To get. (look still here)

here becomes means not good posted because I sometime times the rule aufstellte only good post - separate because these Community tidy led becomes - with which joined is that here automatically one höheres Level in the breeze lying.

means not regulate aufblättern - separate Führungsqualitäten aufzeigen. (what the dt. state unfortunately bislang missing)

i want means not through regulate lähmen - separate through Vorgaben interested. there see I a very large Difference - and so is the Community too grown - so How I it andachte - and success.

And if z.B. time of/ one a unqualitative Unit posting - you see still what here abgeht - so clutching immediate the heraufbeschwöhrte XProfanCommunityeigene Qualitätsmanagement. its me means quite so if time of/ one moreover-lying - only so arise one spectrum which ausreizbar is, because the we the deal can - is the generellen Durchschnittqualität the Postings here abzulesen.

we're Yes even - beweiß this Threads - in the site to permanenten and self-employed Weiterentwicklung - what these Community of others Communitys heavy distinguish in them only AdHoc dealt becomes.

I name this time selbstreglementierend.

I voice you utterly To in the point - the the human lead needed. it stick in the nature the thing and birgt nothing Bad. I distinguish here but in the Community seitbeginn successful heavy between lead and Reglementierung - what itself here always bewährt has - and what not hot should the it here no regulate gives.

what about me would you requests little more credit into Führungsqualitäten the iF to have - I here derjenige be the The Angstmails in the Postkasten has (How z.B. You The your schoolboy) - therefore do I of these Thread too really not simply. can You you present the 1/5 all Members alarmism having here something Wrong or lächerliches To post? this Thread here's not straight Angstnehmend - means Lähmend - and the ists what me on the Herangehensweise disturbing - and the ists why I too tlw. enthusiastic respond.

therefore - even if You then the community unfortunately not any more recommend can - here are PCUs in all shape and colours erwünscht - and if a Unit mist is - then ought to to the together check and not against the Topic Units talk - and already not at all into world to put someone solle its 3-10 Lines whenever keep it private. i think none here can itself assume To insist when one 3-10 Zeiler for Irgendjemanden time sometime interestingly his can.

there let I rather The 3Zeiler einrieseln - and be afterwards in the benefit sort to - because self at sort becomes learnt.

i'd me wish The Thematik so completed to have - that here none alarmism having must unqualitative Unit or Include (or whatever) To Post - there unqualitativ subjektiv is as long as it none Regelsalat gives which Mindestvorraussetzungen of qualitativen Units (or Quelltexten) vorgibt. and against such Regelsalat promise I herewith for all general Rubriken from.

self-evident however can we Special Rubriken erschaffen - in them defined Sonderregeln count. so How z.B in the Wettbewerbsbereich.

salvo, iF

think here really yet irgendwer on Rolf and its on itself good idea?
too the best Turmspringer has in its career time NEN tidy Bauchfleck debarked. well - it has vigorously Platsch made.
can we now Please again the actual Topic zuwenden?
or I mach a new thread per and Contra PCUs on and shift everything, what not directly with the Topic DriveReady To do has, dorthinein!
who itself yet yet no opinion over The to- and detriments of/ one PCU form could, becomes the too to the 254. Posting not zustandegebracht having!

it would me but really interested, How I reliably whom Status beliebigen Laufwerks eruieren can! The first Ansatz of Rolf was already time one step into right direction - Perhaps create wirs together! and its me schnurzpiepegal, in which shape - whether as PCU, INC or PRF! best as PCU + INC, then kanns eachone hold, How it wants.

Ciao, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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