
are "stille" Commands in video-Games possible ?

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over ands over again reads or hears one, that adolescent, after tappt im dunkeln itself one Game reingezogen having, To Gewalttaten incline and perform. in the Context position itself me question: Can as Spieleprogrammierer versteckte Commands in The Games present, The with dauernder Benutzung unterschwellig the Bewusstsein manipulating ? - naturally sound the one little to Sci-Fi, but the future has already began ! (In Supermärkten into USA get to a couple years into Hintergrundmusik Kaufanweisungen in the Nanosekundentakt eingeblendet. one heard tappt im dunkeln not, but the Unterbewusstsein spoke hereon on - should today not any more made go, there prohibited ! - well, Yes wers believes)

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... against it be I the opinion, that manipulation through Computerspiele on itself very well the case is ...


I find, The whole Diskutiererei in direction manipulation through Computerspiele is völliger Nonsens, even if psychologists (or are the quite Psychopathen?) in her (of ihren Auftraggebern sure not so bad honorierten) studies regularly To gegenteiligen Erkenntnissen gelangen like. From them becomes sure none The hand chop off, from the tappt im dunkeln regularly fed go ...

After its Logik should then eachone, the itself regularly Krimis ansieht, ditto kriminell go.
or: who itself regularly sex-video reinzieht, the develops itself then to sex-Monster.

particularly high goes it thereby known Yes always in the Context with Jugendlichen since. of my opinion to go such futile-Diskussionen in regelmäßigen intervals aimed of supra initiiert, circa in the first from the to uphold causes, z.B. for constantly steigende Jugendkriminalität and secondly, circa so from the own inability to effective Bekämpfung this causes abzulenken! as causes entrapments me spontan one: Lehrstellenknappheit, Perspektivlosigkeit, unemployment, as well as alcohol- and Drogensucht with all Konsequenzen, How Beschaffungskriminalität, etc.

Übermäßiges Computerspielen, or the regelmäßige Reinziehen of Gewaltvideos u.ä. likes sure not straight to a positive Charakterentwicklung with Jugendlichen contribute. dangerous becomes it in this Context always first then, if the for Betreffenden from lack on Alternativen and perspectives to that alleinigen Day- or. Lebeninhalt becomes. still for can under no circumstance The Computerspiele or The Gewaltvideos (or. its manufacturers) Responsible make. Genausowenig How one The forger the Otto- or Dieselmotors (or quite The Straßenbäume?) for -zigtausenden Verkehrstoten in each year on Deutschlands Straßen Responsible can make.

against it could one Roland G. Hülsmann with good reason for XProfan-seek with many of us sue - because it these simply To handhabende windows-Programming-Language erschaffen has. i'll therefore however no rechtliche steps against RGH because of of my XProfan-seek einleiten ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

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Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

an Website, The Perhaps interested:
It's all right in of my survey not circa Suchtgefahren and its Auswirkungen.
my question sounds: is it possible, over Computerprogramme with in the program versteckten command unterschwellig the Bewusstsein To bearing. the has nothing so To do, I too XPROFAN-addicted be (and the since years) -
it standing solid, that it Opportunities in the Medizin gives and of course without Medikamente, whom menschlichen sake To shape. -
The question standing in the space and was not first thing set:
can the human by the PC manipulating go ? - of my opinion to JA -
the catches already with harmlessly advertisement on (The known Pop-Window), but where hears it on ...?!

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