
Assemblerkenntnisse - yes or No?

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I have yet some to and would like time insgesammt antesten, as with the Kenntnissen circa Assembler (ASM/MASM) here in the Forum so looks.

none blassen Schimmer: you have yet never splendid with ASM To do had and bislang self no Source in ASM written. too The, The of course in the principle a Großteil one ASM Textes reading can, but not moreover in the site are, own Code write, should itself here present. too someone, the of course sometime once some Tutorial durchgeackert has, but never to that write come is, heard to go there. to about of/ one week had I on jedenfall here registered.

have Grundkenntnisse: here belong any there, The of course already smaller ones Codes in ASM geproggt having, but far of it removes are, The gesammt Syntax To kennen. too any Beginner in ASM Programming should itself here addressed feel. myself have me here verewigt.

have experience with ASM: this is The right place to that tick for Profis in ASM Programming (Frank Abbing would I to that example here sort). eachone, the already some more projects with ASM implemented has, but long ago not yet each Kniff knows (How z.B. Treiberprogrammierun or the create of DLLs) and people, The of course former plenty with ASM herumgespielt, but already since years nothing more geproggt having, should here your Cross settle.

I had it really gladly, if eachone, the on these survey stößt, tappt im dunkeln too answer would. who particularly plenty Time has, can also a short Text darunterschreiben, what it bislang very with ASM made has.

best Thanks


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[quote:39dd4449cf]interestingly find I in this Context, that You Frank here as Assemblerprofi bezeichnest, though I me sure be, that it weder Computer science study has, yet too only irgendeinen Schein in Assemblerprogrammierung vorweisen can.[/quote:39dd4449cf]

that's right.
I see me yourself neither as Profi, because it yet sufficient items gives, The I none or only unzureichend rule, z.B. The macro-Programming. advanced student - Yes. Profi - No.
as advanced viewing I hierbei somebody, the often demand becomes, as the it yourself somebody ask should.

[quote:091d15b84d=Jörg Sellmeyer]
interestingly find I in this Context, that You Frank here as Assemblerprofi bezeichnest, though I me sure be, that it weder Computer science study has, yet too only irgendeinen Schein in Assemblerprogrammierung vorweisen can.
I faith you mußt your Own Definition of Profi/expert still again rethinking

no Profi, separate someone with experience. These formulation have I purposely chosen. I have me some item of people durchgelesen, The I as Experten bezeichnen would (u.a. of Professoren and Doktoren) circa behind some Spezialitäten the Programming To glances. i'm in the rule glad if I about one quarter of a this item at all understand - not because itself badly written are, separate because me simply a volume on know missing, The there simply as the must already time fundamentally present his presupposed becomes. what power me, Frank or someone others here for you very to a Experten?

I have in the last year times the Shatter Attack something accurate under The Lupe taken. alone circa these couple Lines View source to program, is a amplitude on know and a understanding Windows necessary, what here bislang yet none viewed has - and there there were then in the Public Diskussionen, whether it itself with this Programmer really about a Experten deals. ;D

I personally find it quite arrogantly in a Liga play To want, into one simply not hineingehört. to talented laymen have I integral More respect, as to self-appointed Experten. who itself here self into Liga the Experten katapultiert, without this nachweislich To his, shows lest only, that it of large reaches the Windowsprogrammierung quite no idea has,, separate too, that his horizon so dull is, that it
in none point wahrnimmt, that these reaches at all existieren.

to jemandem, the in the Liga the Experten mitspielen can or could have I ditto large respect - I personally can not, because me missing jegliches Grundwissen moreover - namely the one Studiums or of/ one fundierten Training in the area Computer science. there me this Grundwissen complete missing, can my know only Laienwissen his, I, How said, always only one quarter the item really understand, The I me there durchlese.
from the equal reason can I from the remainder only think, that I whom understood have, because my know watts never on its accuracy there screen.

PS: Frank Abbing wished I not as Experten bezeichnen, separate only present, where it and the Profis in ASM Programming itself sort should. whether Frank one Profi is, can I at best sake not to judge - I can but very very say, where I it in of my survey gladly see would.

the sees Yes quite well from ...

reason of my survey: I have to, soon here yet some over Treiberprogrammierung in ASM entrapments To let (if the on fruchbaren ground meets). look over ought to one there often times under whom Votings to Treiberprogrammierung and the Native-APIs.
of these assembled Info ought to it then self for a Beginner in ASM no trouble his, Own driver in ASM to develop, around the Funktionalität its Profanprogramme To strain.

Voraussetungen are crude Grundkenntnisse (have Grundkenntnisse) in ASM - who itself here under Experience verewigt has, becomes quite no Problems having the umzusetzen.
The people, The here none blassen Schimmer angekreuzt having, should itself for the time being time some days long in ASM einarbeiten and good Kenntnisse in API-Programming bring along.

exists interest on such Info?

[quote:465e0bc041]exists interest on such Info?[/quote:465e0bc041]
before You the ask, should You first of all time explain, what with a driver possible is, that one normales Program not can. i think, the scheinbare Desinteresse in the Context with your think about lying too therein begründet, that many simply not know, what time so at all begin can...

[quote:0ad6364bce=Frank Abbing][quote:0ad6364bce]exists interest on such Info?[/quote:0ad6364bce]
before You the ask, should You first of all time explain, what with a driver possible is, that one normales Program not can. i think, the scheinbare Desinteresse in the Context with your think about lying too therein begründet, that many simply not know, what time so at all begin can...[/quote:0ad6364bce]
OK, I versuchs time To explain. first of all time something, what quite nothing with Treiberprogrammierung To do has:

with the application [...]  can among other things through Change the Zugriffsrechte the Policy- and Account-Objektes under windows2000 The Zugriffsrechte this Objects so settle, the another Admin my Account of course Privilegien add, this but never again delete can. Currently is me no Possibility famous, whom Security Descriptor this Objects over The API to open - How make I the but then? I greife directly on the Security Descriptor this Objects in the Registry To and change it there! I make means with direktem grabbed something, what really none possible is.

with TNT can I in the Userbereich, d.h. in virtual
Speicherbereichen To 2GB stranger processes, to Objects in memory search, these read and directly Change. One example for direktes Reading of/ one such structure is the small Spielerei in [...] , with the I Fehlercodes another processes choose.
where this Error Code very standing, have I me with TNT herausgesucht - nirgendwo nachgelesen or abgeschrieben. i'm means through direct Access to Speicherbereiche moreover in the site, me from the complete To solve, what somewhere declared or described is and Perhaps integrally new things to develop - not only things in schlechterer shape nachzuproggen.

an thing, The in the moment at Treiberschreiben in the Vordergrund for me standing, is direct read- and Schreibzugriff on Speicherbereiche Pipe.pcu 2GB.
what that is is well now clear: complete solve from the what irgenwo described or declared is, self look over and directly Change circa so things To make, The differently not weg - and of course related on the gesammten virtual memory each ongoing Prozesses!

example: Structures, The I there suspect, are u.a. the Access-Token and defined Sicherheitsbeschreibungen. for a Admin is it no trouble, The Sicherheitsbeschreibungen on one computer so To settle, the it everything reading, delete and Change can. If two Admins in a computer works, wants the a but Perhaps not, the the others everything reading or delete can...

As I said: what a driver among other things can, is me The Possibility give self in any reaches the virtual Prozeßspeichers all processes To glances and these at will To Change.


Jau, Speicherschnüffeln, How in AntiVir, the to Time on your computer runs, to that example . AntiVir launch ditto a driver, whom You weder see yet terminate can and the in the Kernel to viruses seek.
me goes it thereby around the Speicherschnüffeln in the own computer, circa through direct Zugriffe and direktes Reading and look over of Sachverhalten The border of API-Programming abschütteln to and in the Endeffekt not any more the dependent To his, what me Microsoft in its Documentations over his Betriebsystem betray wants. It's all right therefore things To do, The usually only wirkliche Experten do. It's all right therefore, directly behind The things To glances, of them The item deal, The I me in of my free time durchlese and the from the people written get, The I Experten name would....

So I have interest on whom Info. be but to Time very eingespannt.

[quote:9c7a872a1f]Jau, Speicherschnüffeln, How in AntiVir, the to Time on your computer runs, to that example .[/quote:9c7a872a1f]
Nene, by me runs the not (More). by me fit since some Time Avast! on...

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i will time hoping, the too the a driver launch .

with safety.
And Multitasking understand the too what - there walk up to 7 Module The on all sorts of things pay attention.

I have avast! since one year - and withal the last Accident I will thereby stay. The Updates come very quick and the Befall has still circa good 80% verringert.
on the umbrella (AntiVir) is integral More vorbeigeschlüpft.

I have too interest on whom Native-stories.
there falls me application one, The I always time umsetzen wished - so quick as Antiviren-Jäger over The disk rush circa to designed Files/data to search.
there one with RECYCLER / SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION / an so on too directories has into one not hineinkommt (and on this to put on The nose falls) there there sure some Opportunities More in the Native-area.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

you become mail of me get - in the next Time. have unfortunately ex today again night shift.

I have too interest on whom Native-stories.
there falls me application one, The I always time umsetzen wished - so quick as Antiviren-Jäger over The disk rush circa to designed Files/data to search.
there one with RECYCLER / SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION / an so on too directories has into one not hineinkommt (and on this to put on The nose falls) there there sure some Opportunities More in the Native-area.
If it around the grabbed goes:
the one there not hineinkommt, lying on the Security Descriptor - means on whom Zugriffsrechten - for these Ordner.
I have me the for SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION time with PrivAktivate respected:
really Access to this Ordner has only the Account system - the Account the Betriebsystems, in the driver and defined Services walk.
what important is: The proprietor this Folder is the group Administratoren, d.h. The group Administratoren has the right, The Zugriffsrechte this Folder To Change.
fastest and simplest Possibility for Access to these Ordner:
1.) Zugriffsrechte on Vollzugriff for my Account Change.
2.) data read.
3.) Zugriffsrechte zurücksetzen.

I have of course not yet very nachgesehen, I go but of it from, that the OS with the Reading this Ordner a Teiber orders, the with the Office-Programs and the Explorer kommuniziert.
i'll into next Meet Windows2000 time look over, which driver for evtl. in question come (with Mister Root, Although not yet ready, the can the but already).
Evtl. can itself there Yes somewhere einklinken - if one on The suitable Info comes...


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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