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i think the Beleidigungsfechten in the Comunity was still a integrally good idea, but from mangelnder Teilnahme is it the Schließung dangerous near come. therefore here a small survey: who is for/against it, etc.


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lowly would I do not say. but i'm glad, that too time others Topics/reaches angeschnitten go can, the sorgt still for, that the Members here much better get to know, as z.B. in Rolands Profanforum. I see the eindeutig as Bereicherung.

must itself of/ one from the Rentnerband too moreover äussern ?
first be I time with Jac u. Frank the opinion, that not everything circa XProfan turn must - finally is the one open Forum and ought to of my opinion to too so stay. i'm here manchesmal helped been and sometimes could so did i a hint (Tipp ?) give. not each Topic (Thread) was for me interestingly. have I even dran past red (having then More Time for my daily BILD ) but so some have I in running of my Time here fixes. its one herrlicher bunch of Humans here gather ! - and where Humans together are, becomes it always Meinungsverschiedenheiten give. hopefully remaining the too so, we're namely any the same think and same judge would, Why still one Forum ? - then wären we gleichgeschaltet and the would awful and Tschüss

Horst horn
must itself of/ one from the Rentnerband too moreover äussern ?

clear, wieso not ?
I schließ me there Horst, Jac and Frank on. clear, we're one Programmierforum, but therefore, that too others things beredet and veranstaltet go (z.B. the Fotowettbewerb) becomes the whole here lockerer and sorgt too for Gesprächsstoff.
to the Beleidigungsfechten can I nothing say, i don't know How the expires and Have the too yet never made
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6


Metallisch hit[ed] The sound one after another, always and over ands over again. Jo keuchte. Arthur McFrowlin gambling with seinem opponent, the The bangs only with trouble parierte. numerous slice pulled itself over Jos body, blood sickerte through his zerrissenes shirt. it stumbled to one deftigen blow, fell hintenüber. Arthur lowered The sound, deutete it, aufzustehen.

I Have you still said, young, you have no chance.
whole Armeen shivering, if I appear.
though Jo to breeze wrestling, huschte one grinning over his verschwitztes face.
The laugh mere over your krummen legs!

Arthur was so stunned, that it beinahe forgot, Jos forward line To parieren. whom first shock could it yet intercepting, still the second sat. his guter, old Säbel, one Erbstück of his Vaters, flew in the high bow from its hand over The Reling and versank in the sea. incredulous gazed it The pointed the Degens on, The the young little Zentimeter to its Halsschlagader gestoppt having, and lifted The Hands.

after a idea a known Computer-Game (Monkey Island):
The regulate the Beleidigungsfechtens

1. it'll a insult/one to Selbstbewusstsein triefender saying posted. who the poster The kreativste & schlagfertigste response entgegenschleudert, win. target is it thereby, whom opponent short To verunsichern, as in a Schwertduell useful his could.

2. 24 hours to Post the ursprünglichen Spruches certainly his Urheber The Gewinnerantwort. The Gewinner sustain a Gummipunkt.

3. If the response itself even on the ursprünglichen saying reimt, there in the Gewinnfall a Gummipunkt additional.

4. The Gewinner posting whom next saying.
4a.) Postet the actually Gewinner whom saying not within 24 hours to Bekanntgabe of his Sieges, is his Vorgänger again on the row. The Punktevergabe remaining of it unberührt.
4b.) it'll therefore gebeten, whom Gekürten by a private Message To informieren, around the Kontinuität the Spiels To gewährleisten.

5. Beleidigungsfechten is a sportlicher contest, no Pöbelsport. sense is it, possible creative Answer to find - who just futile pöbelt, becomes to that Kielholen abkommandiert.
on the Schluss come then such Beleidigungsduelle zustande, here Examples from the Kurzgeschichte.de-Forum (The names in Klammer only The names the mitspielenden people):

F: says me whom names Eurer dearest, i'll your Initialen in your marrow ritzen. (macsoja)
A: so roughly How your whom Degen lead, würd well my intestinal sooner verziert. (Seaman)

F: have you got to that breakfast one Stinktier gefressen? (Seaman)
A: somehow must I Yes against Euren stink immunizing. (Lemmi)

F: Your ears equal Salatblättern, tomatoes on the eyes and a Knollennase...from you schnibbel I me now a lovely lettuce (Lemmi)
A: Ernährungsbewusst? against Eisenmangel would have I what known! *zustech* (buck)

F: your moving you as an volume from glibbrigem pulp! (buck)
A: I wiggling only, because I on the Erbrochenen, the me your sight bescherte, auszurutschen threatening. (Angua)

F: The Eierkopf heard you aufgeschlagen, too, if it there drin nothing to that Löffeln gives! (Angua)
A: so see still finally!
with the Degen To löffeln the goes well heavy,
therefore ye indeed so thinly How it! (buck)

F: i'm the Mount Everest the Fechtkunst, the Jupiter the maleness! (buck)
A: that is, you are voller gas, my flatulenter friend, turn you futile in the circle and become moreover yet regularly of sweaty bärtigen Männern bestiegen??? (Alpha O`Droma)

F: take your sword still one bit aside, bow! I Ram you the my wireless in that Megahertz! (Alpha O`Droma)
A: your phished in the Trüben! I parrier with my VirusShield, and geb you this - Patch -, and the - Patch -, and To guter Letzt werf I you highspeed over Baud. (dotslash)

F: your fuchtelt with the Degen, as dirigiert your one orchestra! (dotslash)
A: then be me your Gedärm for chords the Violinen Welcome. (sim)



I stops 48 hours for rather. it falls even me partly heavy within one Day a siegeswürdige response to find.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

24 Std. counts in the others Forum. here stops I a complete week for appropriate.

alas Yes, is correct. Hm, this is almost again long. I erinner me dark, that it always laaaange gedauert has, To The next round began.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

if i remember rightly, might it then objectively always round a week gedauert having, To a new round began watts. one must indeed incht forget, that here some (How I z.B.) only weekly or even yet seltener hinkommen.
Nico Madysa

Hm, is correct again. means it remaining with of/ one week.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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