
Done: Verständnisprobleme with Downloads in Threads ... ?

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gives it Verständnisprobleme about Downloads in Thread with z.B. Program/Paketvorstellungen ? [...] 

here can above talked go.

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this is The survey whether it Verständnisprobleme gives, not whether the system apply go should. the Umfrageergebnis is nevertheless selbstredend.


look still self: [...] 

(and the are first a couple aussortierte...)

I find it already odd or. quite überraschend, that the XProfan-manager with its ca. 300 MB of ours MMJ-HP [...]  since the install the Downloadzählers end March 2008 yet already around the 300 time Downloaded been is - The integral smaller ones MMJ-Source-collection (only few MB) against it only ca. semi so often. and there are not yet times the Updates directly over The Aktualisierungsfunktion the Managers and former possible Downloads directly from the Community from mitgezählt.

The Number of Downloads of my own MMJ-people might there sooner vernachlässigbar small his, because The can itself the mostly plenty recent Update each week plenty plainer directly of my on ihren USB-Stick copy.

The Download-Link the manager-Program is on ours MMJ-HP with not more than 3 Mausklicks launched. And so vaguely empfine I it on others (good) XProfan-HPs, The I regularly visit.

somehow was these Discussion here evident only time again "kleiner tempest in the Wasserglas", or Ähnliches in this direction been ...


a Download-Counter for externe left, The from the Community from klicked go, would find I nevertheless not so bad ...  
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


The Download-Link the manager-Program is on ours MMJ-HP with not more than 3 Mausklicks launched. And so vaguely empfine I it on others (good) XProfan-HPs, The I regularly visit.

can I so not confirm.

@Dietmar: The XProfan-manager ought to imho anyhow here highlighted go - z.B. left under "Wichtiges".

@Dietmar: The XProfan-manager ought to imho anyhow here highlighted go - z.B. left under "Wichtiges".

where we now Yes sufficient Space hätten...

what The Thread concerns so faith I: Done.

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...and what the "Links" concerns:
How would a List the programs (naturally with the Grafiktaler) in the Fußbereich (oberhalb the Fußes, circa very To his). so wären The pair from derm "Fluß" out, the most important rauscht first over The pipeline and if one it need is it nevertheless always tangible.

If you already the Layout on the head position, then should we ALLE items new write out....

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

P.s.: how'bout with a Thread: "Layout-Wünsche"
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


@Dietmar: The XProfan-manager ought to imho anyhow here highlighted go - z.B. left under "Wichtiges".

Hello David,

any or some of my programs and Tools from the Download Area ours MMJ-HP can You for may part ungefragt here in the community on The from you as properly erachtete to put einsortieren, because You on the Download Area of [...]  verlinkst - if You these for archiviernswert hälst.

twice gemoppelt (here and on ours HP) would I the ungern having want, because there indeed a couple something fettere Batzen thereby are and the Upload z.B. the XProfan-Managers each Update now always almost 2 hours lasts.

The things, with them the latest Update-date next to the Downloadlink called is, I will too prospective in irregular intervals update.

because You our Vereins-HP dankenswerterweise anyhow on Your Server hostest, exists neither The menace, that the Page of today on tommorrow not any more existing, or from others Found The Downloadlinks in that vain walk could. if nevertheless time one Link against expect not functions ought to, then Please I circa quick Info, because then would this one bedauerliches slip unsererseits. Nobody is perfect, because meanwhile are we three MMJ-people, The self-employed (naturally to vorheriger disputed with me, what The contents concerns) occasionally or regular by FTP-access on ours MMJ-HP werkeln. on ours Dreiergruppe, The The FTP-Zugangsdaten having (Kuni, Thomas what about me) will in absehbarer Time too nothing Change.

for the others MMJ-Authors the on ours Page offered programs and Tools can and would like I not talk - moreover möge itself eachone Author yourself express, whether it the wish, or not - or his Program / Tool ggf. same yourself additional here on [...]  einsortieren.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Frank Abbing
can I so not confirm.

1. Click: [...] 
2. Click: "Neue Downloads, Applications and aide in XProfan" (left, about in the middle)
3. Click: "XProfan-Manager"

with us works the anyway with the three Mausklicks, since then it these Downloadlinks gives.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

So I find on Eurer Page always very garnüscht, The is awful unübersichtlich. and the PopupMenü is always verrutscht if something breiteren screen has.

I have but no trouble so How You with Files here verfährst, the Grundgedanke behind the "Regel" is of it Yes not concerned.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Michael W.06/08/18


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