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 E.T. | me would still time interested, who The "beste" Nature and point has, its data To secure. is now the system "rotierende Backup-Platten", the tägl. diff. Backup on The same disk or whatever The best Solution ?? Manch of/ one becomes too say: "Backup, wozu because ?? by me is yet never what happens...". Well, who whom Gau once erlebt has, think then differently drüber...
tells still time, How your the so handling. would be me Real time interested, and naturally such I me from whom best ideas then the best out 
[OFFTOPIC]Hm, How mach I now here 'ne survey draus ?? IF, HILFE !!!![/OFFTOPIC] |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 09/19/11 ▲ |
 ByteAttack | means first would I frighten, should my tiles not rotate 
it comes always on The Backup-strategy on. on the best find I if one tiles has, The gespiegelt go. the at a single blow two tiles at the same time 'abrauchen' is so well How impossible. though only over hardware RAID. Serverversionen afford of course too Stripesets over software on, slow but the disk ungemein. From one Backup on only of/ one disk rate I generally ex.
the daily differenzierte Backup would only so a additional strategy to the supra named. there could one then hold defined days restore. here would I to a NAS grab, around the data too of others Rechnern in the LAN ready To to put. here another Link, the very interestingly is: [...]  |
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 | I have me mtlw. angewöhnt my data manually and relatively regularly simply on Servern To secure or. "hochzuladen".
[OFFTOPIC]Hm, How mach I now here 'ne survey draus ?? IF, HILFE !!!![/OFFTOPIC]
Ah, I known something forget to have -
have yet only a Voting-option program for "Geheimabstimmungen" as here: [...] -
what you mean fetch I but to! |
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 | Since I stolzer owner of/ one SSD-Festplatte be differentiate I first of usual qlische the my disk rotate  but once in the week, chiefly wednesdays (there change so did i always The Bettwäsche, take my Anti-Malaria-tablet and clear my Stube on) schließe I mean externe Festplatte on and lass stumpf of Acronis one Backup create. and by me in the pursued lay I once daily the Magnetband one on the the jeweilige day standing.
Greeting Thomas Edit: and Why i was at a single blow ausgeloggt as i sent -.- |
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