
interest on Native-APIs?

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has someone interest on whom Native-APIs with the Prefix Zw and Nt?

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One Source standing here z.B. in a puzzel of me - not red?

eachone, the itself on this puzzel in anybody Nature and point involved has, had on demand there Info of me to usage get can (standing there) - none has nachgefragt - no interest?

I have supra only attempts, Torstens Question answer, because the has demand and has apparently interest. who interest has, becomes Info get (and zumindestens of/ one has of it already enough and to spare , and the has apparently too very above gefreut).

i'll on jedenfall no Info on people give, which in the principle none with the matter keep busy want and only on the Search to Quelltexten are - the bring for me only detriments.

i'll on jedenfall no Info on people give, which in the principle none with the matter keep busy want and only on the Search to Quelltexten are - the bring for me only detriments.

Well You maßt you here but on in the Vorraus to know whether someone so keep busy would like or would - this is vermessen. Stell you to I had to ähnlichen Maßgaben the community program - in the Quelltextesammlung wären 3 Sources - little inspirierend mean not too?

and which detriments itself Specifically for you yield if you brauchbare CodePieces postest is well for most hardly nachvollziehbar - especially since - it can itself hierbei too only circa speculation deinerseits deal.

How ichs turn and contact - it remaining disagreeable. On of/ one party becomes nunmal getanzt ;)

not red?

there's no Posting that I not personally know - already on my own from Sicherheitsgründen let I me each Posting immediate at dispatching or Edit on my sweet Communicator to deliver - by überlange-SMS. Thanks Base could I it me even free make possible...

As I said, Source, stand here already three - How many should I yet post and why?.
1. View source supply an example to usage of Registry in a Native-API.
2. View source supply an example to usage of Files the Native-API.
from both Quelltexten can ersehen, How Strings uses go.
3. View source supply an example to that Reading the Current Direktory stranger processes.
who The Native-API using would like, white means The most important things, circa so umzugehen.

circa these APIs into API-Library aufzunehmen, missing me well still something The Time - a API has several Parameter and a Parameter has under Umständen far over 20 different states.

which detriments had it for me here moreover Source To post, without the one wirkliches interest exists:
who everything vorgekaut get, has no interest, self to Solutions to search. it'll so walk, How with sämtlichen Programs, The I here poste: there's no comments, there's no ask, there's nothing, what me in anybody Nature and point weiterbringt. Error have myself to search what about me white not even, whether the I there manufactured have at all somehow usable and useable is. in the principle vergeude I means only a bunch Time, The I rather with think and write benefit can.

point I here but only The direction, becomes Perhaps anybody time self look over and self cogitate - and the bring then too me moreover. its means integral rather, here at all quite nothing vorzukauen and possible little brauchbares To post, if no interest exists - what there possible is, have I Yes now said.

i'm against it very gladly ready (so far I the can) ask To answer and with want too suitable Documentations herauszugeben as well as with the development of Quelltexten To help (How I the on another place too do).
Gleiches counts incidentally for Programming of Treibern, what Yes tight zusammenhängt. too there I will very very watch, whether the, what there do can, at all for irgendjemanden of interest is.
If of/ one gladly Türmchen building, the remainder but rather with dolls game, Why ought to this a then on The others its Bauklötze distribute? is still foolish, or?

alas there pressing the shoe - one enttäuschtes I krich To little Feedback - deal?

which detriments had it for me here moreover Source To post:
who everything vorgekaut get, has no interest, self to Solutions to search.

Ähm - where is there the disadvantage for you?

: there's no comments, there's no ask, there's nothing, what me in anybody Nature and point weiterbringt.

Nene, where is the disadvantage for you?

Error have myself to search what about me white not even, whether the I there manufactured have at all somehow usable and useable is.

... disadvantage?

in the principle vergeude I means only a bunch Time, The I rather with think and write benefit can.

what hindert you?!

point I here but only The direction, becomes Perhaps anybody time self look over and self cogitate - and the bring then too me moreover.

and, too Zeitverschwendung?

its means integral rather, here at all quite nothing vorzukauen and possible little brauchbares To post, if no interest exists

If it your border is possible little brauchbares To post should I you requests garnichts To post? would be here eachone possible little brauchbares Post - müsstest you one AssemblerBuch buy? XPSE yourself write because I it not post would so You InlineASM simply benefit can - or. one out first at all on The idea brought? Zeitverschwendung?

what there possible is, have I Yes now said.

what possible is know we without you not - especially since your border its possible little brauchbares To post? Hä?

i'm against it very gladly ready (so far I the can) ask To answer and with want too suitable Documentations herauszugeben as well as with the development of Quelltexten To help (How I the on another place too do).

therefore are we here! too Zeitverschwendung?

too there I will very very watch, whether the, what there do can, at all for irgendjemanden of interest is.

here wants none watch go These shape the offensichtlichen Zuteilens results in little Feedback and bring More ask as Answer?

If of/ one gladly Türmchen building, the remainder but rather with dolls game, Why ought to this a then on The others its Bauklötze distribute?

can I you say -

a) because the the Türme building not to weigh up can whether The The with dolls play Perhaps still too Türmchen building go (If you the can then respect - the can IMHO not time god ),

b) because the the Türme building The Puppenspieler not except eight let ought to because without The Puppenspieler its Türme niemanden interested,

c) You yourself longer dolls game as You in Your boys Programmiererdasein at all understand?

look time - i will you still only before it bewahren - means I drücks time so from - the klitzekleine Topic what You there treat - means we'd as we yet young and inexperienced (what Programming concerns) sure any time such then interessanten Topics and wanted to certainly too integrally plenty reward and Feedback - it stayed but from. today know we the we eigendlich not the Topic self - separate with ours manner to that apple made having. not the the Topic tedious was - but it was hold only one Topic. Treiberprogrammierung - beautiful - hey can we any! Real! whom it interested the building itself a driver - no thing! one I Have already under Dos assemblert there i was 12 - tsrs Have I built like a Weltmeister - even PCX-BIld-Screenshots of TextModus(c080/40) Have I hingeproggt - has no sau interested I fands terrific!

Gäbe it then already the internet How today - would I Perhaps immernoch postings of me reading - ifs to AH went in the manner: CO80, already time heard? (laughter - none says what) or TSR power Screenshot! Haha! someone interest How one PCX-Header correctly writes? (gelächte - no says what) - well is still too clear!

i was hold one Noob - thought this is wundersache I in lieu of. look time I personally find nowadys any Programmierthemen stink tedious. Real. there's nothing I I do not dahinpinseln could - dauerts hold - naund. but the heist still not that I me immediate and now for Treiberproging interested must because You strain whom I part me the world with How I APIs Call-urge have. Real interested Perhaps strain no! not angry meant! but überlasse still whom people it for itself whom Time to find when tappt im dunkeln it need. And then! then but ought to a solide Datenbasis ready stand - and then would one itself forward if it available is. then wants The Puppe Perhaps with Klötzern play!

otherwise erhebst you Yes whom claim always here To this Topic available To his - I mean hey - no thing for may part - as far as I'm concerned were You here always already very Welcome - the points You but! The reality has but too viewed the it time integrally so simply vorkommen can the AH from - completely unwichtig whom Found - time ebend unavailable is. Nè?

we're here a Community - or platform or Portal or whatever derartiges - so too a Wissenssammlung. it ought to not in the Vordergrund stand To try others on The personal needs anzupassen. or machs How I ermögliche the Umsetzen your personal Spielereien so the You tappt im dunkeln all available position.

find I - comes somehow lockerer. and stell time to - I Have niemanden demand whether interest at a XProfanCommunity exists - really not The Answer hätten me too üüüüberhautp not interested! in the meantime white I but the many said hätten mere not - there gabs well time incidents bla bla. you see - the life game not ex in Black or white - its motley. the only what the human imho believes bearing to is its Color Depth.

is still foolish, or?

Ganzschöner nonsense!

there would like so did i time a Why stay interjecting.

@AH: think still time on it, How You to the Treiberinfos come are. The stood simply so Internet - without the of/ one demand has whether the someone need.

even if these new Info in the momentum yet niemenden interested. it'll with safety people give, The so something begin can.

and - integrally sincere - have You whom Authors the Treiberinfos Information zukommen let, the it you with Your trouble helped or your understanding extended has???

this is unfortunately always so a problem with the Feedback....

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Michael Wodrich
this is unfortunately always so a problem with the Feedback....

One so grosses exclamation points, How there behind should, fit not time on my 20-inch-Monitor.

it'll many here weg How me:
1. I need currently none Treiber; particularly none, whom I me yourself write should.
2. I knows now, the The Info, The me permit with want a driver self To write. available are
3. I knows now, where I thereafter ask can.
4. I knows now, who me with suitable Problemen help would.

for the point 1. can you nothing
The others spots must You you credit
and what the Topic Source code angeht, can I me Bermerkung still not verkneifen:
lass you time of a anglers (or one Werbefachmann) explain what anfüttern is.

so clear is, in welchem senses I the whole my:
Thank you for manchen useful hint and some interesting Why stay
(and so itself nobody on Schlips or feet trod feel counts the same with for all Community-Members)

cordial Regards

I must same to work and come unfortunately over the reading the first Satzes not any more out...
response can So one couple days last.

what should I say, I have one Topic what utterly differently is as Topics The here treats go.
I can always only ask questions and nothing contribute .And if I something had then can it nobody use, there it on GDL hardware basiert and a Spaghetticode reinstem Profan is.

just as goes it to you on your area.Fachgebiete wovon I no Idea have and me my, now God Thanks stabiles system, not any more zerschiessen would like.look still your Votings on, most know none circa what it with your Topics goes.
If I still under Members The Postingeinheiten the individual 600 Members ansehe .........

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

my son has high fever and my woman is with it to that Notarzt drove, therefore have I The Postings here only short überflogen.

yet time To dolls and Bauklötzen...
for me there two different types of Betriebssystemen:
not NT-based systems = windows95/98/ME
NT-based systems = WindowsNT/2000/XP

where it two different types of Betriebsystemen gives, there for me too two different types To program:
program for NT (Have I time Bauklötze called)
program for not-NT (Have I time dolls called)

who itself mainly with GDI or 3D engage and the fact uses, the anyhow eachone as Admin on seinem computer on the way is, must itself circa NT-Programming not absolutely concern and can without Problems so go on, How under windows98 - who on the dearest with dolls game, interested itself means evtl. for Bauklötze none (the must neither his, eachone has others interests).

Programming with Native-APIs and Specifically Treiberprogrammierung is NT-Programming purely - the Sicherheitssystem, Accounts and Privilegien find there application. his know Windows98 one To one there To take and so To do, as had itself nothing changed, is there well only heavy possible.

I personally have no künstlerisches talent to that create spezieller GDI-surfaces. If I something on my manner nachschreiben would, the it already 10.000 time in unterschiedlichen versions gives, would my Program on jedenfall the latest, what someone benefit would .
I have me therefore for NT-Programming decided -> there there without further The Possibility, things To write, The it yet none or only 1-2x world-wide gives.

i want a lane weg, the me over The Treiberprogrammierung as tool there To größtmöglichem understanding from the lead, what there in memory of NT-Systemen vorgeht.

here in the Forum shining in the moment no interest on NT-Programming To consist - to that a watts me the already confirm, to that anf´deren I see the on whom Kommentaren To my Programs. of course is it too time integrally jolly, [...]  To lead, on duration is the but still quite flavorless. I Search (were) means (on) somebody, the into same direction goes - somebody, the one with itself replace and from the you definitely too learn can.

what I on the dearest do would, is the Native-APIs into API Library take and possible spartanischen Quelltexten furnish - I with of/ one only APi but (überschlagen) up to 300 (or more?) different Parameter and Members of Structures explain should (and Explanations first once find should), have I me already abgeschminkt.

would be I mean Bauklötze (finished Quelltextbausteine, The something besonderes can) here to give away, would then The people, of them I faith, that tappt im dunkeln Perhaps sometime once Lunte smell go, really the Puppenspielen forsaking and to that Türmchenbauen pass over???

I faith , my Bausteine would plenty sooner in anybody Puppenstube vanish, where tappt im dunkeln as chair or table serve. Since I but a Türmchenbauer Search, is it of my opinion to much better To show How one Türmchen building and first then my stones from the hand To give, if another starting, self small Türmchen To building. I Have Time and can Waiting - and to hardship lead I moreover Selbstgespräche .

@Carlo: very so is the planned.

@Michael:´Mit Feedback give I not pleased - i will replacement. of/ one asks, of/ one answer and by the answer the question sustain derjenige, the The question answers a new Sichtweise the trouble on itself and learn moreover.



would be I mean Bauklötze (finished Quelltextbausteine, The something besonderes can) here to give away, would then The people, of them I faith, that tappt im dunkeln Perhaps sometime once Lunte smell go, really the Puppenspielen forsaking and to that Türmchenbauen pass over???

Yes, one part sure. You points still - oohhh wassn the - boar the power Yes fun - what gehtn there yet??? - if you already of Bauklötzern redest then points You still too the Programmierchildren so gladly play... at that play comes then the interest - or ebend not - but without play...

and Yes, to give away very - we beschenken us here with gegenseitigen a) Experience and b) Quelltexten. If it only circa a) went hiesse The Page XProfan-Experiences.com

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I have time to that einfachen Anklicken here following Page prepares: [...] 

<offtopic>Hey The Textblockfunktion hats still: [tb]minimalbeispiel[/tb]</offtopic>

Since The Discussion always around the same chilly coffee turn, schließe I the now here time ex. Source have I enough to NT-Programming posted - integral More, as somewhere in others Forums these manner steht; programs to that play ditto => I have means already enough and to spare Steinchen distributed - interest is insgesammt No, and the I will neither hervorzaubern can.

Perhaps has Yes sometime someone time the want, programs for WindowsXP write To must and not for windows98 or DOS - and there help I then gladly (so far I can) moreover.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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