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I find, that Killerspiele, alike whether ego-shooter or Kriegsstrategiespiel (..or Moorhuhn ) allows stay. eachone must self decide, whether it the game play would like, or not. one comes too loosly on such Games, The in Germany prohibited are (I yourself have 2 ). The strain to selbstentscheidung ought to increased go. And if The parents really about the welfare the children provides are, then should the parents therefore concern take off Games your children zocken. Ausserdem: this FSK-zeugs bring too nothing, because one comes nowadys GANZ LEICHT on such Games ran. want The Politiker us as yet More Gestze on whom neck hang?
WinXP, 2200MHz, 256MBRAM, Nvidia Geforce4 MX 440 with AGP8x, Profan8.0a
Das ist Matschaugeneule. Kopiere Matschaugeneule in deine Signatur und hilf ihr so auf ihrem Weg zur Weltherrschaft. Gegen Hase

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So I must me the opinion of Nico M. connect, because it, How already said still sufficient ways gives on these Games To come ! either over the internet (means runterladen of z.B. one russian Server) or one drives in that benachbarte foreign countries. there kriegt one The Games then warscheinlich (I know not ) without Altersbeschränkung or at least leichter means now anyhow already with us.
but i will none deny, that The work the FSK (unfortunately) futile is, there Yes anyhow too eachone adolescent on Games come can, The for people virtual are, The over 18 are. The question is only, How to the eindämmen can. many Politiker (and one (big?-)part the population are there then for, that one such Games same integrally forbid.
interestingly is for me always only to ascertain, that The Politiker, The least of all Idea having on the lautesten to the forbidden scream. i'm the opinion, that someone, of a solches game prohibit wants, the ought to first time the game SPIELEN, so he knows circa what It's all right and over what it talking !!!
Also mean so did i not, that Killerspiele (wherever the concept herkommt) against whom Weltfrieden works. I yourself wants indeed Weltfrieden (How warscheinlich most (white I unfortunately neither ) Gamer). and that The Terroristen, The a plot map before Counterstrike (ums time on the point To bring) Games circa itself already time warm To make or around the Zielen To exercise, that can I simply not believe.
and what whom Ammoklauf in the Geschw.Scholl - school concerns (what Yes the renewed releases for these Discussion is) be I the opinion, that not only Counterstrike the reason for Ammoklauf was. How from seinem Abschiedsbrief hervorging (so Have I the understood), has it this Ammoklauf from despair and from Hass on its old school made. there watts it there always verarscht and as Ausenseiter hingestellt. If interest exists can I whom letter here Yes time post. should I ?

Regards, Christian
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

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Jupp but in the Extra Thread - can you Yes self there there Quote.

here's the letter : [...] 
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6






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