
Textbook at all erwünscht?

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emerged from:  [...]  and  [...] 
Since the manuals in the Wiki now still to a further Online-Helpfile develops ought to one further book as Textbook aufgebaut go.

- rewards itself the hoisted at all?
- gives it as a want?
- gives it somebody the mitmacht?

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

with Textbook my I a guide The really with zero begins in Profan. so these Language too really each laymen verständlich declared becomes.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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Dietmar horn

if Roland its for XProfan 11 angekündigten Grausamkeiten (Killing-festival, How in OGL-Basic already implied) verwirklichen ought to, wären again künstlerisch gifted talents demand!



everything still semi so wild - because with of/ one Kompatiblitätsinclude everything slight überbrückbar. z.B. something like here:
proc add

    parameters l1!,l2!
    return l1!+l2!




nevertheless would it plenty angry I ahne already a further battle, the whom circa wend and goto yet exceeding becomes.
Nico Madysa


Who because there into Nutzungsbestimmungen reingeschrieben:
"Beim Topic stay!"?

to that Topic Profan-Textbook:
In one Digialen document can it itself hold still rather take after as in a gedruckten and it can anytime upgedatet and be any can thereby give a hand. Also is a Druckerzeugnis integral teuerer. therefore would sooner of it abzuraten.
Xprofan10 auf WIN XP SP2

books are but angenehmer To reading.

P.s.: and you are sure not Leonidas of Sparta?
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

Marius Funk
Who because there into Nutzungsbestimmungen reingeschrieben:
"Beim Topic stay!"?

the must unklaren Verstandes happens his!

I love it, Manuals and Gebrauchsanleitungen To reading. as i me then The first Profanversion bought have, empfand I it seehr useful, one gedrucktes manuals to have. with the work on the PC is it then sooner superfluously. The hlp-File is then still faster and praktischer with the whole Verlinkungen.
for Beginner means utterly JA. but probably reads anyhow no Beginner drin. otherwise would not so many ask come along, The in the Help answers are.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Jörg Sellmeyer
for Beginner means utterly JA. but probably reads anyhow no Beginner drin. otherwise would not so many ask come along, The in the Help answers are.

i think already that in a gedruckten manuals More Beginner reading would as in a Help File.
i'd me the manuals anyway immediate buy.

because with a gedruckten book can I too well and gladly circa midnight several hours spend.
on the PC is the in the first not so well for eyes and Back, secondly is not so cosy and drittens isn't so Energiesparsam.

there voice so did i To.
for in the evening, so as bed - reading, would it well.
me would though already The Profan - Help
as druckbare PDF with pages-Nummerierung wealthy.
ought to then but too one table of contents and have
as DIN A 5 druckbar his.
Have so one unit, with the one The leaves then punch
and then with a Platikrücken (with wrestling) link
Wir sind die XProfaner.
Sie werden von uns assimiliert.
Widerstand ist zwecklos!
Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.

Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange.

Hello together,

To this Topic can I not avoid, my mustard over again dazuzugeben!

In first line for my courses I had into past years number of times attempt taken, a manner "XProfan-Lehrbuch" to develop. an something ältere Version or. The Anfänge of it are in the "XProfan-Manager" as PDF-File include (MMJ-basic course, part 1). Hierbei set I quick solid, that the in the running the Time so komplex becomes, that the of a XProfan on my own hardly To bewältigen is. and Mitstreiter to find, The not only of Fachlichen since enough Idea having, separate your know too to some extent sensible methodisch and didaktisch skillful for Beginner rüberbringen can, have I yet for a längerfristige cooperation unfortunately not yet tracking can.

Reine demonstration-Source code and the a or others Tool kriegt one against it often times zugeschickt or. can itself these by degrees yourself write or Internet zusammensuchen. from it is z.B. our meanwhile already on far over 2000 Entries angewachsene MMJ-Quellcodesammlung emerged, The I here soon finally again updaten should (integrally currently is these collection however always in the actually XProfan-manager include).

Zwischenzeitlich i was time moreover übergegangen, my Kursteilnehmern To designed, relatively abgeschlossenen Topics to or. during the treatment in the course by degrees short schriftliche Zusammenfassungen To write and ausgedruckt into hand To give (always so 2 To 6 A4-pages per subscriber). the was but really superfluous work and Zeitverschwendung been, what about me have the quick again his let. because to kurzer Time found I under whom Schulbänken then my with plenty Zeitaufwand and cost erstellten Scripte carelessly weggeworfen or. liegengelassen (at least The Half the Scripte, The I seinerzeit prepares having). and the even of older Kursteilnehmern (> 35 years), The before on the most thereafter gekräht had, that it better would, as they by degrees too the most important as summary on paper get could.

now get eachone new of my Kursteilnehmer into first hours my "XProfan-Manager" copies and a small introduction to the encompassed Programmfunktionen. since then works the too without whom whole Papierkram plenty, much better and eachone subscriber has always sufficient heimisches XProfan-feed available, circa itself offline yourself with it interessierenden xprofanen things mästen to, The over The each actually Kursthemen go out.

of my opinion to are a great many (not any) Beginner or. Lernenden nowadys simply To easily, itself Vorhandenes first time yourself durchzuarbeiten and To study, because it shining them still plenty plainer and bequemer To his, here or in the RGH-Forum quick each yet so small Pups nachzufragen, though itself defined ask at least all Vierteljahre into Forums of Content since repeat, or quick yourself in the Help nachgeschlagen go could..

If I in Forum z.B. to that -zigsten Male The question read, How one in a String one characters against one other characters replace can, then sträuben itself me really slow The hairs. is it really too much desires, first time yourself in the XProfan-Help nachzuschauen: with String, Stringfunktionen and then The list go through, To one to that desired angelangt is? on the ways To Translate$ stößt one guaranteeing on further functions, which one by degrees in the back of the head festsetzen and einprägen, even if one tappt im dunkeln momentarily not yet in its own Program needed. In one Textbook could to the with the Vielzahl the XProfan-command and -functions neither plenty plainer release. in the contrary: because there still additional Explanations hinzukämen, would one solches Werk then -zig time bulkier fall out, as originale and right kompakte XProfan-Helpfile. it would means yet plenty More "Lesestoff" durchzuarbeiten.

I see with the Vielzahl the yet in the running the years about XProfan already zusammengetragenen Materials for the time being no inducement More, my Time with a nochmaligen attempt to that write one XProfan-Lehrbuches To verplempern. For this place I everything, I into last 10 To 15 years on Tools, DLLs, PCUs, INCs, demonstration-Codes, XProfan-Tutorials, Helfern etc. zusammengetragen have, each Interessenten with my XProfan-manager  [...]  available.

who really as utterly blutiger Beginner the program erlernen would like (and not already one or two others Programmiersprachen rule and of from there To XProfan rüberschaut or, changes), the has of these in the manager zusammengetragenem material first time a whole while enough feed, circa itself there first of all yourself reinzuknien. with one Textbook from paper would the neither plainer. without Fleiß, no Price!

ideal would naturally The Possibility, in each territory a XProfan-Programmierkurs visit to. still except with us have I a such Possibility nationwide yet nothing of it heard, though so did i by MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. here in the Community already number of times in vain to cooperation and to that Erfahrungsaustausch with others Kursleitern, Computervereinen etc. called having.

but too such course-offers go zumnehmend less used, or. many subscriber come with utterly verkorksten imaginations to that Programmierkurs. not little entrapments from all clouds, as they come along, that one one real windows-Program not a couple Mausklicks zusammenschieben can, separate there not straight little stamina, Grundwissen in maths and on logischem Denkvermögen necessary is. I had already Kursteilnehmer had (mostly older Semesters), The had itself XProfan first to 4 weeks finally(!) on ihren häuslichen PC copies and reported me proud, that tappt im dunkeln itself now on each Sonntagvormittag two hours long between breakfast and Gänsebraten with XProfan keep busy go, around the in the course learned "nachzuarbeiten". moreover said I them then not any more plenty and thought me rather my part ...

One yet so umfangreiches XProfan-Textbook would such pseudo-Programmierern guaranteeing neither Real help on, and it would solely pity around the many Time and trouble, which a couple little XProfan in her free time so given hätten.

and as Bereitschaft by erfahrener XProfan looks, on such, something more Projekten yourself a longer period intensiver mitzuarbeiten, the having we here in the Community already on several started Projekten seen (not only XProfan-Textbook - too such things How Online-Doku, deutschsprachige API-collection, etc.). initially was always large elation angesagt been - but already to few weeks or Monaten tendierte The elation and Mitarbeit mostly for good against zero. Looks you time the umfangreiche, yet already in ours XProfan-WIKI zusammengetragene know on.

One 500 pages starkes XProfan-Textbook from paper had I of course ditto gladly (and 500 pages wären for sooner plenty To concise, as To plenty angesetzt - for a unfangreicheres Textbook should well sooner 2 or 3 such Volumes veranschlagt go). still who should itself there as Einzelkämpfer in its free time The to give trouble, if it befürchten must, too yet on the reinen pressure- and Bindekosten sitzenzubleiben, The it before first time private invest and tile must? and there currently at all at least 500 or 1000 XProfan, The ready wären, for such Werk 15, 20 or 30 Euro auszugeben, if one The each latest XProfan-Full Version already for ca. 60 Euro To buy get and thereafter all 1 - 2 years with only ca. 20 Euro always currently stay can?

in the XProfan-manager are currently over 25 Grundkurse To Topics around Profan² and XProfan include, and at least as much To others Programmiersprachen (where one ditto a crowd for the program with XProfan abschauen can). the might not only for bloody Programmieranfänger a whole while material to that Durcharbeiten his. and who would like, the can itself the naturally too yourself print out and itself everything unters pillow lay, if it means, that it it weiterhilft.

but Fakt is and remaining it troztdem, that one without Own efforts, as well as without own Grübeln, Basteln and try at program not to that gewünschen target comes. such Hilfestellungen How z.B. our Community can always only additional Hilfestellungen to Selbsthilfe with designed Problemlösungen his. still hierbei ought to sometimes not overlooking go, that we the ditto everything only in ours free time and honorary make and already of therefore often on (mostly mere temporal) border prod.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Christof Neuß06/25/18


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