
Wend lane?!?!


Roland has to Kurzem angekündigt, that The Operators-functions (@Add,@Sub,etc.) ex XProfan11 wegfallen go.
Beautiful - is me sausage.

but the wend to the antiquated command counts - and former or later wegfallen becomes - the goes me still a little bit on the stomach.
therefore I will now time these survey here started. whether I the progress to put and me adjust should, or whether here Äquivalent to Goto-loveaffair( ) arise.

I hope, here take as many as possible people part - so one possible wide gefächertes Image the XProfan-opinion arise.

for any The no idea having, worums goes:
Currently can instead of While(hardship)...EndWhile too While(hardship)...wend write, what itself Yes with XProfan 12/13/14/... Change should.
Nico Madysa

me ists alike, obs remaining or wegkommt. as far as I'm concerned can The whole middle-aged command lane, the bring sure something performance and less Speicherverbrauch the EXE and PRC. or the Compiler Translated the automatically into new shape, the would on the idealsten: abwärtskompatibel and still slippy. Yes, the would well!
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

there Wend exakt the EndWhile corresponds to, becomes no Exe small through omit. solely Compiler and Interpreter a couple byte

but the omit the middle-aged functions How @Add() @Sub etc. go for smaller ones Runtime and Exe care

Irgendwas becomes already any advantages bring.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

Hm ok means I likes wend, endwhile isn't so quick To type and sees additionally stupid from. Yes it sees stupid from should Source stupid looks? Roland becomes warscheinlich the wend - independent to this survey abolish. but this is still not at all bad! I write simply moreover wend, xpse Better get going already richten. If xpse as Compiler indicated is need wend Yes not yellow hinterlegt go, likewise The createbefehle. so!


really is me the too alike, whether the Wend now remaining, or not, because with Search-supplant can its Codes Yes slight adjust.

that the Operators-functions wegfallen should, the disturbing me already sooner. I can the really soon not any more understand, Why it regularly To such and ähnlichen Ankündigungen come must, The To Inkompatibilitäten with older Codes lead. there could one Yes saponaceous suppose, that it really only a hand voller XProfan gives, The your programs over several years away cherish and weiterentwickeln. sure could one itself there then again couple Own functions write and Search-supplant its Codes adjust. still a right sense can I on it not discern.

there would I it already for zukunftsträchtiger erachten, sometime ex XProfan 11 or 12 or 13 a real incision To make and erbarmungslos all Altlasten To Remove, what of my opinion to already long ago overdue is (and not one year 5 or 7 command lane, and in the next year then again couple ältere command, etc.). in the amount would the then probably certainly to a spürbaren Geschwindigkeitssteigerung lead. with this opportunity could then too The angestaubten vorgefertigten dialogs and icons from Interpreter and Runtime finally gekillt and / or updates, as well as The maximum possible Zeilenzahl moreover increased go. clear go there now same again some with the Reshacker come and say, that one itself so its Ressourcen Yes yourself adjust can. still if already time a Generalüberholung in forward line taken becomes, then ought to the of my Erachtens not only with of/ one small Durchsicht with a couple Verschleißreparaturen hängenbleiben. integrally under the Motto: rather one end with terror, as one terror without end!.

if prospective Perhaps too another new Compiler daherkommt, the nativen code created, would The thing really round. and such things How XPSE, XPIA and ROC should then too same fix and ready into new XProfan installed his, very How z.B. all Funktionalitäten from such DLLs, How SK*.DLLs and another couple More, as well as without exception all iF- and A.-Miethe-Units, u.ä. - means everything the, what itself in the running the last years as standard for XProfan-Programmer etabliert has finally under a Haube bring.

if need be there then even erstmals not 1-Jahresabständen one new XProfan-Update, separate first to 2 or 3 years, To the everything eingetütet is. whether the then the names XProfan stay, or The entire runderneuerte Version then in XProfan-Professional, XXL-Profane or sonstwie umbenannt becomes, the would then secondary. Perhaps could The Umstellung on 64-bit-XProfan yes a würdiger occasion for a such Generalüberholung his, like then the incision between Profan² 4.5 and Profan² 5.0 (or. the plunge of 16 bit to 32 bit)?

the adjust (or utterly Neuschreiben) älterer Codes would then a einmalige trouble, the itself probably eachone gladly unterziehen would, if therefore its XPRF-programs on speed getrimmt and (with einfachen standard-PRF-command) one aktuelleres outfit get go.

One angenehmer Nebeneffekt would then sure too, that not each year such Diskussionen aufkommen and Heiko R. not regularly To its guitar grab should, circa new protest-Songs To erschaffen (see GoTo-Song).

likes his, that I again something far from the Window leant have, but exercises Please Perhaps something clemency with such one middle-aged and senilen Hörnchen How me ...


@Nico: can it his, that your bunny one on The nut get has? somehow has the Vieh a something tumid look. if it sometime too yet one aufs others eye kriegt, then sähe it sooner from as an Eule (or How iFs fettes Karnickel) ...
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

what the tatsächliche and engültige Wegfallen of Keywörtern concerns, time a Klarstellung:

with whom Keywörtern, The intern already now weggefallen are and of integrierten Precompiler in Interpreter and Compiler into actually Syntax Translated go, exists for the time being no menace. the concerns means in the integral The Createxxx- and dBxxx-functions and WEND, but too SET-command or whom Messagebox-commands, the by the gleichnamige function supplant becomes. (in the Help XProfan 10 I will The list the antiquated Keywords for a mark strain, from the hervorgeht, which this Keywords of internen Precompiler treats go.) here exists means so quick small constraint, hereon To dispense. whom friendly yellow Info can in this Make means ignore.

in the Help I will The antiquated Keywords but not any more allude, there it straight for a Neueinsteiger verwirrend is, if it for a and dieselbe Funktionalität on several command and functions gives or several shape the Syntax possible are.

something other are to that example, The functions, The through Operators supplant get. The go in XProfan 11 definitiv not any more present his and to a conscience Verschlankung the Runtime lead.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

over again: Dass The Operators-functions wegfallen, goes me, sincere said, on the *piep* past (Tschuldigung Dietmar).

@RGH: You can still the wend z.B. furthermore in the reference To while/whileloop allude - otherwise know advanced Beginner end not at all, that it so what at all gives!

@Dietmar: champion lamp is aufm lane to work time the Isegrim encountered...
Nico Madysa

[quote:a95660b9eb]@RGH: You can still the wend z.B. furthermore in the reference To while/whileloop allude - otherwise know advanced Beginner end not at all, that it so what at all gives![/quote:a95660b9eb]
therefore goes it Yes, Nico. its planned, it sometime once integrally wegzumachen. before becomes But Schonmal well cache, so Neulinge none first begin, it To using. Sodass end only yet little Source code changed go must, if it integrally weggefallen is. I stops the for a reasonable practice.

[quote:abc6b29afe]champion lamp is aufm lane to work time ...[/quote:abc6b29afe]
alas herje, what about me thought this is one Pokemon...
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

there standing still clear and deutlisch drunter: this is bunny
Nico Madysa

Tschuldige, I had only yet the Weltherrschaft in recollection and the together with the Image...

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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