
what would if The XProfan.Exe Freeware would?

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what would if The XProfan.Exe Freeware would?

The question set I me strain...

one could these into own Programs use circa z.B. a Untersprache anzubieten - or circa freiprogrammierbare Plugins produce.

here goes it only around the Interpreter!

it would too so the so some for the time being on the buy of XProfan and would give with the XProfan.Exe would program - and then but Profan.Exe with Prf transmit should.


a) The Prf-Files (The Source) would itself More get around - on Rechnern of not-program. The Profan.Exe-User would itself warscheinlich a Exe building let (ne or in an emergency bat) The his Program with the Profan.Exe same aufruft. it know but the its Version runs more slowly as a compiled Version

b) one could XProfan simply transmit - and of course not only a eingeschränkte Version - separate a Full Version the Profan.Exe. (sound simply rather!)

c) Roland had it plainer because to that buy were it hold only whom Compiler. it would so a Freewareprogrammiersprache (plenty more currency) where one solely The option has too a ExeKompiler buy to so The own programs hold faster are and without code delivered go can.

XProfan self would not at all More commercial (what many abschreckt) separate solely the Compiler.

would be then so looks:

Download XProfan 10 Full Version
Buy XProfan Compiler (Optional)

If Roland the interestingly finds then would so did i suggest The weitergabeerlaubte Profan.Exe in XProfan.Exe umzubenennen. ;)

what means your lieg I wrong?

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Why are You against it Michael?


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having I really on against it pressed?
then was is probably the fear, that XProfan some point no longer weiterentwickelt becomes.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Michael Wodrich
having I really on against it pressed?
then was is probably the fear, that XProfan some point no longer weiterentwickelt becomes.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

Öhm then have You faith I the Thread not at all red. It's all right only around the Profan.Exe - not around the XProfan.



... XProfan would The best Free windows-Batch-Language which hopefully even companies benefit.

I mean so would it explicit plainer for XProfan itself durchzusetzen.

File extension: xprf

Since I even unfortunately from the Posting [...] 

one could the too with a couple Lines XProfan manage, So one addFile "*.*" with loadpic, savepic(..jpg) and following ftp(..., so one "20-Zeiler" hold. ^^

Remove had because X10 no savePic knows, shows Perhaps again, wieso this Thread emerged was.

Why not always neuester Interpreter+Help Freeware? (gives it a better advertisement?)

i'm for, simply because it The currency of XProfan further would, of my opinion to. most want what to that "anfassen" and try. XProfan User wären too standfester in her argument to others as they what vorweisen could, so under the Motto "wenn You I do not believe probiers still selbst".

your Ronny.

iF, Beitrag=54239, Zeitpunkt=12.09.2009
Since I even unfortunately from the Posting [...] 
iF, Beitrag=54239, Zeitpunkt=12.09.2009
one could the too with a couple Lines XProfan manage, So one addFile "*.*" with loadpic, savepic(..jpg) and following ftp(..., so one "20-Zeiler" hold. ^^

Remove had because X10 no savePic knows, shows Perhaps again, wieso this Thread emerged was.

Why not always neuester Interpreter+Help Freeware? (gives it a better advertisement?)

Yes, Why reminds me too nobody on it, that it "XProfan 11 Free" as successor of "XProfan 10 Free" not yet gives? The demand shining itself Yes very in border To hold.

nevertheless: she's since today evening in the make. The Interpreter (based on the actually XProfan 11.2) is already compiled, The Anpassung of Help and Development Environment hope I until weekend hinzubekommen.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

*erinner* *erinner* *erinner*

or You make it as User (.Bots abgezogen), The in the daily average 117 times the [...]  viewing.

Hmm something Have I forget, what was that still same ...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Georg Teles05/19/14


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