competition 2010

so GEHTS...


Hello together,

our XProfan-Programmer-competition 2009 comment I herewith for eröffnet!

The competition goes of 01.01.2009 until 31.12.2009.

The regulate:

1. The Wettbewerbsprogramme are with the Programming-Language (X)Profan to create. Hierfür any generally over the internet accessible Tools, DLLs and XProfan-Units permits.

2. for the competition are ditto selbsterstellte Documentations, Help Files and other Tutorials as Einreichungen Welcome, as long as it therein with regard to content around the program with XProfan goes.

3. too of XProfan-Programs supported or. angesteuerte hardware-Solutions are as Wettbewerbsbeiträge erwünscht.

4. eachone XProfan can with discretionary many Programs on the competition participate.

5. Weder the Wettbewerbsprogramm self, another possible beiliegendes Setup-Program, must ungefragt gravierendere Changes on whom Systemeinstellungen the Anwenders distinguished.

6. the finished Wettbewerbsprogramm is as ZIP-archive into Wettbewerbsbereich to upload.

7. eachone Author must his Program until end the Wettbewerbes as often as you like update.

The rating the eingereichten programs becomes zeitnah To at the latest end february 2010 erfolgen.

The Wettbewerbs-Jury exists from experienced XProfan-Programmierern. who ditto in the Jury mitwirken would like and here in ours Community verifiziert is, the möge itself Please with David (iF) or me by Mail report.

in the welt ours Opportunities can The Programmierleistung the Authors to the Wettbewerbsauswertung with Preisen of XProfan-Sponsoren acknowledged and gewürdigt go. One einklagbarer legal claim on a possible won Wettbewerbs-Price exists however not!

we wish all XProfanern zündende ideas and plenty success with the Creation yours Wettbewerbsprogramme!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

only a small question, because I find, that itself two testify bar...

here becomes said:

1. The Wettbewerbsprogramme are with the Programming-Language XProfan to create. Hierfür any generally over the internet accessible Tools, DLLs and XProfan-Units permits.

with whom Bewertungskriterien for Jury becomes said:

Includes, Units, DLLs (means INC-, PCU- and DLL-Dateien; must not zwangsweise with XProfan written been his)

whatever now? only only in XProfan prepares or z.B. Dlls in a Fremdsprache?
I had the bislang always so understood, that either in XProfan, or for einfacheren Use with XProfan program go must. the would too Exedateien in a others Programmsprache not bar. still are Documentations too almost never in XProfan prepares been. Please time circa resolution...

i see the so, that one in XProfan geschriebenes Program, a in XProfan written class or Unit thoroughly too z.B. DLLs benefit must, The ihrerseits not XProfan written are. (Includes and Units, The not XProfan written are, can of my Wissens XProfan eh not use.)

one möge me correct, if I me crazy.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


Yes, so How Roland it words has, is it meinereseits too meant been. Sorry! i'm and stay now even times for whom remainder the me on this world yet verbleibenden couple days only one klitzekleines Blödhörnchen, which sometimes not far and vorausschauend enough circa each corner look can, so not in each the behind it aufgestellten Fettnäpfchen reinlatscht. nevertheless can Blödhörnchens withal their biblischen Alters oftmals yet vigorously enough zubeißen, if one tappt im dunkeln only long enough fuming. who not believes, the möge itself dbzgl. with our MMJ-people erkundigen, or it hereon arrive let.

really have I personally in the Innersten anyhow always something against too gaze and monströse Regelwerke. but because the nowadys in ours überbürokratisierten fellowship now time so normally To his shining, have I nevertheless something like attempts zusammenzuschustern. alike, How one it words, one becomes sure always something find, what as long as auseinanderpflücken can, To one any scheinbaren Widersprüche finds. means see this rule-Dingsbums Please not as too starres and unveränderliches Gebilde on. in the individual case can still reasonable final decisions meet, if it then really necessary his ought to.

1. The Wettbewerbsprogramme are with the Programming-Language XProfan to create

really is this first set already Blödsinn, How I straight at Nachlesen fixes have. Why ought to z.B. not someone with a nachgebauten send, updated and C or Delphi programmierten PrFellow on the competition participate can? sometimes be I unfortunately even still To stupid, right Formulierungen to find. I wanted to solely prevent, that here as Wettbewerbsbeitrag one in C or Assembler geschriebenes Program or Tool auftaucht, which utterly quite none reference To XProfan has - not any more, but neither less.

an large public Regeldiskussion wished I this time of beginning on aware avoid, because one there of Hundertsten in that thousands of comes (as past tense here in ours Community often viewed has), and to weeks and Monaten meets one itself then anyhow mostly again on the starting point as kleinsten joint denominator again.

if it real obscurities give ought to, everybody can not vorhersehen could, becomes The Jury decide, How moreover vorzugehen is. if the Jury against expect ditto not some can, then entscheide I for good, so the competition at all first time go on can. if itself my decision in the Nachhinein viewing then really as weltfremd and wrong herausgestellt having ought to, then can I these still correct, or your can me public zerfleischen and entmachten, or anything else in the direction.

In ours small, but swell MMJ-Computervereins-Truppe must it ditto a waiter-guru or Leithammel give, so The Karre not in that utterly chaos reinfährt, To the majority not any more wohlfühlt. or so go wrong Entscheidungsträger someone konkret to that wallop having, if really time someone from the Truppe in its jugendlichen Übereifer unintentionally real shit to that disadvantage the whole Meute built having ought to. I have my opinion already now and than as an afterthought correct must, and thereby is me yet yet never one jags from the crown fallen.

we should means rather with the program the 2009-it Wettbewerbsprogramme first time begin and not now already over ungelegte eggs talk. For this is possibly still Time, To sufficient eggs for scrambled eggs present are. but To 99% solve itself artificially engineering Haarspaltereien in the practice with vernünftigem gegenseitigen together anyhow of yourself in hot breeze on.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

naturally. i was only at reading in that prune get and wished hold inquiries. otherwise is the Regelwerk still well so and certainly not To pedantisch.

Includes and Units, The not XProfan written are, can of my Wissens XProfan eh not use



Peter Bierbachh
Peter Bierbachh
Includes and Units, The not XProfan written are, can of my Wissens XProfan eh not use



well Yes, at least Include can thoroughly XPIA-Assemblercodes include.

in the point 1., think I, is (X)Profan appropriate, not that The Freeversionen 6.6 and 7 itself impossible feel. whether at BS a default necessary is? DOS- and Linux-programs go well hardly come along.
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

thanks for Notes. I habs in the Eröffnungsposting straight changed.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Thomas suitor
in the point 1., think I, is (X)Profan appropriate, not that The Freeversionen 6.6 and 7 itself impossible feel. whether at B s a default necessary is? DOS- and Linux-programs go well hardly come along.

The actually Freeware-Version is 7.6a!

there it The for everyone gives, ought to it none reason give, a ältere Version To use.
(and everything, what under 7.6a runs, ought to unchanged too under 11.1 walk.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Julian Schmidt08/16/11


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